Jesus is the mediator of all men. The WT lies and robs people of hope and eternal life (I Tim. 2:4; Jn. 3:16; Jn. 1:12; I Tim. 2:5).
JoinedPosts by godrulz
Undercover apostates...
by Maze ini've observed some forum users here that claim to be active witnesses (even claims to be ministerial servants or elders) while duplicitously supporting apostates online.
my contention is this; why attend meetings and/or participate in the preaching activity when the second you divulge your apostate thinking into the congregation, you'll be disfellowshipped?
while this action taken may seem to be harsh, the outworking of events wouldn't be much different in one of christendom's churches.
Sometimes You Just Gotta Score One For the Cult Members
by PublishingCult ini really don't care much for jw's at my door, or at anyone's door.
this chauvinistic, fanatical bully-a-hole, however, is one of the worst examples of a christian i have ever seen.
the jw's handled themselves very well in the face of this ridiculous bullying and taunting by this so-called christian attempting to school the jw's about god and the bible.
At the end of the day, the issue is not how hypocritical, ignorant, arrogant, nice, mean, smart, stupid any given Christian is, but the issue will be if we received or rejected the true Jesus, the only way to the Father and eternal life (a counterfeit is not real and cannot save e.g. Spanish guy named Jesus). Jn. 1:12; Jn. 3:16 vs Jn. 3:36; Rom. 1:16; Rom. 10:9-10; Acts 4:12; I Jn. 5:11-13; Gal. 1:6-10; 2 Cor. 11:4; Jude 3. The issue will not be faithfulness to WT, door to door success, avoiding holidays and blood, denying trinity, etc. Since I know this to be true, I must speak truth in love whether received, mocked, doubted, misunderstood, more truth than love, etc. (Jesus and Paul were greater than me and they experienced all this and more, except they always spoke truth in love...sometimes I speak out of frustration against an evil organization and the demons behind it).
Sometimes You Just Gotta Score One For the Cult Members
by PublishingCult ini really don't care much for jw's at my door, or at anyone's door.
this chauvinistic, fanatical bully-a-hole, however, is one of the worst examples of a christian i have ever seen.
the jw's handled themselves very well in the face of this ridiculous bullying and taunting by this so-called christian attempting to school the jw's about god and the bible.
The Judge is God and the standard is the Word of God. My opinion is worthless unless it is true and biblical. Based on Scripture, I can say that a person who rejects the true Jesus (atheists, Muslims, Mormons, JWs, etc.) will remain dead in sin and condemned in the end. The authority is the Word, not my opinion (I am just more confidant in the perspicuity of Scripture, I guess). When the Holy Spirit reveals truth about Jesus, we know that we know. If one has the genuine, a counterfeit is easy to spot. Jesus did not compromise and water down His claims. Using your logic, Jesus and Paul were arrogant for standing firm on truth. Scripture encourages believers to defend and proclaim truth. Those who oppose it will make ad hominem attacks, but that does not free us from the responsibility to obey God even if men reject us. JWs have a similar attitude, but the difference is that they are false teachers (again, based on the Word, not my personal opinion/bias). Is it arrogant to have biblical convictions? In the face of error and wishy washy thinking here, the authority of thus saith the Lord is needed. Paul was bold and so was Jesus. This flows from humility, not pride.
Undercover apostates...
by Maze ini've observed some forum users here that claim to be active witnesses (even claims to be ministerial servants or elders) while duplicitously supporting apostates online.
my contention is this; why attend meetings and/or participate in the preaching activity when the second you divulge your apostate thinking into the congregation, you'll be disfellowshipped?
while this action taken may seem to be harsh, the outworking of events wouldn't be much different in one of christendom's churches.
As a Christian, I could go to a Mormon or JW site and attempt to defend and proclaim my faith. I notice that some JW sites would not let me in unless I was JW. I am also on another Christian forum and welcome the one JW, few Mormons, many atheists, few Muslims, a mission field on my computer. A few JWs could justify coming here to try to influence people back (warnings or not). This seems like a reasonable thing, so I am surprised the WT is running scared (I guess more people would be influenced away from WT than towards it if they expose themselves to all the facts).
Introducing Myself
by StandFirm inhello to jwn!
this is standfirm.
i mainly post on the topix jehovah's witness forum, but i decided to give it a try over here also.
You seem to think that all views are equally true even if contradictory. Spiritual truth can be known through revelation. We can know if the JW, Mormon, Catholic/Evangelical view of Jesus is true or false. Believing my view is not the issue so much as trusting the real Jesus, the only way to eternal life (Jn. 1:12; Jn. 3:16 vs Jn. 3:36; Jn. 14:6; Acts 4:12; I Cor. 15:1-4; I Jn. 5:11-13; Rom. 10:9-10; Rom. 1:16; I Cor. 1:18). Truth can be known and error can be exposed. I am either right or wrong (ditto for you). Paul defended and proclaimed truth, warned about false gospels, false Christs, etc. Your beef is with God/Bible, not me. Jesus made claims relating to His Deity and proved it by His resurrection. I believe in His resurrection (I Cor. 15, core gospel truth). Those who argue that it is my opinion or another view like Islam (that denies death/resurrection) has merit are wrong. The resurrection is defensible and salvific. Churches that teach baptismal regeneration of infant baptism are also wrong. The authority is not my opinion, but Scripture exegeted in context.
I appreciate the freedom from WT some of you have, but one cannot be biblical/Pauline without a higher view of the importance of sound doctrine. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water or swing the pendulum in over reaction for being burned/deceived by a false religion. The truth is out there and the lie can be exposed.
Introducing Myself
by StandFirm inhello to jwn!
this is standfirm.
i mainly post on the topix jehovah's witness forum, but i decided to give it a try over here also.
The Deity of Christ should not be confused with a New Age, generic divinity of Christ concept. The issue is if He is created or uncreated. Arians were rightly condemned as heretical centuries ago. We do not have to wait until the Second Coming (which is yet future and visible, not 1914 and invisible?!) to resolve this issue. The biblical arguments for the Deity (not divinity) of Christ and the Trinity are there, but the WT distorts verses and arguments beyond belief. Other heresies like Gnosticism, Doceticism, Modalism, etc. were also rightly condemned. Using your logic, we cannot know truth and have to wait for the future to figure it out. The identify of Christ can be known. JWs happen to be wrong about it, like the Jews were. I can read WT canned responses, but know that they are refutable and that their quoting of authorities is problematic and dishonest. Again, a counterfeit Christ and false gospel cannot save anymore than a counterfeit coin is worth anything.
e.g. As to Is. 9:6, it does not matter whether we called YHWH Holy, Mighty, Almighty, Faithful, Powerful God, etc., He is still God. The same Hebrew phrase is used of YHWH in Is. 10:21 and Jer. (el gibbor). Is. is clear that Jehovah knows no gods before or after him. He did not form any gods and He alone is God (many verses). Claiming two true Gods is polytheism, contrary to biblical, Judeo-Christian monotheism. It is a lame argument to say Jesus is Mighty vs Almighty God when YHWH is also called Mighty God! The same is true about King of kings and Lord of Lords, Alpha and Omega, I AM, Savior, Judge, etc. You do not give angels (Michael) the titles, names, attributes of Deity! He is worshipped equally with the Father (Rev. 4-5), prayed to, honored, etc. The biggest rip off (besides 144,000 limitation rip off) is robbing JWs of who Jesus is. We are to honor the Son, even as (Gk. same way) as we honor the Father. Verses about OT God are applied directly to Jesus in the NT. We can handle the Arian proof texts, but WT must literally retranslate the Bible without original language basis to twist it to sectarian bias on the main verses about the Deity of Christ. This is why the Kingdom Interlinear is a helpful tool to show this travesty.
You can be right (though you are not) about blood, voting, Christmas, kingdom, Paradise, disfellowshipping, theocracy, 144K, Armageddon, etc., but if you are wrong about whether Jesus is God or creature, it will affect destiny (salvific, unlike the endless Pharisaical additions/conditions of WT). The Russellite history alone should be enough to make one flee this organization. It is a modern cult like Mormons and Christian Science, not a biblical group.
Perhaps the personality of the Holy Spirit would be a shorter, easier topic to start with?
Sometimes You Just Gotta Score One For the Cult Members
by PublishingCult ini really don't care much for jw's at my door, or at anyone's door.
this chauvinistic, fanatical bully-a-hole, however, is one of the worst examples of a christian i have ever seen.
the jw's handled themselves very well in the face of this ridiculous bullying and taunting by this so-called christian attempting to school the jw's about god and the bible.
I do not condone the dudes aggressive style. We must speak truth in love. The truth is that Jesus is Jehovah in the flesh. The truth is that Russell was wrong about hell-fire. There is a heaven to gain (not limited to 144K) and a hell to shun (conscious separation from God, not annihilation). You do not like these truths because you are deceived by WT instead of searching Scripture that testify about Him, yet refuse to come to Him that you may have life. The cross (not stake) is a stumbling block to Jews (for some of same reasons as JWs), foolishness to Greeks, but the power of God for those who believe (Rom. 1:16; 1 Cor. 1:18). There is not precedent in 2000 years of church history for WT belief and practice (Jude 3). Russell, Rutherford, Knorr, Franz, etc. are popes of the WT, not servants of God. You cannot blame them if you stand condemned. The love and holiness of God is not understood by JWs who think they can somehow add works to His shed blood received by grace through faith alone. Jn. 3:16 can save you in a moment (vs hours of indoctrination before worthy to be baptized and peddle literature hoping to stand vs fall in the end). But, one must trust the true Jesus. Until you can agree with Jn. 1:1 (non-NWT sectarian perversion...God vs a god) and say with Thomas, 'the Lord of me, the God of me', you will not know abundant and eternal life (I Jn. 5:11-13; Rom. 10:9-10; Jn. 1:12). The flesh is offended as is the fallen mind. We cannot follow an idol god and a gospel of our own making. Jesus/Paul did not compromise these truths, nor should we. It is telling your attitude...proof you have not humbled yourself and come on God's terms. The WT is dead wrong on essential truths. Biblical, historical, orthodox Christianity, warts and all, is still the only way to go (not join a church or denomination, but follow Jesus as Lord God). I may bug you, but it is the Holy Spirit (person, not active force) that must convince and convict you. You are in my prayers (2 Tim. 2:24-26).
by anniegirl76 ini have been df-ed for almost 9 years.
just out of curiosity, has anyone decided to find another religion or belief after being jw?
i struggle with my feelings, my mom and brother, aunt, cousins are all jw.
There is no biblical/logical reason to shun family members in WT style. This is evil and wrong, a classic cultic sign. We are to even love our enemies and are explicitly commanded to love our families/parents, whether they believe or not. It is a WT control technique to keep people in the organization, not a mandate from God. Do what you can to guard your attitude and do what is right.
Now my marriage vow is directly connected to remaining a witness...
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i recently informed my wife of 25 years (the love of my life) that i just cannot go on any longer with this facade.
Would the WT encourage you to remain married even if you became apostate? How can one shun their spouse? Does this affect sex, etc.? A group that encourages family break up to demonstrate loyalty is a cult, not Christian.
Introducing Myself
by StandFirm inhello to jwn!
this is standfirm.
i mainly post on the topix jehovah's witness forum, but i decided to give it a try over here also.
THe Deity of Christ is a salvific issue. The 1950 WT booklet on the Word, who is He according to John stated that the correct translation of Jn. 1:1 means our salvation. They are correct and this is THE issue between the JW cult and biblical Christianity (NWT sectarian perversion Jn. 1:1 'a god' is indefensible grammatically, contextually, theologically). For Mormonism vs Christianity, the issue is monotheism vs polytheism. For Islam vs Christianity, it is Muhammad/Koran vs Jesus/Bible.