My father was a career Marine Corps officer. He was opposed to the WTBTS but was always gracious to the JWs who visited our home for my mother's sake. In his later years he kind of mellowed out and let them read their scriptures to him while nodding and saying "that's nice". For this gruff old Marine to do that said something about how much he cared for my mother. The "brothers" always took this to mean that my father was a prospect for conversion. Idiots.
When my father died we were all totally devestated. Not just the children, nephews, nieces, cousins, friends, grandchildren. Very few of us are Witnesses, several of us are opposed, one of us (me) is vehemenently opposed.
ONe of the brothers who thought he knew my father well (he didn't) inserted himself into the funeral arrangements. I begged my mother not to let this jackass give the funeral sermon. The people at the funeral home were very very nice and their pastor was a very humble, kind hearted man who always gave talks at the open casket that comforted the grieving.
I live out of town from my parents so I did not know that the Witnesses were going to give the talk until I got to the funeral home that day. I got several of my cousins together and confronted the "elder" and sad "Considering that my father was very opposed to your cult and that most of the peple here are very opposed to your cult I think it is in extremely bad taste that you have inserted yourself into our grief. I for one do not want to hear any of your propaganda. Everyone I have talked to feels the same way." The "elder" refused to acquiesce of course.
Later the pastor was comforting me because I asked him to because my heart was breaking in a way that I just could not deal with. The "elder" tried to but in to the conversation. I just looked at him with tears running down my face and said "Please, sir do you have no sense of decency at all? You know I detest your cult, let me to my grief." The pastor took me into a very tasteful room which had his religious symbols. I think the man was a Baptist, I'm not sure. anyway, he told me to cry and he held me. He didn't say much.
I was sitting in the front row and I was crying so hard. And this goddam elder gives a propaganda speech about his cult and their "promises". I was so upset.
At the gravesite I told the "elder", "IF you say ANYTHING here they will be burying two people today". I gave a eulogy for my dad and told everyone that while he was a hard man and my childhood was very difficult, my dad made me the person I am today and for that I was very thankful and my father was a wonderful man.
My cousins stopped at an army surplus store and bought a large American flag and some Marine corps emblems and one of my cousins played the Marine Corps music that they play at Marine funerals on the trumpet. My oldest cousin was a Marine and he helped us do the farewell to arms tha they do when a Marine is buried. This wasn't planned, but I was happy that my cousins were there.
I have to stop writing now I am cvrying too hard.