Their so-called elders are hypocritical and often have much dirt in their own lives. Mormons also have a public image that does not match reality. They are no better and no worse than any other faith group despite their claims to superiority. They have high ideals, but no Spirit power to live up to them.
JoinedPosts by godrulz
by Chariklo ini am new to this site, just finding my way around.. i've been studying with jw's for about 15 months.
i'm an unbaptised publisher, and until recently never missed a meeting, have been out "on the service" quite a lot.
i've been having difficulties with one of the jw's studying with me and something happened which was just unacceptable.
What say you Christians ???
by wobble init seems to me that most, if not all christians are really hung up on sin and redemption from sin and how naturally evil we all are.. my question, and observation is this : i had nothing to do with whatever you say adam and eve did wrong, i have always, throughout my life, treated whoever i came into contact with compassion, respect and love.. i have lived by the golden rule.. not many people, hand on heart, can say that, i can.. so, is your god going to judge me for the "sin" of some mythical forebears of mine ?
is he going to say that , because i did not believe in him, i willl be judged adversely, even though i lived by the precepts he is supposed to support ?.
all i can say is, if your god is like that, i refuse to worship or acknowledge him.. and i certainly do not want to get to know him.
The context does talk about a shift from Jew to Gentile in the Church Age. The original Roman question was from Jewish Christians who wondered why Israel was now set aside and how it fit in with their special calling. This is a temporary thing with a promised future restoration. Get the forest of the book before the trees of the verses. One can take a Calvinistic, deterministic view (that fails to distinguish Israel/Church) or one can take a more moderate, biblical view. Don't underestimate the preconceived bias you bring to the text. Regardless, how does this relate to JW stuff? It is unlikely that the average JW knows more than proof texts out of context vs biblical theology that goes verse by verse through a book (I have seen their commentaries on Revelation and they are pathetic, not exegetical).
Will you be attending a "Rapture" party?
by Snoozy inmany others will apparently:.
why are atheists celebrating the rapture?
According to I Thess. 4; I Cor. 15, the rapture will be imminent, sudden, invisible. Since the Body of Christ is one, we all go at the same time, not according to time zones. Perhaps the old man is loosing his marbles? He certainly does not deserve the millions he gets to promote his false views. When it does happen (if in our life time), you guys are welcome to my books, belongings, etc. Would someone mind caring for the cat/dog? Don't worry about weeds and cutting grass. You will have bigger things to worry about like finding food and water. Whatever you do, call on the name of Jesus and refuse the mark of the Beast (I expect many Mormons, JWs, Muslims will get saved during the Trib...they will know they were wrong in a moment).
Encouragement letter, insight on the truth behind Jehovah's Witnesses
by Butterflyleia85 in(this is a letter i wrote to my cousin after she left from visiting me after 3 years!!
she flew 5 hours to see me last weekend!!).
hi ****!i'm so happy you came to ***** and visited me!!
No human or organization is a mediator between man and God. To put an organization as an extra step to get to Christ the Mediator is not biblical nor logical. Once we are in right relationship with God by grace through faith in a person, we should then be part of a local expression of the Body of Christ. It is also wrong to avoid local churches because of a rebellious anti-establishment/organization bent. I Jn. shows us that vertical relationship with God and horizontal relationship with fellow believers is connected/vital. Those who avoid imperfect church to just have me and Jesus are also unbiblical, just as those who make compliance with man a condition of compliance with God. We go to church because we are saved, not in order to be or to prove we are saved. It is normative for a believer to go to church; it is cultic to make a group (joining/obeying) a condition of being right with God.
What say you Christians ???
by wobble init seems to me that most, if not all christians are really hung up on sin and redemption from sin and how naturally evil we all are.. my question, and observation is this : i had nothing to do with whatever you say adam and eve did wrong, i have always, throughout my life, treated whoever i came into contact with compassion, respect and love.. i have lived by the golden rule.. not many people, hand on heart, can say that, i can.. so, is your god going to judge me for the "sin" of some mythical forebears of mine ?
is he going to say that , because i did not believe in him, i willl be judged adversely, even though i lived by the precepts he is supposed to support ?.
all i can say is, if your god is like that, i refuse to worship or acknowledge him.. and i certainly do not want to get to know him.
No, it does not say whether they went to heaven or hell. This proof texting out of context would contradict the explicit teaching of the rest of Scripture, including Rom. 1-8! Their eternal destinies were settled based on their later life choices. Their representation as nations (explicit in Gen./Mal.) is used by Paul to make His argument about the sovereign choice of the nation of Israel to bring forth the Messiah, etc. Your interpretation contradicts Rom. 1-5, so interpret this proof text/illustration in light of the extended passage, not vice versa. The context is Israel, not you and me and heaven/hell. Jn. 3:16 vs Jn. 3:36 relates to individuals and eternal destinies and has nothing to do with eternal decree, just real time response to the gospel. Your view would impugn the character and ways of God. Let go of your wrong view and you will have your answer (quit proof texting a corporate passage as if it is individual).
Will you be attending a "Rapture" party?
by Snoozy inmany others will apparently:.
why are atheists celebrating the rapture?
He is a false prophet/teacher (though probably a Christian). He is wasting time and money and affecting our credibility. I hope people don't lump him in with other Christians (we condemn his views and ways). He should have stuck with warning people about Christ's coming and the power of the gospel. He should know better than playing the Dating Game. His multi-million $ radio ministry should be disbanded and the money given to a more credible Christian ministry with balance and integrity. There is no shortage of gullible people who lack discernment and critical thinking skills.
Will you be attending a "Rapture" party?
by Snoozy inmany others will apparently:.
why are atheists celebrating the rapture?
Clarify? Does that mean people will be raptured sequentially over various time zones? So, one country goes up first, then an hour later, another time zone goes up?
What say you Christians ???
by wobble init seems to me that most, if not all christians are really hung up on sin and redemption from sin and how naturally evil we all are.. my question, and observation is this : i had nothing to do with whatever you say adam and eve did wrong, i have always, throughout my life, treated whoever i came into contact with compassion, respect and love.. i have lived by the golden rule.. not many people, hand on heart, can say that, i can.. so, is your god going to judge me for the "sin" of some mythical forebears of mine ?
is he going to say that , because i did not believe in him, i willl be judged adversely, even though i lived by the precepts he is supposed to support ?.
all i can say is, if your god is like that, i refuse to worship or acknowledge him.. and i certainly do not want to get to know him.
The passage is NOT talking about individual salvation that is not based on decree, but response to God/truth. God can sovereignly chose Israel over Egypt without a moral issue. It would be morally indefensible to arbitrarily save some sinners, but damn many others that He could save if He only wanted to.
Gen. 25:23 two NATIONS are in your womb (Rom. 9:12). Rom. 9:13 quotes Malachi 1:2-3 which talks about nations/lands, not personal salvation, in context. Calvinists are wrong to read their deductive, deterministic, individualistic (modern vs biblical corporate ideas), decretal system into a context about ISRAEL vs Gentiles, NOT individual Jews/Gentiles in relation to salvation. The passage is eschatological more than soteriological (dealt with earlier in Rom. 1-5). We must walk through the context verse by verse. You are jumping to wrong conclusions based on wrong assumptions about the passage and theology in general.
As well, Jesus also said to hate parents on one hand, yet not hate parents on the other hand. The biblical concept is not hate guts for no reason, but a relative thing. God has a right to pick Israel over other nations, but He does not have a right to play eenie meenie minnie mo with individual heaven/hell destinies of any given Jew or Gentile (the preceding context puts the onus on individual faith vs unbelief, not election). Election is corporate, conditional, in Christ. Calvinists are wrong to make it unconditional and individual. God sovereignly predestines to have a people for Himself, Israel and the Church. He does not decree in eternity past who will make up this corporate elect (all who believe and follow His standards become part of this chosen group; those who refuse His ways are not part of the group and its promises/privileges).
No one is saved by decree. This is a wrong view. The decree is to have a people, not which specific person will or not be part of this people. All are invited become part of the people of God, yet many refuse to come on God's terms. Things are not arbitrarily, fatalistically settled before creation, but destinies are settled by choices during actual lifetimes and not fixed until death (no longer probation, no second chances).
Deputy: Are you Calvinistic? If so, change your paradigm to a more biblical one (free will theism).
by Chariklo ini am new to this site, just finding my way around.. i've been studying with jw's for about 15 months.
i'm an unbaptised publisher, and until recently never missed a meeting, have been out "on the service" quite a lot.
i've been having difficulties with one of the jw's studying with me and something happened which was just unacceptable.
God rules! He is sovereign/supreme/Almighty! The kingdom refers to the rulership of God.
Encouragement letter, insight on the truth behind Jehovah's Witnesses
by Butterflyleia85 in(this is a letter i wrote to my cousin after she left from visiting me after 3 years!!
she flew 5 hours to see me last weekend!!).
hi ****!i'm so happy you came to ***** and visited me!!
The most telling thing is that the Bible emphasizes salvation through the one Mediator, Christ Jesus, but the Catholic Church, WT organization, Mormon hierarchy, etc. add compliance with fallible human organizations as another necessary mediator. Can I be right with Jehovah apart from identifying with the WT Society? If not, then salvation is dependent on a fallible, fickle organization and men without true authority/power. Can I be a Christian apart from the Catholic Church, LDS modern prophets, etc.? Christianity rises or falls on Christ. WT rises or falls on GB. LDS rises or falls on Smith/prophets. Islam is dependent on Muhammad. If Jesus is the basis for salvation, we should not have to be active JWs to be right with God. Now, a believer should associate with His Church, but the reality is that the WT/LDS/Islam are based on false prophets. My church has no human guru/leader and is based only on faith in the person and work of Christ (hence Christian, not cult).