The rapture is the blessed hope of the Church. It is imminent in the sense that it can happen anytime without signs. The rapture is the translation of living saints and resurrection of dead Church Age saints (Christ comes FOR the Church). The Revelation or Second Coming is 7 years later when He comes back WITH the saints (WT nonsense about 1914 invisible return is false) (OT believers and dead Tribulation saints are raised after the 7 years; living Trib saints go into the millennium in natural bodies). Heaven is not limited to 144,000 (there will be billions) and there will be many people in paradise earth. The unregenerate end up in the lake of fire (conscious for eternity).
The problem is not with the rapture, but with well meaning people like the WT and Camping who play the Dating Game, contrary to biblical injunctions. I will be at work Saturday night and will believe His return is Perhaps Today, but not according to men's stupid dates. God will return in His sovereign timing, not according to flakey, flawed calculations.
This is what we should agree on: know that He is coming back; occupy until He comes (and make sure one is ready to meet their Maker through faith in Christ).