You were right about the notorious bit.
No Longer Held Captive
JoinedPosts by No Longer Held Captive
Why Joe Rutherford was a "JUDGE"?
by Albert Einstein innever found an answer to that.. was he really a judge for some time?
how do you get such title?
was it legal for him to use it?.
Why Joe Rutherford was a "JUDGE"?
by Albert Einstein innever found an answer to that.. was he really a judge for some time?
how do you get such title?
was it legal for him to use it?.
No Longer Held Captive
They have the cheek and audacity to call the catholic church a sect because the pope as its leader is in whats the differance, the wbts have always had a man in control at the top, and Rutherford was one of them, so how are they not a sect?
Did you ever feel being a JW was like ...
by sacolton inhaving a license to be a complete douchebag to others?
it did for me.
i could automatically judge and condemn those who i didn't know and feel superior towards "worldly" people.. .
No Longer Held Captive
Christ preached loving our neighbours, but what this cult preaches is something far more differant, and when you read the bible you will see all the contradictions between what jesus said and what these people actually do, and in judicial meetings, or shepherding, they tend to pull out awake and watchtower magazines and point to what their self appointed fds have said, and dont open the bible.
Jesus really rattled the pharisees over their ways, because he said, they were placing burdens on the backs of people that they themselves were not willing to touch, and by means of their self made laws, they made the word of God invalid. So, when so called "worldlies" see this, take note, its not soon after that they wish no more association, but more brain dead ones accept all these teachings without reserve. And these self/man made laws have destroyed the lives of many, they have caused untold harm in the destruction of young innocent lives of abused persons, they have divided families and ruined marriages, things which I am sure have never come up into Jehovahs heart. My own marriage for one, was ruined by a child abusing German dub and one of his friends (GP), who still stand up to preach. And as Lady Lee, a poster on this forum, and experianced counselor would tell you, the abuser doesnt get kicked out, he just gets moved on and the abuse is just perpetuated. But, if such ones lived by real bible morals and principles, then of course we wouldnt be on this board and writing and complaining all about it continuously.
Paul said something about worldly people living according to the law, though not having it, but they have it written in their hearts. Even in Jerimiah, I think, there is this illustration about ebedmelech, he held fast to the law of his forefathers and didnt deviate from it, yet the unruly and wayward pharisees of Gods house didnt even respect the law of moses, or the one who had given this law to moses. The real worldly ones are JWS, and the longer you spend time with them, then you will see this how they bend and twist everything to suit themselves. They talk about keeping the congregations clean, so how does the child abuse scandals, the UN affair etc figure into keeping things clean?
Sorry, I just dont buy it anymore, and if you are to love your neighbour as yourself, then you should do it, how is shunning and avoiding worldly people love? and besides, during the time when there was no rain and famine in Israel for 3.5 years, Elijah went and resided with a Samaritan widow, and this rattled the pharisees when jesus recounted this to them, so make your mind over by what really is the perfect and acceptable will of God, and not that of any man or organised religion.
So, "worldly" people, well I would forget that misused adjective, and just see people as they are, and in the "world", there are people who do have way by far better qualities than any dubs, and if you get into that club, well the chances are their ways and views concerning the world and people in it will rub off real quick, and remember jesus condems this, and in the book of james, it is condemed the looking down on the poorer person, as the bible says, there is no partiality with God, for it is the very will of God that all come to know him and attain everlasting life, so how can people come to know him when people like the dubs have this attitude? Their works can really be seen through the faith they demonstrate, and its not a good one.
Dgp was right, he said in another posting about trolls and use of theocratic warfare to pick fights-dear friend, just forget it, walk away from such nonsense and view them as weaker persons that have no skills in communicating with others, so they resort to their covert, yet very subtle threats, christ didnt do it, and his followers should follow suit.
Why Joe Rutherford was a "JUDGE"?
by Albert Einstein innever found an answer to that.. was he really a judge for some time?
how do you get such title?
was it legal for him to use it?.
No Longer Held Captive
No he wasnt, he made up that title and gave it to himself, and whats more had a house built with dubs money and made the deeds out to Elijah, Moses and Enoch, the house was called Beth Serim. Like all other wbts blunders, it was a white elephant and the wbts sold it off after Rutherford died.
Did you ever feel being a JW was like ...
by sacolton inhaving a license to be a complete douchebag to others?
it did for me.
i could automatically judge and condemn those who i didn't know and feel superior towards "worldly" people.. .
No Longer Held Captive
No, I never treated other people badly, but always had niggly naggly feelings that somehow it wasnt alright, being in the organisation, then there was the ever changing theology, how the y spoke of others outside, how they spoke of people on the inside and behind their backs, the mind control stuff, like when you brought the subject of wrongdoing up on part of an elder, like it wasnt allowed. I lost my family through it, they are still in, we are seperated. But, there is worse stuff than that.
I always felt like shit at the meetings, never refreshed, and it was always the same old drivel, and i dreaded going to the meetings, and felt, that "worldy" people had so much better qualities, that they were somehow for real, instead of the plastic dummies in the borg.
I wish now i never got involved, its like a bad dream, only, some things still remain, and I am not over a lot of stuff yet.
Faithful and Discreet Slave
by stillin ini'm sure that this has been discussed before, but bear with me while i share my little insight.. the scripture about the fds is found in jesus description of the last days in matthew 24. not in mark 13, nor luke 21. those other writers didn't consider it important enough to include it in their writings.
it is the only mention, as far as i know, of any such "arrangement," yet on face value, if you are just reading the bible, it seems more like one of jesus' thought-provoking rhetorical questions, rather than a part of the sign of the last days.
no "two or three witnesses," yet this one scripture has become a rallying cry for a whole religion, consisting of millions of adherents!.
No Longer Held Captive
I want to follow on from what Billys said here. And, again, its to do with misapplied scripture. "You are my witnesses", we all know this one, but is it really applied to the wbts? I think, when jehovah spoke these words, he was speaking to a minority of Men that were used in declaring his words and judicial judgements against a somewhat unruly and wayward nation, and we learn in Hebrews 11 how these loyal witnesses were treated. These being part of what would make up the faithful slaves, they were sterling examples, and indeed a great cloud of witnesses to look up to. And in Matthew 23, Christ spoke how in the latter parts of the days he would raise up prophets and apostles that would call out the evils of the pharisees of the time we live in now, and how these would be like snakes that would bite them.
JWs say they are these witnesses of whom Jehovah is speaking of, but is that really so? For why would he use a people wayward and bad, and who prophesy falsely, and do all sorts of wicked things in his name? Jesus even said, that Jerusalem was the murderer and stoner of the prophets, and it hasnt changed that much. And Jesus said in Matthew 23 how the pharisees traverse land and sea to make converts like them, and when they do, make them twice as much a subject for gehenna-wouldnt you agree that the self appointed slave has done this today? and through the evil work of this very slave, the lie is perpetuated.
This faithful class are men outside of that ring, like Amos, who, in his own words, was ripped away from the sheepfold to do Gods work, these men are on the fringe, and these faithful and discreet men, are just that, faithful and discreet, and they call out Jehovahs judgements, but in a spirit of truth, and they will suffer for it.
The faithful slave, like the remnant of the 14400, they know who they are, and we are yet to see them rise as we go into the 7 year cycle time of tribulation, which becomes worse at the 2nd half, this being the great tribulation.
Robert King says that the forth coming King of Babylon conquers and destroys the holy ones? We know that the last two witnesses of this remant will be killed off, but Paul, in two places, even christ in Matt 24, tells us that some will still be alive just before Armageddon comes, but at the sounding of that last trumpet, both those asleep of this remnant, and those still alive, rise in an instant to Christ and to their thrones. And King, still encourages people to remain in the organisation????? really odd logic??
It may very well be that the 144000 and the Faithful and discreet class are two classes of servant, as the 144000 are sealed within seal 7 just before the destruction begins at trumpet 1, and the FDS is rewarded at the conclusion. The 144000 are heavenly, and the FDS appear to be earthly, and the true FDS may be the ones that lead 144000 to christs marriage, we still have to wait and see.
There are many faithful men on here, on this board, and you can see that in their writing and posts, people like former bethel man Billy, Jeff etc who, in the light of speaking truth have suffered needlessly, but believe me, your reward is great, and according to the opening chapters in Revelation, those who insulted you, those being in the congregation of Satan, those will be forced to come to you and bow down before you, just as the three false comforters, in the end, were forced to come and bow down before Job.
The remnant of the 144000 are here now, as are the FDS, and they know who they are, the bible is written especially for them, its just a matter of time in waiting for them to be activated and to show themselves.
Keep on the watch, stay awake, and dont be mislead.
I am sorry now I wasted so many years of my life, and sacraficed so much for this mob, but that was the wake up call, I am glad it happend, and a special note to chris (black sheep), dont worry, I am in no church, no desire to be a slave again of any man, for where the is no fear, there is only love, and besides, jesus said call no man on earth father, teacher, rabbi etc, for one master there is. So, I am ok chris, I am really glad, and not looking for a new Guv, or prison, for I have been there already, but like Christ, the last two prophets to come, will open the eyes of the blind, and set those that are held captive free, these are the true elijah that is to come before Jehovahs fear inspiring day, and not the wbts. These really will be the faithful and discreet servants of Jehovah, that stand before him and speak his word of truth and life, and who, according to Daniel, will act with insight and will lead may back to Jehovah.
Stay Blessed, remain safe.
Faithful and Discreet Slave
by stillin ini'm sure that this has been discussed before, but bear with me while i share my little insight.. the scripture about the fds is found in jesus description of the last days in matthew 24. not in mark 13, nor luke 21. those other writers didn't consider it important enough to include it in their writings.
it is the only mention, as far as i know, of any such "arrangement," yet on face value, if you are just reading the bible, it seems more like one of jesus' thought-provoking rhetorical questions, rather than a part of the sign of the last days.
no "two or three witnesses," yet this one scripture has become a rallying cry for a whole religion, consisting of millions of adherents!.
No Longer Held Captive
Dear friends, Luke 12 really does say it all, and when we read this, we find that the slave is only "called". 10 are called. But, this is not literal. It is the complete number of slaves that will be used from the time of Christs departure from this earth until he received his kingship and final return. The number could be 10, 1000, 100000, we dont know, but its just the number christ needs to do his work from time of his departure until he would arrive again at the very conclusion. And, on that return, those slaves that were called, are called to give an account, some will obviously be faithful and receive a reward based on that faithful service, some will be beaten severely and thrown outside with the remainder of the hypocrites, and some beaten with fewer strokes. So, this whole notion of the wbts being that slave is false, as that slave has not been appointed yet, and receives no such appointment until the end, and even so, to be appointed over all the things, he must be really exceptional, and I thin k we all agree, that the wbts are in no way exceptional, and have in no way acted like a br of Christ in their dealings with their fellow slaves, and their reward can only be one of that of the reward the wicked slave receives. And the modern faithful slave must call out all he sees, he is a modern day watchman, and he must preach in spirit and in truth, and preach to everyone for what is about to come.
The wbts maintain this to be christendom, but that just cannot be, as they have been apostate since inception, but this wicked slave, he is like our man judas, and the wicked slave is a modern day one.
Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21
The Books of Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelation
Appointment of the faithful slave
These are still all future, but near, and all fall into one time span and category, its sad how millions have fallen prey to the teachings of this mob.
And congregations in the time of Paul etc, were just house churches, a place were people met to discuss the holy writings and to be up built. Just small groups.
Satan really has worked a fly one, and has duped millions, and the wbts is just another one of his mainstream religions, and he has even used Jehovahs name, as well as that of Christ to dupe millions, for the good news of the kingdom is still future and falls inside the Matthew 24 time slot, and this is to be preached by the true slaves, the ones who, like elijah and moses, will lead all kinds of men back to Jehovah before the end time begins, which begins after the call of peace goes forward, then like the 10 plagues which afflicted ancient egypt, the bowls of Gods wrath will then be poured out on the last king and all those that received his mark.
Maybe you will think that this is extreme to say that the wbts is a tool of Satan, but remember how this guy thinks.
And, it might be, that until now, that the real desirable things of all the nations are being rocked brought out, the ones crying out, the ones telling out the very truth, even in the face of extreme predjudice and persecution, and that means some of you.........some of you, could very well be the holy ones of God.
Special thanks to Billy and Jeff
No Longer Held Captive
He just said he aint interested.
No Longer Held Captive
Do Amway sell Rand Cam Ceramic Missiles? I have a contact in eastern Europe who may be interested, but if it comes along with the Amway and wbts sales crap, hes not interested.
name change??
by isaacaustin inin the post on faith vs accurate knowledge writetoknow posted this:.
"upon gaining this accurate knowledge of the scriptures they can then be baptized into the organization of jehovahs witnesses.
although that organization may presently be under going a name change do to recent sex scandals plaguing the group.".
No Longer Held Captive
On gaining accurate knowledge, from whom? because the wbts certainly dont have it