I see many threads that address this issue, but I still don't have a clear thought on this. So I want your help.
The Governing Body misleads the members- no doubt. They do change some of their history to make the WT organization look smarter or better-guided by "Jehovah." They hide information from recruits and from full-fledged members. But I can only speculate on how much of this is deliberate willful deceit from those that know they are not contacted by the spirit of Charles Russell, angels, Jesus, or Jehovah.
I do have to consider that changing your history is willful. Telling people that they "looked forward" to 1914 as they say now that they did is clearly deliberate. Trying to run a campaign back in the 1980's and 90's that they once proclaimed that millions now living MAY never die, when they know good and well that they proclaimed that those millions WILL never die back in the 1920's- that is deliberate. Changing doctrines such as "generation" cannot be some feeling that comes over the GB that Jehovah has offered more light, so I feel that much doctrine and rules changing is based on corporation desires of membership and monetary contributions.
Personally, I think that C.T. Russell believed a bunch of his own crap. I beleive that J.F. Rutherford believed very little of his own crap but enjoyed the Cadilacs and the travel and the obedience. But after these two, I have less conviction in my beliefs. Whether Knorr and Fred Franz believed the world was going to end in 1975 or not is unclear. It does seem that the corporation was braced for the end not actually coming, and it continues to dig in to survive longer in "this system of things" now. I cannot imagine from reading Ray Franz' books that the GB meets and actually says openly that they need to come up with new crap to deceive the members. Still, they come up with new crap to deceive the members somehow.
I can imagine each GB member secretly knowing that Jehovah (or the ghost of C.T. Russell) is not reaching them in their dreams nor their waking state during/after prayer to tell them how to vote on an issue or how to address an issue within their membership. I can imagine them being afraid to say anything to the other GB members about it, assuming that Jehovah (or the ghost of C.T. Russell) is actually reaching their cohorts on the GB.
So, what do you think? How can you sway me or others? Some would say that the lies they spread through print and assembly parts are just a part of their own feelings that they are stewards of Jehohah's organization where the membership needs sheltering from some hard realities. Othes would say they are greedy bastards that know the funds would dry up if they fully disclose information. Give your thoughts on this.