We need to be more precise. Being/essence/nature/substance/ontology refers to the stuff of God (He is spirit, not matter; Jn. 4:24). Distinct beings of same nature is a contradiction and sounds too much like Mormonism's polytheism/tritheism=3 distinct beings/gods. The triune understanding is ONE being/nature/essence/substance with 3 personal distinctions (3 beings implies 3 different natures/gods)/3 conscious centers who are co-equal, co-essential, co-eternal. There is one nature/being of God (uncreated spirit) with 3 personal distinctions making up this one being (the Father is God, the Son is God, the Holy Spirit is God, yet they are distinct in another sense with the Father not being the person of the Son, the Son not the Spirit, and the Father is not the Holy Spirit. He is unique with absolute oneness and absolute distinction, yet indivisible. 3 beings in one being, 3 gods in 1 god, 3 persons in 1 person are contradictions; one God/being with 3 personal distinctions is not (since they are one in one way and distinct in another way).
This understanding is the only and best summary of the evidence/parameters, not contrived, but true.
Labels help summarize a belief system. It is label to say Judaism, Christianity, Islam are monotheistic religions. So? It is a true descriptive label that communicates that they are not polytheistic religions like Mormonism or Hinduism.
Just because JWs are doctrinally wrong is not a reason to avoid precise, biblical, theological doctrine. Paul, under the inspiration of the Spirit emphasized sound doctrine (orthodoxy) and sound practice (orthopraxy). Jesus also was specific about doctrine of resurrection (siding with Pharisees vs Sadducees, etc.).