If you actually look at some interlinear new testament, you'll see in the direct greek to english translation, Annointed, then you will see annointed is put in as Christ.
If every instance of Christ was replaced with annointed, how would many scriptures read? Well for one Jesus would be called Jesus Annointed. But also on the biblical prophecies, in the last days, instead of "false christs", it would be "false annointed". Also Jesus is said to have 'joint heirs', etc. AND the scriptures speak of the holy ones in the congregations judging angels.
I am seeing where so many different beliefs and understandings are coming from.
1. Old testament shows God doesn't share any glory, etc, but also foretold about a 'stumbling stone' being sent to Israel. Also about 'chosen' or 'elect' or 'sons of man'.
2. Based on old testament, Christ seemed apostate to Israelites, in it seemed to go against Gods commands in old testament.
3. Moses had the 'spirit of wisdom' on him and laid on hands to transfer it.
4. Jesus Christ said he had a prehuman exisitance, was implanted in Mary by God, and said he was head of congregation and his disciples approved to be with him after he spoke to his father, and after his leaving would send a helper, the spirit of truth.
5. Pauls letters going into deeper detail, go on how holy ones are to judge even angels, and also more details on "christ" being head of congregation, etc.
6. The prophecies of false christs, antichrist, etc, also seem to fit the prophecies of the true ones, so in the last days, ones may reject what is the true Christ returned thinking it's the antichrist, or vice versa.
7. Many are warned of the antichrist, and an earthly kingdom, yet in Ezekiel, you' see that the last days, and Christ, etc are ON EARTH. But then in Revelation, etc, they are in heaven. So those believe in Ezekiel, may look for an earthly Israel restoration, while others dismiss it as the antichrist.
8. If annointed others then Jesus himself are join heirs, and IF Jesus was God, does that mean those selected are sharing the throne of God?
9. If Jesus is God, or was part of him transferred in that sense, and not his own individual creation, it is confusing on why he said things and did things, unless God created a 'human clone' of him in Jesus, in which he was God in a sense, but a clone in human form who knew that is what he was? Also, scriptures speak of Jesus sufferings as being what 'made him perfect' as if not perfect prior. Also of how God 'after' the fact declared Jesus his son, elevating him above all other angels, in which sense if he was already prior to that, why would he need to be elevated?
I'm just going to stop here, but curious who has noticed some of these things and what conclusions they have come to so far. Is there an understanding that is not yet realized which makes all of it make sense and flow together, or were some books of the bible inserted which are not inspired or true, etc.
Hope to get some deep critical thinking and answers here.