Unbelievable. I rejoice with you in moving on so well.
JoinedPosts by godrulz
My Experience as JW
by umadevi inhello, i am new to this site and it is comforting to know that i am not the only one that has problem with wts.
i'm 36 and single parent with 8 year old son.
i work full time from 8am to 5pm in order to support both of us.
Undercover apostates...
by Maze ini've observed some forum users here that claim to be active witnesses (even claims to be ministerial servants or elders) while duplicitously supporting apostates online.
my contention is this; why attend meetings and/or participate in the preaching activity when the second you divulge your apostate thinking into the congregation, you'll be disfellowshipped?
while this action taken may seem to be harsh, the outworking of events wouldn't be much different in one of christendom's churches.
sizemik: www.icr.org Catastrophism (global flood) explains the geological evidence better than uniformitarianism. I think you are unaware of much of the doctorate level research on young earth creationism.
Sometimes You Just Gotta Score One For the Cult Members
by PublishingCult ini really don't care much for jw's at my door, or at anyone's door.
this chauvinistic, fanatical bully-a-hole, however, is one of the worst examples of a christian i have ever seen.
the jw's handled themselves very well in the face of this ridiculous bullying and taunting by this so-called christian attempting to school the jw's about god and the bible.
My grandmother prayed for me and we would read Scripture together. The preaching of the gospel at a church/camp (cf. Day of Pentecost) was the key since faith comes by hearing the Word. The Holy Spirit did the work, not indoctrination, not grannie. Jesus influenced people to faith in Him as did Paul, Peter, John, etc. The foolishness of preaching is the power of God for those who are being saved, but the scoffers/mockers, those who are perishing think it is foolishness. God knows more than you do (Rom. 1:16; I Cor. 1:18).
by anniegirl76 ini have been df-ed for almost 9 years.
just out of curiosity, has anyone decided to find another religion or belief after being jw?
i struggle with my feelings, my mom and brother, aunt, cousins are all jw.
When I was 12, I heard the gospel preached with power and anointing. The Holy Spirit convicted me of my sin and convinced me through the Word about the person and work of Christ. I gave my life to Him and was born again and had a personal relationship with Him (I had also gone to Sunday School somewhat as a kid and did read my Bible, etc.). For most of my teen years, I had mental assent to Christianity, but lived for self/world. When I was 18, my life fell apart and I surrendered anew to Jesus as Lord and Savior. After months of struggle with depression and spiritual oppression, I gave up and woke up next morning a new creature in Christ. It was not based on indoctrination or study with a formal group. In Acts 2, people were born again upon repenting and receiving Christ. If you have not, you can also receive Him and become a child of God, a new creature in Christ with a certain hope of eternal life now. Your faith must be in the true Jesus, God Almighty in the flesh (Jn. 1:12; Jn. 3:16; Jn. 14:6; Acts 4:12; I Cor. 15:1-4; Eph. 2:8-10; Titus 3:5; Rom. 10:9-10; Rom. 3:23; Rom. 6:23; Rom. 5:8; I Jn. 5:11-13, etc.).
The gospel includes truths about God (holy, loving, triune, just, merciful, etc.), man (sinful by choice, lawless, rebel, in need of a Savior), Christ (His incarnation, Deity, death, resurrection, Second Coming), Repentant Faith/continuance in the faith (we are saved by grace through faith in the person and work of Christ apart from our filthy rags works). Those who are saved are normatively baptized (identification publicly with Christ and His church as a witness, not for salvation), attend a Christ-centered, Bible-believing church, share their faith, study and obey His Word, pray, serve, love, etc. (doing these things does not save us, but helps us grow and mature and become useful). Going door to door, being faithful to WT, reading cultic literature, obeying man vs God, doing good works, etc. cannot and will not save. He is a prayer away and will give you more light as you obey the light He gives.
The "WOW!!" moment...Theocratic Ministry School was a sham!
by Terry ini just remembered something from long ago..... i moved to california in 1974 after i had been in "the truth" for 11 years, having full-time pioneered and also having served time in federal prison over the so-called christian neutrality issue.. i felt completely confident that my bible education was the best on planet earth.
i had honed my skills by door to door preaching, discussion, arguments and attendance at the theocratic ministry school.. i began working as an artist in a huge company that manufactured all kinds of art, sculpture and wall hanging.
the head of the artists was a wonderful young man, skilled artist and devout christian who took me under his wing.
The reason the WT changed rules on finances/publications was because of the tax man. They were forced to change or face fines, including revocation of charitible donation status. They got into legal hot water, but tried to make it look like they were good guys giving stuff out free. In light of all the criticism of Christendom clergy, Bethel workers making $14/month while upper leaders driving fancy cars, big houses, etc. is odious. The average Bethelite is now ruined with no pension, no income, no rights, just used and discarded (while Rutherford, etc. would rival the worst televangelists...Pharisaical hypocrites that use and ruin lives).
Undercover apostates...
by Maze ini've observed some forum users here that claim to be active witnesses (even claims to be ministerial servants or elders) while duplicitously supporting apostates online.
my contention is this; why attend meetings and/or participate in the preaching activity when the second you divulge your apostate thinking into the congregation, you'll be disfellowshipped?
while this action taken may seem to be harsh, the outworking of events wouldn't be much different in one of christendom's churches.
My mother was Catholic, but died evangelical like myself (a few years ago from cancer). She was not a mature believer, but one nonetheless.
My dad was a schizophrenic alcoholic who went to church as a kid, but lived most of his life away from God. Before he recently died of lung cancer, he returned to his childhood faith.
My godly grandmother (Dad's mother) was Pentecostal. She prayed me into the kingdom. I received Christ when I was 12, but lived like the devil until age 18. I fully surrendered my life to Christ in 1978 and was transformed by the power of God. I am Pentecostal by denomination and experience (speaking in tongues as the initial physical evidence of the fulness of the Holy Spirit Acts 1:8; Acts 2:4; I Cor. 12-14). My grandmother was the main influence. I am Pentecostal because I believe it is the most biblical in belief and practice, but generic evangelical will work (since I have fellow believers in many other denominations, even anti-charismatic ones).
I retained mental assent to biblical Christianity during my teen years, but it had to move from head to heart in order to be born again.
Did you have any other background, cheez, than JW?
The "WOW!!" moment...Theocratic Ministry School was a sham!
by Terry ini just remembered something from long ago..... i moved to california in 1974 after i had been in "the truth" for 11 years, having full-time pioneered and also having served time in federal prison over the so-called christian neutrality issue.. i felt completely confident that my bible education was the best on planet earth.
i had honed my skills by door to door preaching, discussion, arguments and attendance at the theocratic ministry school.. i began working as an artist in a huge company that manufactured all kinds of art, sculpture and wall hanging.
the head of the artists was a wonderful young man, skilled artist and devout christian who took me under his wing.
Is it true that all literature given out at the KH must be paid for by the local group? Even if the individual does not pay for it (I imagine contributions are encouraged), then the Hall will pay the bill? Can a Witness take a car full of literature for free and give it out all over the place or are there limits? What happens to unused copies? Apparently, KH get built by the local group, but any money given by headquarters to pay for it must be paid back. If the group breaks away, WT still owns the building (they had to tighten this up because they got burned once).
Undercover apostates...
by Maze ini've observed some forum users here that claim to be active witnesses (even claims to be ministerial servants or elders) while duplicitously supporting apostates online.
my contention is this; why attend meetings and/or participate in the preaching activity when the second you divulge your apostate thinking into the congregation, you'll be disfellowshipped?
while this action taken may seem to be harsh, the outworking of events wouldn't be much different in one of christendom's churches.
sizemik: I do consider the Genesis record to be historical narrative, not allegorical. I am younger earth creationist (www.icr.org) and believe in Adam/Eve (because Jesus, the Truth, did in the Gospels....creation marriage mandate), Fall, Global (vs local) flood, etc. (because Jesus, Truth did).
Mormons think the Fall was necessary and good, an unbiblical position. Leaving JWs to become Mormon is leaving one false cult for another.
What did they say that one time?
Sometimes You Just Gotta Score One For the Cult Members
by PublishingCult ini really don't care much for jw's at my door, or at anyone's door.
this chauvinistic, fanatical bully-a-hole, however, is one of the worst examples of a christian i have ever seen.
the jw's handled themselves very well in the face of this ridiculous bullying and taunting by this so-called christian attempting to school the jw's about god and the bible.
Thomas had doubts and Jesus revealed truth to him climaxing in Jn. 20:28. Thomas was called blessed for calling Jesus Lord God. If Jesus was not God, Jewish rabbi Jesus would have rebuked him. The Bible is the source of truth. There is no reason to be in limbo if one is a Berean. Former indoctrination is a barrier, but it can be overcome.
My opinion is worthless.....unless it is true. I see keyser has learned the WT ellipsis trick.