Walter Martin, as curt and caustic as he could be, gave these principles in dealing with JWs (commentary paraphrased). I am trying to be kinder, gentler, without compromising truth. Fair enough (speak truth in love has always been my goal)?
1) Do identify with the JW.
- each is a person in their own right, usually sincere, have families, hopes, goals, etc.; we are part of the human family, even if not all part of the family of God; people before cultist.
2) Do labor persistently with the JW.
- Never give up unless they decisively refuse contact. The Word of God is powerful and effective.
3) Do exhaust every effort to answer the questions of JWs.
- we cannot separate evangelism and apologetics; know what we believe and why.
4) Do allow the JW to save face.
- one can win the argument, but lose the soul, more heat than light; Forget that you are a JW and I am a x, y, z. We are two people who want the truth (disarms situation); empathy.
5) Don't approach JWs with a spiritual chip on your shoulder (I have had this at times because of their ignorance, arrogance, and the evil of the WT that is ruining lives and families).
- humility vs spiritual pride/looking down on people.
6) Don't lose your patience, regardless of how dense you may think the JW is.
- We were all dense before we came to Christ. They are bound in the slavery of sin and deception, so we need to be patient. Multiple exposures to the gospel may be necessary.