I remember I use to have a lot of hate in my heart when I was a JW. I remember I used to hate gay people A LOT! When news reports came in about gays getting jumped in parks at night or killed.I would always smile inside. I literally used to anticipate arm ge done when all gays would die horrible deaths at the hands of Jehovah just for being attracted to their same sex smh. I also used to anticipate the destruction of all who slammed the door in my face while out field service. I also hated people wearing Jesus pieces. Hey I had to hate what was bad just like Jehovah hates whats bad. Since becoming an atheist I have much more love and an open mind for all. In fact I am more loving now than when I was a christian bigot. I notice this switch of extreme emotions contradict what most people think of atheist. Wondering what are some things present atheist hated as christians/JWs and now accept with no malice? Also, do u think as atheist u hate less?
I Used To Hate Gays!
by DubR 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
As an atheist I find myself stopping and considering the other person more. I never hated anyone as a JW, in fact I often envied the "worldies" and thought myself (in a round about way) to be not good enough for them. I guess... the part about everyone bar a certain group about to die a horrific and certain death got to me more than I realised at the time.
I don't know that I hate less, because I wasn't a big hater, but I definitely love more.
The gay hate always made my stomach tighten. I didn't understand it. I remember 'friends' saying that they quit listening to music, cuz they found out a band member was gay. I was appalled. I said, do you think many of the other performers are likely fornicators? Yes. Well, then, homosexuality is not listed as a worse sin as heterosexual fornication! But still, even though I argued it from the bible (the only acceptable argument) it didn't sit right with me. I just truly never saw the problem, or why I should concern myself. I went on a return visit, and a man asked me what I thought of gay marriage. I think I stunned my partner by saying, "acutally, the bible doesn't have anything to say about gay marriage." My partner shifted uncomfortably, so I showed a scripture on homosexuality. Didn't want to. But it was expected.
Another time, I went to my cafeteria at work, and a 'sister' worked there and was acting very distressed. What's wrong? "I'm being sexually harrassed!" she stated rather loudly. "What's going on?" "They just hired 2 gay people, and we already had one! Now we have 3. I'm being sexually harrassed!" again--quite loudly. "Well, I don't understand, are they saying things to you? Are they hitting on you?" "No, but they are everywhere! I'm being sexually harrassed!" even louder. I left stunned. The irony that was not lost on me was that she was actually harrassing them, as they seemed to be minding their own business.
Today, I have all kinds of friends. One of my best friends is a gay guy, and he and his boyfriend put down my kitchen floor this weekend. Another plus, he goes clothes shopping and to the hair salon with me and enjoys it! LOL. He also built me a great pair of boobs for Halloween, I HAD CLEAVAGE, so the pluses keep coming!
l p
I wouldn't say I hated gays when I was in. I worked with them and loved them. But I loved most people. The fact was I never believed that all the worldly people deserved to die bec they weren't jws. I refused to believe they were bad/evil or whatever else.
Now I'm glad im out and 'free' to enjoy people and appreciate them
I was hit on by so many gays as a JW, I thought it was cute! I treated homosexuals with great respect and felt I had no right to judge them. The Organization was never as rabid as the Fundamental Christians or Proposition 8 proponents (Mormon backing legislation) were, I know of two non practicing Gays who were traveling overseers.
I can say with great honesty, most JWs treated Gays out in field service very good, JWs would complement their Homosexual employers (Janitors) as being very generous and kind, maybe were strange in California with homosexual tolerance. I think by now if I had a chance to bash the Org, I would tell you if I saw a concerted effort to be evil to homosexuals.
hey new chapter we agree on something i hate when some christians have so much against homosexual ppl like its any worse than fornication like you said that irrates me
It's hard to admit that we used to have these hateful feelings. I felt that way about Catholics, the Red Cross, apostates, and gays. It was how I was raised. Yet my best friend was Catholic, and I had many good friends who were gay. So I guess my feelings must have been divided because I didn't hate them. What a confused mess in my brain and heart!
My family continually makes anti-gay comments and it's actually quite hurtful to me. But JWs don't have the monopoly on that. Just last week I had an argument with my ex, who insists that gays are evil because they don't procreate. What an idiot.
I'm so glad I escaped that lunacy. One of the women I most admire in my life, a mentor who has done a great deal to help me move forward in life, is gay. A wonderful woman who has been hurt by those kinds of attitudes, who was cut off from her own family because of it. I now hate those attitudes and work hard to counter them and raise awareness. I'm a much better person for it.
I've always felt that all of that extra hatred was covering something else up...
things that make you go "hmmm."
I never had issues with gay people or bi or whatever, never really cared that much what anyone did in the privacy of their own home.
When I became a Christian I started to care, to care more about them and what they were going through.
Just recently a family member masde it clear in his own way that he is gay and how that has cost him his family ( He divorced and has 3 kids that are having a hard time adjusting to himbeing gay), it was heart breaking and quite painful to hear and see.
I was reminded of Paul in his letter to the Corinthians:
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.
Many closeted gays are very homophobic. ;)
But there aren't any gay people in the closet in jehoblas blorganization...
Not one.