My mom was one of the crazier ones, I think. Friends of mine STILL have horror stories about her, because often she didn't even care who was watching. If she was upset at me when friends or other JWs were over at the house, she'd pull off my pants and beat me with a spatula right in front of them. It didn't matter how old they were, whether they were male or female, or even how old I was. When you're 17 and your mommy's still "spanking" you in public, then you know you've hit rock bottom. It was humiliating. I left home twice, at 15 and 17, and she sent the police to bring me back both times. I moved out pretty much as soon as I turned 18.
But yup, it was my choice to be a Witness. I was 12. Old enough to know exactly what I was doing...I certainly wasn't getting baptized because I hoped it would magically make Jehovah fix me and my life or anything...