What's the difference between Elmo and a Catholic priest?
i thought that this was cute so i wanted to share.... .
a stalk of broccoli says "i look like a small tree"!.
a mushroom looks around and says "i look like an umbrella"!.
What's the difference between Elmo and a Catholic priest?
at isaiah 43:12, jehovah said to his fleshly nation of israel, "you are my witnesses.
" after christ's death, the literal jewish nation was cast off as god's chosen people, (matt.
21:43) and jehovah now allowed gentiles to join those jews who accepted christ as the messiah, to become part of the 'israel of god'.
i think the term "atheist" was coined to accomodate a "theist" population to understand someone with an opposing viewpoint.. i find it interesting that for many... their life is arranged around their belief in their deity.. that was my case when i was one... .
i think that calling myself an atheist its accepting a defact stand of theism of the world and extends and validates at some degree tha myth.. i am an "atheist" as much as i am an "adarthvarthian".
i never call myself by the second... nor i have to negate the multitude of fantasies and myths that people choose or are trapped in believing... .
Very interesting point cyberjesus. I was always proud to be called an atheist, probably because I despise religion because all the harm it does. But your view reminds me of NonStampCollector's ATHEIST!!!! video. One stick figure guy went through 50 gods asking the other if he believed in them. Of course the answer was no but when the guy got to Yahweh the other guy said no. NOW he is considered an atheist. Its like no one living today is an atheist for not believing in Thor or Zeus but not believing in Yahweh makes us one. Kind of retarded logic. Hell Zeus seems cooler than Yahweh. Maybe I just fall under "not religious" not sure now.
hello lurkers, christians, agnostics, atheist, exjws!
i have always been a hardcore gamer.
god of war, call of duty, halo, street fighter, final fantasy, etc love em all.
Ahh how could I forget meat beating! I stayed a virgin for a minute (really believed in my relationship with Jehovah) so as a teen I was busting ALL KINDS OF NUTS alone!! But man i would get suicidal depressed from that act for many years. Elders got on me for facial hair, growing afro too long (wanted dreads BUT NOO); and somebody snitched and said I bump rap around campus. Man so many rules, so much fear being a true active JW. Dont miss it one bit
hello lurkers, christians, agnostics, atheist, exjws!
i have always been a hardcore gamer.
god of war, call of duty, halo, street fighter, final fantasy, etc love em all.
i had been studying with the jehovah's witnesses for the last couple years.
they have been interesting study sessions and have learned quite a bit about them and their beliefs.
much of what they teach is what i had learned through personal bible study.. growing up was normal.
@Christ Alone I understand what you are saying I just know from personal experience its not that easy. But hey we are all grown, please continue to feed the troll leftover thanksgiving bits lol
@RoosterMcDooster No, this is feeding the troll. "Change Name You are absolutely right. That UN stuff was not that serious and it was only for a silly library card. After the organization was exposed by a newspaper for being a NGO, they decided to no longer be members because its just too much drama being a NGO (everybody be hating on a playa). JWs are right so start your study back and get baptized into the loving muscular white arms of Jehovah & his chosen org!" RoosterMcDooster THATS HOW U FEED A TROLL LOL!!!
i had been studying with the jehovah's witnesses for the last couple years.
they have been interesting study sessions and have learned quite a bit about them and their beliefs.
much of what they teach is what i had learned through personal bible study.. growing up was normal.
@RoosterMcDooster Calling a troll a troll is not feeding the troll.... OH CRAP, THAT IS FEEDING IT DARN IT LOL!
@james_woods LOL too true bro! But man you dont have to be so evil on family guy!
i had been studying with the jehovah's witnesses for the last couple years.
they have been interesting study sessions and have learned quite a bit about them and their beliefs.
much of what they teach is what i had learned through personal bible study.. growing up was normal.
@Christ Alone Is it anyone's job to make JW apologists see the light and teach them TTATT? My friend that is still JW brainwashing in you (believing you have to preach to everyone to save them). When I use to lurk over 3 years ago, its because I had serious doubts about the JW history. People like that (ones truly searching) are worth helping IMO. If Change Name is happy to study/be a JW than the more power to him/her. Thats when you have to say at the end of the day, life is about choices and thats Change Name's choice (To TROLL and defend JWs past). It is honestly no ones job to waste their hours in the day to change a TROLLS choice, especially a TROLL that practically HATES YOU!
i had been studying with the jehovah's witnesses for the last couple years.
they have been interesting study sessions and have learned quite a bit about them and their beliefs.
much of what they teach is what i had learned through personal bible study.. growing up was normal.
I SWEAR HALF OF YOU PEOPLE ON JWN ARE RETARDED. Change Name IS A JW TROLL. YOU CANT REASON WITH IT. ITS MIND IS MADE UP. THINK... WHY WOULD A PERSON STUDYING WITH JWS SAY IT WAS GOING GREAT, STOP COLD TURKEY STUDYING FOR 2 MONTHS AND THEN RUN TO JWN TO DEFEND THEM. ITS ILLOGICAL!! THIS IS JW "SPIRITUAL WARFARE" AT ITS BEST. Most likely an elder (who has recently changed his name thus Change Name)trying to make JWs look a little bit better/less hypocrite and all of you are playing right along. Giving him hits Getting Trolled! TROLOLOLOL smh some old people dont get it smh
hello lurkers, christians, agnostics, atheist, exjws!
i have always been a hardcore gamer.
god of war, call of duty, halo, street fighter, final fantasy, etc love em all.
Hello lurkers, christians, agnostics, atheist, exjws! I have always been a hardcore gamer. God of War, Call of Duty, Halo, Street Fighter, Final Fantasy, etc love em all. Rated R movies, UFC, experimenting & having fun in the sheets, white lies, animes like Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, and Bleach cant live without em. I followed many of the basic teachings to a T:stayed a virgin for many years(was actually sometimes called gay in HS because I was too attractive to not have a girlfriend), studied lesson, commented, read sunday watchtower, carried mic, field service, etc.
But every night I would be scared to death I would be destroyed by Jehovah because that night I played Final Fantasy or I watched new episode of DBZ that day or I said I was 7" when I'am really 6" LOL. Yes many active JWs sisters will ask your measurements LOL. See deep down I knew (it was crystal clear) Jehovah hates anyone loving violence and man I obviously freaking loved violence! Its entertaining and thats a fact! I was never delusional to think I could continue loving all these lil things and just pray about it every night (not true repentance). I would have to turn away from what I loved and live a pretty boring existence (not gonna happen). What habits do you have that you thought would one day get you destroyed by Jehovah?