I suppose Obama is just the best President in the history of ever...
Yes, indeed. The best African-American U.S. President ever!!! Dare you disagree?
crowd looking like they're doing the heil hitler salute to trump when he asks for a pledge and swear their support while calling for broadening torture laws.
trump asks backers to swear their support, vows to broaden torture laws.
I suppose Obama is just the best President in the history of ever...
Yes, indeed. The best African-American U.S. President ever!!! Dare you disagree?
crowd looking like they're doing the heil hitler salute to trump when he asks for a pledge and swear their support while calling for broadening torture laws.
trump asks backers to swear their support, vows to broaden torture laws.
Crowd looking like they're doing the Heil Hitler salute to Trump when he asks for a pledge and swear their support while calling for broadening torture laws
note: the following is submitted in full recognition of and with compassion and due respect for those who, due to personal circumstance, feel they are unable to employ this powerful strategy.. ---.
anyone who has awakened to ttatt and has conscientiously left the organization--especially a once-prominent, highly-regarded, studious true-believer from a celebrated multi-generational tribe of jws-- after decades of devout, high-profile "serve-us," who continues to put in an annual appearance at the memorial thoroughly subverts and undermines, by this one act, any hope s/he may entertain that his/her departure will stir family or former friends to question the whole watchtower bamboozle.
by this one concession s/he assigns him-/herself by every single jw to their handy and dismissive purgatory: the "spiritually-weak.".
we all know about the story of the tower of babel where by god confused the languages to make men spread out and stop building the tower.
well when one studies the languages of the near east he will find that all the languages we're from one common language akkadian.
all semedic and even sanskrit can be traced back to akkadian.
All semedic and even Sanskrit can be traced back to akkadian.
Do yourself a favor and go visit Wikipedia or something of the sort.
Your statement is totally wrong. Factually, it sounds ignorant.
Hamito-Semitic is a separate language family tree.
Sanskrit is Indo-European, like Latin and Greek.
On one hand you have your branching language trees for the great families of languages and paleo-linguists can make assumptions as to what the common parent language may have looked like (or sounded like, of course). Then you have language isolates which show no affinity to any other known language.
If you're going to attempt to debunk the Tower of Bable account you might do well to at least be informed of the facts that modern experts in linguistics have published.
picture yourself, it's the last day of a three day district assembly.
your sitting in a near full to capacity football stadium.
people are eagerly looking forward to the final talk.
Picture yourself, it's the last day of a three day district assembly. Your sitting in a near full to capacity football stadium.
All right. I had to think really hard and I finally could start viewing that image in my mind.
So we're in this International Convention and a group of 100+ exJW's start walking towards the middle of the field where the stage is. One of them carries a portable PA system. They form a circle around the guy with the portable sound system and lock elbows. It looks like a rugby melee of sorts and the guy in the middle starts declaring TTATT quite loudly. Asking rhetorical questions of the audience "Why did boozer Rutherford have two cadillacs during the depression and smuggled illegal liquor during prohibition? How can a faithful and discrete slave be so hypocritical and criminal? Why did the Governing Body have a pedophile Greenlees as a member? Why... (etc.).
Try as they may, Convention Attendants rush to the field and try to get to the guy shouting on the PA system. But the group of exJW's that accopanied him have formed a circle several bodies deep around the guy giving his talk on the portable PA system.
They start playing loud Kingdom Melodies to drown him out and ask the audience to join in singing. At this point another 100+ exJW's who were dispersed all over the seating in the auditorium pull out copies of the speech the guy with the PA is shouting, and begin reading it at the top of their voices in sync.
The convention sound system attendants try raising the volume of the song even louder, and at this point something blows up in the sound box and speakers due to overloading and many folks stop singing since all you can hear is the exJW going on with his talk in the middle of the protective melee, and the other exJW's repeating his words in unison as they read from their printout copies.
As suddenly as this demonstration began, it reaches the end within its five minute duration and like a flashmob everyone of them starts walking off towards the exits. You can hear police sirens approaching outside. And as these demonstrators are walking out--several hundred of them--they reach into their pockets and throw these rectangle pieces of paper like large confetti with the address J W F A C T S . O R G on them. Throwing them up into the air, smiling as they go. Thousands of these confetti papers are flying everywhere.
Wheew, now that's quite a vivid fantasy!
picture yourself, it's the last day of a three day district assembly.
your sitting in a near full to capacity football stadium.
people are eagerly looking forward to the final talk.
Hmmm... I can't think of any WT fantasies, but I do entertain some other fantasy topics ;-)
I think this guy does though...
i had a chance last weekend to talk with an elder i used to serve with.
a very kind hearted and understanding elder, always showing sympathy and concern for others, looking out for the little guy, the downtrodden and oppressed, even willing to stand up to uncaring company-men co's .
he was po way back then and became the cobe in the new re-0rg, until, that is, the gb came out with the age limit.
I had a chance last weekend to talk with an elder I used to serve with. A very kind hearted and understanding elder, always showing sympathy and concern for others, looking out for the little guy, the downtrodden and oppressed, even willing to stand up to uncaring company-men CO's
He was PO way back then and became the COBE in the new re-0rg, until, that is, the GB came out with the age limit. He's mid-80's today, but still sharp as ever mentally if but slower physically, and still a member of the local BOE.
I'd noticed some of his comments had been a bit off from the jw-mindset, and more encouraging of Christian qualities, less 0rganizational.
This chance to talk with him I decided to sound him out a bit to see to what extent he might be awakened.
We spoke for a while, he was obviously very careful and thoughtful in how he expressed things. One phrase that hit me with sudden realization is that he feels he now "doesn't have all the pieces of the puzzle". Meaning he was so sure in years before, and that everything made sense to him, but now the picture is missing a lot of pieces, pieces in the puzzle. It turns out he'd written a fourteen page letter some time ago to HQ regarding child molestation and organizational policies regarding pedophilia cases.
The HQ sicced the CO on him but not for calling into question how to handle these cases locally, but for involving the WT in the inter-congregational mess a pioneer ex-bethelite ("his own grandson"), who'd been DF'ed for sexually abusing his much younger cousin, who was then reinstated, and who now had been appointed as an MS in another congregation had brought about when the victim's father, an elder himself, had raised objections on the appointment and ended up "stepping-down".
Whatever connections this MS has at Bethel, they were strong enough to make all the guidelines and rules about not appointing offenders be overlooked, this former COBE was bowled-over, shocked that HQ would go along with this. The offending guy is now giving public talks in congregations in another circuit. He and his new wife get to travel to Panama to "help out" in the preaching work during their warm vacations from wintry New England, and even attend International Conventions.
There's a jewelry/diamond business in that family with NY connections. Does this have anything to do with the 0rganizational shenanigans that went on and that this COBE took objection with? At that, his only response was to assert that he feels he now is missing some pieces of the puzzle.
Sure looks like some awkward hand positions there (both lefty and righty). What's going on there?
i was reading a thread on here a couple days back that implied that the only hard back copies of the rnwt was only available in english.
i have an uber dub friend who lives in a portugese speaking country and decided to question him about this.
according to him there is a hardback copy of the rnwt in portugese and it is also available i another european language (outside of english).
activist calls sanders a fearless “protestor” while reflecting on death of her father.
bernie sanders got a major endorsement this week that signifies the support that he has from a young activist part of the african american community.. while the early sanders campaign was fraught with awkward run-ins between the senator from vermont and black political groups, the daughter of a major symbol of the black lives matter movement has just come out in support of him.. erica garner, daughter of the late eric garner, who died from a chokehold inflicted by staten island police in 2014, stars in a dramatic clip calling sanders a “protestor.”.
Activist calls Sanders a fearless “protestor” while reflecting on death of her father
Bernie Sanders got a major endorsement this week that signifies the support that he has from a young activist part of the African American community.
While the early Sanders campaign was fraught with awkward run-ins between the senator from Vermont and black political groups, the daughter of a major symbol of the Black Lives Matter movement has just come out in support of him.
Erica Garner, daughter of the late Eric Garner, who died from a chokehold inflicted by Staten Island police in 2014, stars in a dramatic clip calling Sanders a “protestor.”
(More at:
http://www.thewrap.com/bernie-sanders-gets-dramatic-endorsement-from-eric-garners-daughter-video/ )