Just 2 types of exJw's? What planet are you from? Denial is not just a river in Babylon. Bible bashers and fornicating evil doers??? Puhlease! There are lots of us who have been set free from "the truth". We don't need to shout from the rooftops that JW's are brainwashed, or evil. We don't need to join another cult or religion to tell us how to live our lives or take the responsibility from making our own life decisions.. We are not evil fornicating, adultering, drug taking alcoholic nasties. We just get a job, meet nice normal folk who don't judge us, form real relationships with people who have no agenda for loving us and we get married, buy a house, travel and have beautiful innocent normal kids. Get with the program - it's pretty easy and contrary to the JW agenda, SATAN is not out to get us. From my viewpoint, the closest I got to Satan was being enmeshed in the trip that was the Watchtower society and it's evil brainwashing ways. The nightstalker in the UK and the Garrido chap in the US felt right at home with them.
The truth WILL set you free!!