I just remembered something from long ago....
I moved to California in 1974 after I had been in "the Truth" for 11 years, having full-time pioneered and also having served time in Federal Prison over the so-called christian neutrality issue.
I felt completely confident that my bible education was the best on planet Earth. I had honed my skills by door to door preaching, discussion, arguments and attendance at the Theocratic Ministry School.
I began working as an artist in a huge company that manufactured all kinds of art, sculpture and wall hanging. The head of the artists was a wonderful young man, skilled artist and devout christian who took me under his wing. Interesting discussions began and exchanges of viewpoint. I avoided arguments and rebuttal because this was friendly and I valued where these exchanges were taking me in my thinking.
In California I made my first "worldly" friends in many years. Devout christian friends who helped my family immesurably gave me a glimpse that the official characterizations by the Society of christendom's christians was way off kilter.
Anyway...a very sincere Presbyterian friend invited me to speak informally at his bible study group with his young friends. (We were in our 20's).
He wanted me to teach the group the best methods of studying the bible. I jumped at the chance to share my (obviously) superior knowledge and training thanks to the Theocratic Ministry School I had benefitted from since 1963.
About 20 people showed up and I began sharing the JW methodology.
What an epiphany!
Inside of ten minutes the questions and discussion began. It was quite neutral, friendly and earnest in tone.
The bottom line was this; THEY KNEW MORE THAN I DID!!!
I was flabbergasted.
This group had bible dictionaries, commentaries, hermeneutics texts, references and skills far beyond anything I'd ever seen before!!
I suddenly felt like those hominid apes at the beginning of Kubrick's 2001 Space Oddysey when the giant obelisk appears!!
An amazing LEAP FORWARD in my personal evolution was taking place and I could feel my brain tingling.
My eyes opened up and my brain exploded!
I had been embedded in a STRONG DELUSION of education that was nothing more than pitiful parochial cult indoctrinations!
WOW and double WOW!!
That was a genuine light bulb moment!!