In light of the frequent flip flops and changing interpretations over the years, they really have little credibility. The light is not getting brighter since truth does not get truer. They move from error to error. One has to believe a lie (but considered truth at the time) until something else supplants it (that may or may not be true or false). Conformity, uniformity, lack of critical thinking, etc. is not meritorious compared to even individuals before God interpreting properly, even if not traditional or conformity to an organization that claims to speak for God, but does not.
JoinedPosts by godrulz
What book are JW's studying At the moment?
by Pig inplus which book was the worse?.
i'd say daniel book.
boring as all shit and crap pictures.
The trouble with Christianity. TRINITY.
by whereami ingotta love pat.. "ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions.
ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity.
it is the mere abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of jesus.
God bless, tec, in your faith journey. May you know the true Prince of peace if you do not already.
The trouble with Christianity. TRINITY.
by whereami ingotta love pat.. "ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions.
ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity.
it is the mere abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of jesus.
Men, not the Bible (Word of God) is the problem. Yes, many groups and men misuse the Bible or live contrary to it. We would not know about Christ apart from it, so it is still the authoritative revelation (not WT books, etc.).
The trouble with Christianity. TRINITY.
by whereami ingotta love pat.. "ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions.
ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity.
it is the mere abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of jesus.
If one embraces the Bible, they will embrace Christ (if properly translated and interpreted vs JWs). I have often said here that the issue is faith in Christ, the true Christ (Jn. 14:6; Acts 4:12; Jn. 3:16). Trusting a generic, false christ that is counterfeit is worthless. Pseudo-Christian cults like JWs and Mormons claim to believe in Jesus, but it is a different Jesus/gospel than the biblical one (Gal. 1:6-10; 2 Cor. 11:4; Jude 3). 2 Tim. 2:24-26 is my prayer for all JWs/ex-JWs.
The trouble with Christianity. TRINITY.
by whereami ingotta love pat.. "ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions.
ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity.
it is the mere abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of jesus.
The personality and Deity of the Holy Spirit is also defensible. All 3 persons are not usually mentioned in every verse, but are in a few. The LXX is OT and is quoted in the NT. The point is that YHWH/Jehovah is not used in NT Greek MSS ever, so kurios/theos/Lord/God identity is determined by context.
wontleave: you are underestimating the grip WT has on you and overestimating its potential to be of God in any sense. People need to repent, renounce WT, and embrace the Bible. You are at least in transit, but have a long way to go. Being distanced from WT is still not being saved by grace through faith in Christ as God alone.
The trouble with Christianity. TRINITY.
by whereami ingotta love pat.. "ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions.
ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity.
it is the mere abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of jesus.
When I was at the Memorial this year, they specifically told me that the tetra was in the original NT MSS, but has been removed by trinitarians, etc.?! (Hebrew Matthew, etc.). They said this because it was specifically taught in their publications over the years, a pathetic WT rookie mistake (surely you can find this evidence in your own writings or do I know things about WT that you do not?). This is clearly taught by WT, so why are you denying this?! This is NOT a straw man, but objective representation. I showed her from the KIT that Kurios/theos were the words used for Jehovah/Jesus in the NT MSS (all of them with none supporting tetra....1000s). Perhaps some of your JW friends here can tune you in. If I am wrong, I will stand corrected, but this is exactly what JWs have told me over the years and what I have read in their literature (I do have a good number of old and newer publications and photoreprints are available in counter-cult books or online). I am not guilty of straw man, but you are guilty of argumentum ad hominem (personal attacks to discredit me; you cannot even say I am apostate, because I have never been JW). Perhaps the WT has recently watered down their tune, but this would be because 'Christendom' has repeatedly exposed their shoddy pseudo-scholarship, not because GB is getting new light from Jehovah (truth does not get truer, but error can move to truth or truth can move to error) or are so smart (if they were smart, they would have never taken a liberal, nonsensical position that is not evidence based). If they are so wrong about this, what else are they wrong about? Speaking of straw men, the WT repeatedly makes a straw man trinity and knocks it down (3 headed god; 3 gods, etc.).
What book are JW's studying At the moment?
by Pig inplus which book was the worse?.
i'd say daniel book.
boring as all shit and crap pictures.
Am I correct that I cannot just get WT books? If I request one online, a person shows up and wants to study it with me? If they know I reject WT, they could refuse to give it to me? Is there a new 'Reasoning' edition out? Do they still use the AID book or is that rejected now because Raymond Franz wrote much of it? 'What does the Bible really teach?' It looks like it is online, but is it easy to get an actual copy and how?
The trouble with Christianity. TRINITY.
by whereami ingotta love pat.. "ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions.
ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity.
it is the mere abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of jesus.
Jehovah is as uncertain as any other transliteration. It is sheer speculation and most likely wrong. Yahweh is more likely. None of this matters if one denies the Deity of Christ, who Jesus is, the only name by which we are saved (Acts 4:12). The WT is also wrong to say that YHWH was in NT MSS. This is patently false except for a Hebrew translation (like a German or French one) of Greek.
What Happens After The Rapture?
by Low-Key Lysmith inso let me get this straight.
when christ makes his return, all faithful christians are just going to disappear snd get whisked away to heaven, right?.
do we have to stay here on the earth with all the earthquakes and the bad economy?
For those left behind or wanting to not risk dying before His coming, Jesus is the only way to avoid sin, death, and hell (Jn. 14:6; Acts 4:12; Jn. 1:12; Jn. 3:16; Rom. 10:9-10; I Jn. 5:11-13....for all people, not supposed 144K; person, not an organization; true Jesus/YHWH, not jesus of WT, a counterfeit christ that cannot save).
What Happens After The Rapture?
by Low-Key Lysmith inso let me get this straight.
when christ makes his return, all faithful christians are just going to disappear snd get whisked away to heaven, right?.
do we have to stay here on the earth with all the earthquakes and the bad economy?
There are a variety of views within Christian circles about the rapture/revelation of Christ. The most common is a pre-tribulation, pre-millennial view (my personal view 'Things to Come' by Dwight Pentecost and books by John Walvoord on Revelation or rapture are solid and academic vs 'Left Behind' Hollywood version).
The rapture is when Christ comes back FOR the Church (Jn. 14:1-2; I Thess. 4; I Cor. 15; 2 Thess. 2, etc.). The Church Age saints from the early church until now will be invisibly taken to be with Christ for 7 years (Daniel's 70th week). This is our resurrection and is NOT limited to 144,000. Rev. 6-19 describes the wrath of God, restoration of Israel, fury of Satan, etc. during this Trib. period leading up to Armageddon. The rapture is the blessed hope of the Church and we are not appointed to wrath. The trib period is not a picnic, but a time when millions will die (vs WT millions now living will never die error). The 144,000 are literal Jews who convert to Christ and are super-evangelists during this time. Many will be saved and a great crowd will be martyred and go to heaven. The Antichrist and False Prophet will be around and thrown into the lake of fire at the Second Coming of Christ after Armageddon (visible return vs 1914 invisible WT nonsense). While in heaven, believers will be judged for works/rewards at the Bema Seat judgment of Christ (2 Cor.; Rom.). Our sins were judged at the cross (not stake nonsense) and we were saved by grace through faith, not endless JW works that are useless in determining destiny. The Second Coming is preceded by signs (Mt. 24-25), but the rapture is imminent (can happen any time, perhaps today). The Second Coming is when the Church comes back WITH the church to rule/reign with Christ for 1000 years. Old Testament saints and Tribulation dead saints are raised up at the Second Coming after the Trib. Tribulation saints who survive Armageddon (hopefully many JWs, Mormons, Muslims, atheists, Buddhists, etc. will convert to the true Christ during this time...the only way a JW has any hope if not saved now) will enter the millennium in natural bodies and procreate, etc. The WT is wrong to think most will go to paradise earth with a few in heaven. Millions of believers will be in heaven. Eventually the population of earth will grow exponentially. Satan will be loosed after the millennium and some will fall away. The Great White Throne judgment after the millennium is where the unregenerate dead of all ages will be raised and judged (there is not a general resurrection, but stages). They will join beast, false prophet, Satan in the lake of fire where they will be tormented day and night forever and ever (just as God is worshipped forever and ever vs WT lie of annihilation). There will be no second chances (Heb. 9:27). JWs teach possible hope to be raised for another chance, another lie (death seals destiny). The New Jerusalem will descend above earth and there will be interaction between glorified saints and those on earth (probably beginning of mill.). After the GWT, a new heaven and new earth will be created for the eternal state. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb will be at the start of the mill. There will be judgment of nations, etc. at that time also.
Eschatology (study of end times) is based on all relevant verses, not just a proof text or two (chronology is not easy to establish, but JWs are right about a few things and wrong about many more things; see Daniel, Revelation, Matthew, Thessalonians, Zechariah, Ezekiel, etc.).