Along the similar thoughts:
JoinedPosts by YoursChelbie
Another spin on the "2 witnesses"
by Lady Lee in16 but if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
ok you go once and try to talk to him and he doesn't listen.
then you go back and "take with thee one or two more".
Hi, I'm kind of new. Why do the elders need to have a meeting with you?
If you feel like talking about it.
by minimus inthe wt.
of 10-1-77 asks if an unbelieving husband admitted that he had another woman, is his admission sufficient ground for a scriptural divorce.the response was"though for the sake of his reputation he might not be willing to own up to it in a court of law or before other persons.what can the wife do?
since she is part of the clean christian congregation, she should realize the importance of handling the matter properly.
When speaking of himself as the true Christ, Jesus did not need to follow the Old Covenant Law of "two witnesses" to prove his identity.
To reason with the Pharisees he refered to it as their Law.
"...the Pharisees said to him: "You bear witness about yourself; your witness is not true. In answer Jesus said to them: "even if I do bear witness about myself, my witness is true...because I know where I came from.... Also, in your own Law it is written, 'The witness of two men is true.' I am the one who bears witness about myself and the Father who sent me bears witness about me." (John 18: 13,14,17)
The apostle Paul in writing to the Corinthians said...
"And so to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain Jews; to those under law I became as under law, that I might gain those under law." (1 Cor. 9:20)
So, it seems IMO that Watchtower Society is applying a law to Christians that Christ never intented to have applied to Christians--it is part of the Law of Moses essentially.
"Consequently the Law has become our tutor leading to Christ, that faith has arrived, we are no longer under a tutor." (Galatians 3:24,25)
Any thoughts?
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 15 July 2002 0:12:4
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 15 July 2002 0:13:45
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 15 July 2002 0:42:54
Panorama ... 15 Minute Countdown !
by Simon in.
just a reminder for everyone .... panorama should be starting in 15 minutes on bbc1.
get your vcrs and pc tv capture cards ready !!
Excellent report!
The GB member coming down the stage was asked; "Why do you keep a database of pedophiles? Why not turn it over to the police?"
The smartest thing he could say is was; "....You're from Great Britain.." (or something to that effect.)
HE did NOT Give a direct answer--- what an ignorant, lame and pathetic &*%#
The WTS got what they deserved --THEY have been EXPOSED!
--Thank you BBC!
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 14 July 2002 18:18:50
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 14 July 2002 18:20:58
I'm back!!!!!
by Jesus Christ injesus here.
i'm sure you've probably read a few books about me in the past or at least about my dad, god (or as everyone back home likes to call him "spanky").
this is just a quick note to say that dad and i are back home now.
Simon, this is all sooooo Funny!!
<<takes grin off face--quick>>>
But could we please move this to the "Jokes and Humour" section?
I know I know we all had a great time, but it IS the day before PANORAMA.
No doubt some distraught and sincere JWs will be coming here looking for help.
P.S. Celia, I wondered the same questions
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 13 July 2002 21:50:52
Sign of the Last Days THEN!
by JanH inthe last days in the 14th century
all through recorded history there have been people who have pointed to the calamities, horrors and disasters in the world, and preached that this signified an imminent end of the world.
this isnt even unique to christianity, which started off with strong millennial expectations in the 1st century, and for the most part retains the same expectations almost 2000 years later.
Great information!
I like how you put the WTS teachings in the proper perspective.
You ARE a gentleman and a scholar.
Everything makes more sense when I can see the "Big Picture."
Kingdom Hall burned down
by Mulan ini just heard that the tumwater washington (near olympia) kingdom hall burned down today.
my friend said it was on the news, and dubs were being interviewed.
Dad2.....the way your mind circles (?) you're actually funny!
YOU are something Else....
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 13 July 2002 14:25:12
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 13 July 2002 14:28:29
Did the 1914 Generation Die Anyway?
by JanH indid the 1914 generation die anyway?
ver since the beginning of the watchtower movement, they have had some sort of deadline for god's activities.these activities could be the rapture of the saints (which jws today do not believe in), the destruction of "false religion", ie every other religious group, or the final end of this world.
earlier, these deadlines were explicit dates.
Excellent information!
The WTS has gone from "millions now living will never die" (implying ALL the Jehovah's Witnesses in good standing.) to saying....
That the "generation" that will not pass away is the WICKED people who see the signs of the end and "don't mend their way.." (?)
A complete reversal!
Who do they think they are? Makes me so mad.. those shameless liars.
THANK YOU FOR EXPOSING them in simple and logical way.
How true the saying:
"New light today" is old lie tomorrow
Sick kids at the KH
by Sadie5 inthis always irked me, when little children were brought to the meetings and they were sick.
i remember one little girl would cough through an entire meeting.
they brought her like that for months, they said they didn't know what was wrong with her.
Meeting attendance is soooo drilled into people. When I used to go to meetings, it got to the point where it was like an obsessive compulsive disorder.
I mean, I've seen...
- Children on school nights trying to finish their homework in the car on the way TO the meetting
- A woman with the FLU sneezing her germs out all over the ladies room.
- A toddler being FED crackers and pudding in the ladies room because the mom didn't have time for dinner
- A man shaving in the guys restroom (?)
The list goes on and on, I would think that trying to do too much in one day would normally suppress your immune system in the first place. For me, it got to the point were I couldn't take the stress. I tried to reason with people: "The GIFT God gives is everlasting life by Christ." You can't earn a gift!
God isn't keeping a scorecard of sorts and saying to us: "Whoever goes to the MOST meetings gets to live forever.... "
Such non-sense!
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 10 July 2002 10:5:8
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 10 July 2002 10:59:38
IS it just me or....?
by dustrabbit inis it just me or..... 1. do the vast majority of the "good" females in the jw publications look like they stepped out of the martha stewart-wannabe/betty crocker/beaver's mom mold?
and the bad "girls" look like some cheesy bad girl from a chessy 80s movie?.
2. did i see a lack of interracial couples/families in the jw pubs?
Hi dustrabbit!
Is it just me or is the WTS idea of "bad teens" always a photo of some overdone punk rockers?
That is so weird but true! Those publications are too funny.
By the way welcome back to the US! Hope you have a safe trip home.