Telly awards for tellytubbies
Yes, the Purple Triangled Tellytubby Award!
when i grew up in the 1980's -90's it was rare to see a faithful slaves picture in 10 years of watchtowers.
everything was anonymous.
no one really knew there names except for the "holy oricle" fred franz.. now they are full on t.v stars with there own show.
Telly awards for tellytubbies
Yes, the Purple Triangled Tellytubby Award!
can anybody answer this for me?.
whenever i tell people i'm ex jehovahs witnesses, they always assume that i'm against the jehovahs witnesses, but i am more so against the watchtower then anything.people assume that i'm anti-jehovahs witness, but now that i've done more research i've realized that its the watchtower thats more harmful then the jehovahs witnesses, even though theres a lot of jehovahs witnesses i dont like, i'm not against jehovahs witnesses as a group.. can anyone explain this to me?.
You're going to have trouble creating a distinction between the cult and their god in the mind of any JW, no matter what you say.
That distinction right there is the sure way of awakening any active JW to the TTATT.
some videos that just came in if you want them... you became so beloved to us.. ..
.. new instruction video.
The fact that these leaked videos get deleted is proof that there are lurking WT drones frequenting this forum.
How they manage not to be aware of TTATT and put up with the dissonance inside their minds is beyond me.
It must take a very hypocritical and calloused sort of person to be the GB's pawn in order to do a job like that.
For someone to visit this forum and know what's being presented then alerting ISP's about uploads, knowing full well that their actions support the very evils that are exposed here must take a truly mentally diseased sort of person, or someone who is so strung out on SRI's that they have no feelings crying out within their beings against the pretensions and lies of the WT.
BTW thanks Atlantis for making the info available, it is much appreciated to have access and documentation of the WT indoctrination shenanigans.
the reality is that there is no evidence whatsoever that the jews were ever enslaved in egypt.
yes, there's the story contained within the bible itself, but that's not a remotely historically admissible source.
i'm talking about real proof; archeological evidence, state records and primary sources.
Although unconventional there's the "New Chronology" which is quite eye opening and has a lot of research merit.
These are Bernie supporters waiting for their free stuff
Not really. You're just showing your ignorance and bigotry by saying that.
Most of the needy class and of the African-American Democratic vote is going to Hillary.
What do they see in Hillary? I dunno.
Bernie is doing well only because of middle class white males and young people.
ok, i've had some wine, but i'm curious.
objectively speaking, but for the religion, did you have enough in common with your spouse to have met and married as non believers?
Would you have married your spouse if you weren't both JWs?
Nope. Our paths would most probably have never crossed and never met otherwise.
so there is this young brother probably 14 or 15 and the elders are already grooming him to do more for jehobadahhh.
most of the elders in this kh are old like 60+ and sometimes there are not enough brothers to do the mics or sound so you will see a 70 year old elder forced into action.
almost comical to see a brother who thinks instagram is an email service try to operate the sound system and projector as he plays the wrong song or brings the screen down during a prayer.
BTW, while I agree with the OP, the hunch about an elder being a 'pedo' is a cheap shot.
NOT so. Sometimes your intuition is a subconscious realization that there are not so obvious clues leading you to believe something.
Maybe there's an underlying homosexual leaning that the elder is trying to hold back on and his attraction for the young man is getting betrayed through very subtle cues. Cues that may not be straight (pun) out in the open but just an incontrollable reflection of hidden repressed desires.
Just sayin'
i had my previous toshiba laptop plugged into the wall five days ago when a sudden electric storm drove a jagged bolt of electricity earthward and fried my hard drive.
i posted my sad status on facebook.
guess who saw it?
it was announced recently, that "bro.
z is no long the coordinator(76 years old), bro y(60) is now the new coordinator of the body of elders".. you see, bro.
z has been an elder for 43 years and 35 of them as the cobe/po.
I had a similar exchange with our 80+ year old COBE when he was forced to step down.
His reply was that he now feels he's missing pieces in the puzzle. I took that to mean that now there are doubts in his mind whereas before he felt very sure about the organization.