@matt2414 @ohiocowboy @irondork Thank you very much for being open and sharing your thoughts! I could not imagine what you all went through being a gay JW.
@maisha I 100% agree with u. After disecting the bible I knew I was much more loving and just than Jehovah/God/Sky Bully. Sorry God but rape is NEVER ok in my book and no old or new covenant can change that.
@drewcoul "Anothrr thing I don't understand is why I can find two guys together to be repulsive to me, yet two women together is such a turn-on. I think alot of mrn are like me in that thinking." - LOL the whole 2 dudes banging was/is still repulsive to me also but I have to figure to gay guys a dude banging a chick is a similar thought process. Not sure though. But MAN two chicks...OMG!
Again thank u all for sharing ur thoughts and plz continue to share them!