Your aunt is soooo cool. She's my kind of person!
So are you. Take care and hang out with your aunt more often when you're feeling down.
well my real friends...the funeral is over.
i can count 5 witnesses...only 5, that offered any sort of comfort to me.
those are the ones that i know really love(d) me.
Your aunt is soooo cool. She's my kind of person!
So are you. Take care and hang out with your aunt more often when you're feeling down.
i really need your feedback .
i am really down on the dumps regarding being shunned and torn apart about da (i haven't yet).
a week ago i wrote to dr. phil on oprah and wrote briefly about jw practices on shunning.
I'll have to disagree with the comment of "not bringing in Bill Bowen." I understand that the shunning you have experience was due to "not living up to all that a JW is supporsed to be." Would this include not supporting the WTS by openly expressing your views about their shunning policy and well as the way child abuse cases are handled?
Because if the fact that you spoke out plays a role in the shunning that you have been subjected to, that would be the perfect tie in for having Bill Bowen or Barbara there as well.
Just some thoughts.
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 29 July 2002 15:30:34
i really need your feedback .
i am really down on the dumps regarding being shunned and torn apart about da (i haven't yet).
a week ago i wrote to dr. phil on oprah and wrote briefly about jw practices on shunning.
Oprah reaches many viewers, especially mothers who want to be informed about how to deal with current issues that affect their families.
If you want to take advantage of this opportunity to highlight the massive problems with WTS policies (the shunning, the failure to turn in child abusers without "two witnesses" etc.) then you could actually save someone's life. For a certainty, you will be heard by someone who is being abused right now but has been silenced by an extreme religion.
Many people who didn't see Dateline will have another chance to see the WTS for what it really is.
If you are asked to speak about your personal situation, you can say it without mentioning names.
But since you are already being shunned there's not much more to loose by the way of so-called friends. If your husband will support you in exposing the WTS--all the better!
If he doesn't support you and you decide not to appear on the show that is your absolute right. You could suggest to Oprah that she contanct Bill Bowen, or Barbara Anderson. I'm pretty sure they will speak out and your message will still get accross.
Pray on it, we'll support you whatever you decide.
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 29 July 2002 15:1:11
to those who are going to be part of the letter-writing campaign to bethel regarding the decision to disfellowship bill bowan, barbara anderson and others for appearing on dateline, here are the names of the governing body members that you can address the letter to:.
john e. barr.
carey w. barber.
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 29 July 2002 13:11:5
" (the watchtower, 10/1 1961, p. 596; bold added).
" (the watchtower, 11/15 1952, p. 703; bold added).
" (the watchtower, 10/1 1952, p. 599; bold added).
That the WTS calls the actions of its own god by the term that designates the Nazi extermination of Jews during WWII will baffle anyone who thinks the God of Christianity is a God of love.
The Watchtower Society has no qualms about giving graphic descriptions of this insanity while children is present. Children of Jehovah's Witnesses are expected to be present at all "meetings", including Watchtower and Book Study sessions were all the above quotations are read and repeated over and over again. Even in books directed particularly at children do we find such tasteless descriptions, amply illustrated to make them understand the reality of their playmates becoming bird-fodder, or worse:
While I was going to meetings and door to door something always felt "wrong" but I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. After reading your explanation of WTS teachings of hatered, it all becomes very clear. THAT's what always felt wrong to me! The WTS judgemental attitude is harmful for impressionable children to hear over and over and over again. I have become more aware of the damage that this hateful indoctrination can cause since having children of my own.
People not familiar with WTS teachings can read your excellent post and understand the mentality of WTS members. I'd like to make copies for my relatives if that's alright.
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 29 July 2002 12:45:6 the real world.
how many times have you had an actual encounter with someone that you first greeted, or came to know from a web site?
after how long did you decide to meet? the real world.
How many times have you had an actual encounter with someone that you first greeted, or came to know from a web site? After how long did you decide to meet? Were you pleasantly surprised? Or disappointed? What would you do differently? Would you do it again?
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 28 July 2002 22:33:18
does the bible contain accounts of persons who, while not active members of "organized" religion have god's appoval?
if it does, this would contradict watchtower teaching, since they often claim that anyone who's not a baptized member of their organization will suffer destruction.
further they claim that only active members of their "organization" have god's approval.
Thanks for your kind words GRITS!
Thank you to everyone who contributed their thoughts.
Christian Observer's point on the Good Samaritan was excellent!
Everybody on this thread really is a thinking person and I appreciate all your comments.
does the bible contain accounts of persons who, while not active members of "organized" religion have god's appoval?
if it does, this would contradict watchtower teaching, since they often claim that anyone who's not a baptized member of their organization will suffer destruction.
further they claim that only active members of their "organization" have god's approval.
There are also countless of people, Bill Bowen, Joe and Barbara Anderson come to mind, who have a clean conscience because of the stand they have taken for what is right.
If they were to stay active in the WTS Organization and have to support the lies, by going door to door with these lies, they would not be true to themselves.
Leaving the Watchtower doesn't mean a person is not close to God. On the contrary.
If they want to be, they can. Just by the way they live their life every day.
does the bible contain accounts of persons who, while not active members of "organized" religion have god's appoval?
if it does, this would contradict watchtower teaching, since they often claim that anyone who's not a baptized member of their organization will suffer destruction.
further they claim that only active members of their "organization" have god's approval.
Does the Bible contain accounts of persons who, while not active members of "organized" religion have God's appoval?
If it does, this would contradict Watchtower teaching, since they often claim that anyone who's not a Baptized member of their organization will suffer destruction. Further they claim that only active members of their "organization" have God's approval.
The Bible gives at least three examples of individuals that were approved by God while they were not active in any "organization."
So, from these examples, the scriptures make quite clear the opposite of what the WTS would have many believe. The fact is that "God is not partial, but in every nation, the man [or woman, apparently] that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to Him." (Acts 10 v 34)
If anybody has WT source material that supports any information here, that would be great.Thanks!
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 28 July 2002 0:32:35
i've been posting for a little over a month and i honestly feel that my transition from "nominal jw" into the "real world" would not have been as smooth (or fun) were it not for this forum!
i clicked on the tiny, credit card logo on the top right corner and made a small contribution to help our friend simon with the monthly maintenance of this forum.
i will try to remember to contribute something every moth at least, as my circumstances allow.
Hi, for any new members to the forum, here is a clarification of terms:
A - Any
P - Person
O - Over
S - Seventeen
T - Thinking
A - Actively
T - Through
E - Everything
B - Best
O - Observed
O - Over
B - Beer
I - If totally bored while spending
E - Excessive time
S - Surfing the net
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 27 July 2002 19:34:25