thank you cantleave, I can truly relate to you. My wife suggested a similiar approach by saying I could get reinstated and just fake being a JW until my mom dies. If I chose to do this, I would never donate or go door to door (or do any form of preaching) and make like 1 meeting a month lol. I miss my mom and I miss my little nephew (he is 7yrs old). Im starting to realize if I never go back and fake it, I wont even be able to see my little nephew grow up and spend the last maybe 15-20yrs with my mom. I am realizing that the Watchtower Society will win in a sense (I never loose if you know what I mean). I have always been mentally strong, smart; determined in my endevors. It still seems like a momentous task tho. Cantleave, could you maybe share your typical week to me?
Posts by DubR
Have some went back & those who do, what's it like??
by DubR ini hope everyone had a great time with their loved ones last week!
i wanted to know have any on this forum went back to being a jehovah's witness who were previously disfellowshipped, disassociated, agnostic, atheist; or just faded away?
would any of you eventually go back for family and friends?
Have some went back & those who do, what's it like??
by DubR ini hope everyone had a great time with their loved ones last week!
i wanted to know have any on this forum went back to being a jehovah's witness who were previously disfellowshipped, disassociated, agnostic, atheist; or just faded away?
would any of you eventually go back for family and friends?
Thank you guys for your comments. Are you guys finally able to let your brainwashed family go over the years? I think this is where my major confusion is coming from. I miss my mom soo much and I know she will continue to be a JW until the day she dies. I honestly could go without having my siblings and old friends relationship back, I just really miss my mom. I also love my new free life now. I dont know what to do.
Have some went back & those who do, what's it like??
by DubR ini hope everyone had a great time with their loved ones last week!
i wanted to know have any on this forum went back to being a jehovah's witness who were previously disfellowshipped, disassociated, agnostic, atheist; or just faded away?
would any of you eventually go back for family and friends?
Thank you Nancy. But I feel just like you, I will never wake up early and go knock on doors and lie to people ever again. If I went back I would only go to meetings when my family visited me and maybe fake record time on my field service report (like alot of pioneers I knew) lol. Im thinking coming back knowing 100% the organization is false and faking 100% without preaching and being regular at meetings. I also wouldnt want my wife to get babtized, just fake the meeting attendance with me until I am reinstated.
Have some went back & those who do, what's it like??
by DubR ini hope everyone had a great time with their loved ones last week!
i wanted to know have any on this forum went back to being a jehovah's witness who were previously disfellowshipped, disassociated, agnostic, atheist; or just faded away?
would any of you eventually go back for family and friends?
I hope everyone had a great time with their loved ones last week! I wanted to know have any on this forum went back to being a Jehovah's Witness who were previously disfellowshipped, disassociated, agnostic, atheist; or just faded away? Would any of you eventually go back for family and friends? I personally dont believe in God or the Bible anymore so if I decided to go back, I don't feel I would be damned by some superpower force in the sky. My wife would be ok to fake it too. I just really miss my mom (she's in her 60s) and my dad passed away a couple of years ago. It feels like if I continue to be disfellowshipped and not have that close relationship I use to have with her and my sisters, I will be letting that organization win! After looking back at the last couple of years and looking foward into 2010 I may decide to go back and get reinstated (pisses me off saying that). I figure I will wait for the memorial and start making the meetings regularly and fake like I want those imperfect elders forgiveness and get my family back. I just dont want "them" to win and I lose precious time with my mother who is brainwashed by this org. This is the only life we have IMO. I won't go out field service and will only make meetings when my mom visits after I get reinstated. What are your thoughts and personal experiences? Thank you all in advance!
Question for still active JW's / Faders
by cantleave indo you still contribute for literature, give to the worldwide work, kingdom hall fund or contribute towards the upkeep of your local kh?
if you do - why?.
My mom donates $25 to the worldwide preaching work and $25 to the local congregation each week for the last 25 years!! You do the math....Its sad
by lgadsden injehovahs day comes at this moment and u realize u were in the right place but because of leaving you are now doomed.
would everything gained (temporary) enjoyment worth it?.
Ok, who am I?
"The pyramid of Giza's dimensions tells us that Armaggeddon will happen in 1914!! Preach this message from God and rejoice!!" (remark from the first president ofJehovah's Chosen Organization)
"Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will come back to life in 1925 to live in this San Diego mansion I had built for myself... I mean built for them. Later...... Oh crap I was wrong but how dare you call me a false prophet!!!! Later.... You members will start calling yourselves Jehovah's Witness!! (remarks from the second president ofJehovah's Chosen Organization)
"Organ transplants are a great marvel of science....Later.....Organ transplantation is an act of canibalism and canibals will be disfellowshipped from the God's Christian Congregation!! Later..... Uhhh some may have thought organ transplants were a sin but the Bible clearly doesn't show that this would be bad. Uhh one can't be disfellowshipped for this procedure its ok.. IF YOU REALIZE WE KILLED INNOCENT FOLLOWERS OF JEHOVAH, YOU ARE AN EVIL APOSTATE!!! It was just new light new light!! Later... The United Nations is the foretold Beast in Revelatons that will be destroyed by Jehovah!!! Do not be apart of Satan's United Nations, if you are, you are to be disfellowshipped...Later....We clearly didn't realize we were a part of the United Nations (Beast and Satan's Organization) when we signed up as their NGO. ANYONE WHO TELLS OTHERS WE WERE PART OF THE UNITED NATIONS FOR OVER 10YRS AND RESIGNED WHEN A BRITISH NEWSPAPER BUSTED US OUT ARE EVIL APOSTATES!!! Later....Its clearly highly unwise to go to college in these last days (1970s) Later... Its clearly highly unwise to go to college in these last days (2009). By the way keep donating (paying) for our free room and board so we can continue not to work and provide for ourselves, kindof like those evil baptist preachers do to their followers!! We gotta get a black guy in here so it wont be soo obvious. Jesus was middle eastern but we will continue to draw him as a white man because color doesn't matter. NOWDAYS...ANYONE WHO DOESNT THINK THIS IS GODS VISIBLE ORGANIZATION ARE EVIL APOSTATES FROM SATAN!!!!!" (remarks fromGOD'S CHOSEN ORGANIZATION THAT WAS CHOSEN BY JESUS BACK IN 1914) Great choice Jesus!!!
Do you still think the truth is the truth, God's annointed ones accidently kill his followers; new light explains all these lies I mean mistakes OR Do you realize how deadly it can be to rely on men who claim they are appointed from God to give you proper (improper) food and the right (wrong time)? If you agree with the later...YOU ARE AN EVIL APOSTATE!!!
What JW catch phrase DRIVES YOU NUTS!!!!
by megaflower in"we should be mindful".
And the most infamous phrase used (for active jw from age 3 to death)'
deep inhale "The worldwide preaching work is supported by voluntary donations, so if you would like to make a donation to the World Wide Preaching Work, I would be happy to accept" .....exhale.............(Thanks for your business)
Lecture before he died....Randy Pausch
by AK - Jeff in"almost all of us have childhood dreams; for example, being an astronaut, or making movies or video games for a living.
sadly, most people dont achieve theirs, and i think thats a shame.
i had several specific childhood dreams, and ive actually achieved most of them.
Removed for public argument with a moderator!
Why do Ex-JWs start celebrating pagan Christmas?
by DubR inhiya guys and gals.
im not trying to be self-righteous but i want to understand the thought process of someone who knows the origins of christmas, but starts celebrating it (putting up christmas tree, exchanging wrapped gifts; repeating merry christmas to everyone they see in the month of december)??
it seems very silly to me (imo) after knowing how and why christmas was created (to cater to pagans sun worship and convert to christianity)!!
Thank you Sammieswife! That post makes alot of sense now that I have a different viewpoint.
Outlaw-Ouch but I guess I deserve that! Im really sorry for the insulting comments earlier. And actually a couple of your post you made about me (jerkin off and blah blah blah) were crackin me up. I deserved those too lol
Psacramento thanks for all your comments. Sorry...
Why do Ex-JWs start celebrating pagan Christmas?
by DubR inhiya guys and gals.
im not trying to be self-righteous but i want to understand the thought process of someone who knows the origins of christmas, but starts celebrating it (putting up christmas tree, exchanging wrapped gifts; repeating merry christmas to everyone they see in the month of december)??
it seems very silly to me (imo) after knowing how and why christmas was created (to cater to pagans sun worship and convert to christianity)!!
Jookbeard, i got disfellowshipped for fornication and not being willing to break off communication with my girlfriend (now wife). You can see my whole story in my first post on this website.
EVERYONE I HAVE PERSONALLY OFFENDED...I AM SORRY!! That is one thing about me if you know me, if I am wrong about something I will admit it. I didn't realize it but I did come off condemning in my earlier post but it was out of anger. I am only 24yrs old and not even a year ago I thought JW was the only true religion and know I dont believe in the Bible (I have been through alot and have alot of anger build up inside). But I want to keep growing in knowledge, making sure what I believe is correct, so in that process I am sorry that I was self-righteous. I just realized that I didn't need to find a justification for celebrating Christmas. I really shouldnt have cared anyway it goes being agnostic but I guess that was still control going on. I have a couple of weeks to decide to celebrate Christmas this year but all of you guys posts have helped me. Thank you all and I am sorry...