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JoinedPosts by bsmart
by so confused inthis weekend my husband got a call from his brother stating his family do not want to hang out with us anymore because we make them feel uncomfortable.
i think my husband was a little shocked and did not say much.
i'm not sure if my in laws feel the same way we will find out on friday our usual family dinner day.. so its only tuesday but looks like a productive and better week so far.
Grammer Fer Idiots
by Farkel inending a sentence in a proposition can get a guy slapped a who bunch of times.. conjugating stuff should only be done in a proper marriage.. a split infinity leads to babies.. gerunds are little animals certain movie stars put in places where the sun don't shine.. transitive refers to people who live under bridges.. intransitive refers to people who live in houses.. double life imprisonment is a compound sentence for really bad guys.. a compound/complex sentence is almost the same thing, but the judge was on drugs and didn't have a clue when he issued it.. parsing a sentence should only be performed by people who don't have a clue what they are doing.. an example of a propositional phrase is "hey babe!
your place or mine?".
alliteration is what happens when a whole bunch of people toss garbage out of their car windows on the highway.. punctuation is what every 14 year old boy wants to do to every 14 year old girl and every other female on the planet for that matter.. using a semi-colon in a sentence is the same thing as using a period, except it isn't.. using a colon is something best done in private.. most people, use commas, way too much, and this, should be, avoided, however.. exclamation marks should be used sparingly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I'v seen a couple of those before, love your version.
You Live in California when...
by AlanF inyou live in california when.... 1. you make over $250,000 and you still can't afford to buy a house.. 2. the high school quarterback calls a time-out to answer his cell phone.. 3. the fastest part of your commute is going down your driveway.. 4. you know how to eat an artichoke.. 5. you drive your rented mercedes to your neighborhood block party.. 6. when someone asks you how far something is, you tell them how long it will .
take to get there rather than how many miles away it is.. .
you live in new york city when.... 1. you say "the city" and expect everyone to know you mean manhattan.. 2. you have never been to the statue of liberty or the empire state building.
bumping this to the top for the newbies
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Introduction / My story
by theBGB inhello all, i've just discovered this site and i cant begin to describe how happy i am to have come across it.
i stumbled across this site purely by accident...seriously i was looking at arkham city walkthoughs and a few jumps later i end up here.
i though it was a legit society page at first and thought 'what the hell, this will be good for a laugh', but after reading a few posts well...i couldnt stop reading.
if you look at the top corner of your post there is a pencil, click on it within a half hour of the post and you can still edit. By the way, WELCOME!
Could anyone take up Christopher Hitchens Job?
by heavenlyfather incan anyone take up hitchen's job and make it a carrer?.
publicly criticising religion and debating religion apologetics.
does anyone have that kind of passion?..
career? he probably doubled the "r" instead of the "e"
by compound complex indear friends,.
much of what we do on a daily basis is routine and of no particular, earth-shaking importance.
however, after reviewing letters of family going back to wwii, it is fascinating to read what dad was doing on board the aircraft carrier in the pacific on any old day, what mom was cooking on her ever-steaming range, how i was dealing with the roller coaster of emotion at bethel [mom saved all my letters], how nana wrote that she would not study with the witnesses [per my request] but 'here are some mittens i knitted for you when you canvass new york with your magazines.
Ever hear of a garage sale? if the sale is in the yard..its a yard sale....attending same is going yard sailing. especially if you make a morning of it. With gas prices so high, I don't do it so much these days.
Diseases that force you to violate Jehovah's commands
by rebel8 ina few days ago i ate a corn nut that was kind of sharp.
it made a very tiny scratch on my tongue the size of a period (.).
i have a bleeding disorder so it bled for 3 hours.
Would they expect someone on a wheelchair to go out and preach?
yes, I knew a paralized man who had his daughter fill out his time slip.
New Rumor: Downsizing Circuits/Assemblies
by metatron inheard a new rumor that:.
the borg is going to phase out big district assemblies - so they can fit 'em in assembly halls.. they will reduce the size of circuits.
they will synchronize c.o.
Who said "if Jehovah ever stopped the money from flowing they should cease printing"?
If my memory is correct, that was none other than Charles Taze Russell.
What's Your Status? Are You Technically Still A JW?...
by minimus inare you disfellowshipped, disassociated, active, inactive???
Born in, never dipped...
Amelia, your daughters older sister? Is this a complicated family relationship, or also your daughter??? enquiring minds and all! lol, None of my business I know.