Rapture is a biblical principle. Just because a flake burns a Koran and claims to be Christian does not mean he represents Christianity or anything more than a few nutballs. Just because an old guy gets disproportionate media coverage, does not mean that the vast majority of Christians are not cringing and rebuking him. Just because some have gone against Scripture setting dates is not a reason to present a biblical, balanced eschatology or to stop preaching His return for and with the Church in the future.
JoinedPosts by godrulz
Will you be attending a "Rapture" party?
by Snoozy inmany others will apparently:.
why are atheists celebrating the rapture?
The Christian Onslaught
by satinka in*sigh* i have been noticing lately there are a number of groups of "christians" signing up as members of this forum, with the obvious agenda of gaining converts for their own cult-like religions.
i have been wondering things like:.
hmmm...maybe i'll try ignoring them.. thank you simon for the space to vent.. satinka.
veracity of Scripture=veracity of the Bible...it is on my list.
A scholarly book on the inspiration, transmission, canonicity of Scripture: Introduction (click look inside for contents) I have done my homework for decades to my satisfaction. Far be it from me to force my views on thinking people.
by Chariklo ini am new to this site, just finding my way around.. i've been studying with jw's for about 15 months.
i'm an unbaptised publisher, and until recently never missed a meeting, have been out "on the service" quite a lot.
i've been having difficulties with one of the jw's studying with me and something happened which was just unacceptable.
jgnat: would it be your advice for a non-JW to not partake at the Memorial even if they do so in another church? Why or why not?
Will you be attending a "Rapture" party?
by Snoozy inmany others will apparently:.
why are atheists celebrating the rapture?
Rack up your credit cards now and leave the bill for the Antichrist?
Harold is sincere, but stupid (he is probably my brother in Christ, so God will have to straighten him out). Since no one will be raptured, I don't think his followers will fear Oct. destruction. They will all be wrong and all left behind. If anyone goes, then there is a point about Oct.
If they are right, I will eat my shorts.
What say you Christians ???
by wobble init seems to me that most, if not all christians are really hung up on sin and redemption from sin and how naturally evil we all are.. my question, and observation is this : i had nothing to do with whatever you say adam and eve did wrong, i have always, throughout my life, treated whoever i came into contact with compassion, respect and love.. i have lived by the golden rule.. not many people, hand on heart, can say that, i can.. so, is your god going to judge me for the "sin" of some mythical forebears of mine ?
is he going to say that , because i did not believe in him, i willl be judged adversely, even though i lived by the precepts he is supposed to support ?.
all i can say is, if your god is like that, i refuse to worship or acknowledge him.. and i certainly do not want to get to know him.
The context is clear that the quote is from Genesis where it explicitly says that they represent nations, not individuals. Rom. 9-11 is about corporate election of Israel for service, not individual double predestination to salvation/damnation.
Rom. 9:22 should also not be read in a deterministic, individualistic way. The larger context is answering Jewish Christian concern in Rome over the shift to Gentiles away from Israel. God sovereignly chose Israel, set her aside when she rejected Messiah, raised up Gentiles, and will restore Israel in the future. God has authority over creatures and nations. The context is about Israel, not individual salvation (Jews wrongly thought they were saved because they were Jewish by race/inheritance, but Paul has already built a case earlier in Romans that there is now neither Jew nor Gentile, but all are one in Christ through faith in Christ; all are also universally condemned as sinners, even if Abe is their father).
A look at the Greek grammar (perfect particle 'prepared' may be reflexive or passive) shows that those who reject God are in a state of readiness or ripeness to receive God's wrath. Unbelievers are objects of wrath (Eph. 2), while believers experience life in Christ. These benefits/consequences relate to free choices (faith vs unbelief), not decree, determinism, etc. (Calvinism is wrong). God patiently endures opposition to Himself, but their judgment is coming. He does not arbitrarily decree who will be saved or lost, but invites all men to come to Him for mercy based on the cross, His perfect provision. Those who refuse to come remain condemned. Their destiny is destruction because of their free choice to reject Him. Those who freely trust Him have a different destiny prepared: eternal life in His presence. God's love and provision is not limited, partial, arbitrary. It is a wrong view of sovereignty to foist that idea on the text. God's wrath does come on the godless, but believers demonstrate His mercy and grace. God wants all to experience mercy and not perish (2 Peter 3:9; Jn. 3:16; I Tim. 2:4), but many refuse to come to Him for life. He does not predestine some to life and others to death. This would make God like Satan who wants all to perish (whereas Calvinistic God only wants some to perish?!). Context is king.
aguest: you did not answer the question...some very fringe Messianic groups might talk like you, but you still have not said who Jesus is. Is Yeshua God Almighty, uncreated Creator, YHWH in His pre-existence or is he a finite, created being of some sort? He is either God or creature. Would you worship Him as God Almighty or just honor Him as Messiah, Son of God (whatever that means to you), etc.
You have a wrong view of Scripture, so I am expecting that you will deny the Deity of Christ as well.
The Christian Onslaught
by satinka in*sigh* i have been noticing lately there are a number of groups of "christians" signing up as members of this forum, with the obvious agenda of gaining converts for their own cult-like religions.
i have been wondering things like:.
hmmm...maybe i'll try ignoring them.. thank you simon for the space to vent.. satinka.
It depends what you consider proof. I don't think I can prove the existence of God, the veracity of Scripture, the Deity/resurrection of Christ apart from Scripture, etc. in a few posts. There is a faith component, but it must be based on evidence. My interest on this forum (vs other forums) is more with cultic theists that atheists who tend to dismiss evidence.
Designs: I do believe that there is absolute, revealed truth. It would be impotent and unwise if God exists not to clearly communicate Himself. I believe false religion is refutable in light of Christianity.
by Chariklo ini am new to this site, just finding my way around.. i've been studying with jw's for about 15 months.
i'm an unbaptised publisher, and until recently never missed a meeting, have been out "on the service" quite a lot.
i've been having difficulties with one of the jw's studying with me and something happened which was just unacceptable.
JWs are deceived and do not think critically. I expect the same reaction from a JW that Jesus got from the Pharisees.
Life after death
by truthseeker ineveryone has different views about life after death and whether or not it is a possibility.. as jehovah's witnesses, we were always taught that there is no life after death, that this is the only life we have now and that the wages of sin is death.. .
what are your views on life after death?.
We do not have to be omniscient to know spiritual truth/reality, but we do need definitive divine revelation. The Bible is the Word of God and gives us sufficient vs exhaustive insight into these things. Judaism was shadows/types, so we need the progressive revelation of the New Testament.
Podo: The gist of the Bible teaching is that we are created in the image of God with spirit-soul, body and everyone lives forever (God does not annihilate His creative work in relation to man, the pinnacle of creation). The two main final destinies are heaven in the presence of God (the hope for OT saints and Church Age saints), and the lake of fire, separation from the presence of God (vs medieval torture chamber). There will also be some who survive Tribulation/Armageddon who will be in natural bodies in the millennial kingdom (other saints are resurrected and have glorified bodies like Jesus).
In this age, the crux is faith in the person and work of Christ vs godless unbelief, false religion, etc. I Jn. 5:11-13 If you have the Son, you have eternal life now. If you do not, you will perish (Jn. 3:16 vs Jn. 3:36). Faith is only as good as the object it is placed in, so one must trust the biblical Jesus (who is Yahweh in the flesh), not a counterfeit Christ like Mormons, Muslims, JWs, etc. teach (does not even exist).
Anglicans can certainly go to heaven, but many are merely nominal, liberal, religious. The key is receiving vs rejecting Jesus, relationship, not ritual. We cannot judge the hearts of men, but God will do the right thing in the end according to light (Gen. 18:25). There is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun. We can have victory over death through the risen Christ (Rev. 1:17-18).
Jehovah's witness meetings are NOT BORING......
by punkofnice in...i was told but they usually were as i look back.. as a lad i'd sit and look to see who the lights would fall on.
i'd get an almond and see how long i could suck it before i chewed at it.
i'd imagine playing rock'n'roll on the congregation's piano.. how did you get through the meetings when you were bored?.
Every JW meeting I have attended has been boring and amateurish (I have never been a JW), including their funerals (which should be a time of joy and hope for believers). In contrast, when I go to church, there is joy, peace, power, the presence of God, vibrant worship (that JWs fear or know nothing about), dynamic, relevant exposition/application of the Word (vs boring monologues of WT indoctrination), genuine fellowship, love, etc. Some meetings can be boring, but this is the exception. It still amazes me how people can remain in dead religion when there are alternatives that have life based on God being there (the KH does not exalt Jesus and denies the person of the Spirit=demonic oppression/deception).