JoinedPosts by oppostate
Sanderson Patronises Ex-Bethelites
by konceptual99 indon't normally waste time watching these but this one caught my eye as it was obvious what the subject matter would be about..... http://tv.jw.org/#en/video/vodprogramsevents/pub-jwbmw_201604_2_video.
mark sanderson: accept change with faith and confidence (heb.
basically sanderson is giving a pep talk to all those that have new assignments changed.
Is Reform inevitable for Watchtower
by Truthexplorer ingiven that it is highly likely that things are going to change in relation to watchtowers policy on safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults in australia (re australian royal commission), and england and wales (re charity commission).
could this be the start to reforming the watchtower organisation.
albeit, they are being forced to change their safeguarding policy by the laws of the land, but it may set a precedent.
I'm afraid the time for WT reform has past. There was hope when they demoted the Prez from his lofty throne and made efforts to share the power throughout the WT directors lineup, but this quickly became the oligarchy we see today.
I don't think there's much hope of the WT reforming like the Church of God/Armstrong did in becoming Grace Communion International. I would welcome such a change but they'd have to have men of integrity and dignity on top rather than the petty lovers of filthy lucre they have in the "Governing" Body.
Overlapping gen teaching- Help?
by raven inhi friends,.
can someone please help explain to me the overlapping generations teaching?
i have not been able to grasp this one or what it even applies to?
What is the point of having this teaching then? If all of those who partake are going to heaven anyways?
Right, OTWO. The point is, too, that they want to keep the 1914 year as the date when Jesus started ruling in Heaven, and then 1919 chose the Faithful and "Discrete" Slave. The overlapping generation allows them to keep teaching they have authority over the flock as the one and only channel to God--teaching as they have for a century that Armageddon is coming within a generation.
Take away the overlapping generation teaching and the immediacy of Armageddon coming (within a generation of 1914) falls apart and it becomes clear their doctrine is just a bunch of crap.
Korean News : CoC in Korean
by AntiEntropy inhi bros.. after my father's publishing his book, "15 questions after 40 years of jw" , many ex-jw bros in korea became motivated to rush to the coc korean project.
however any secular project needs a fund eventhough it's a not-for-profit.
fortunately, a bunch of bros decided to donate generously $300~$7,000 to this unprofitable business.
I applaud the Korean translation effort. Good work!
Having helped with the Spanish translation of the then latest English Edition of CoC--given chapters to translate by Ray F. and then being asked to proof-read, and submit corrections--I can tell you that putting together a translation of a book consisting of several hundred pages, wasn't an easy task.
At least make the book available in digital format for Kindle's through Amazon.com or e-readers through Barnes and Noble. That could be accomplished in little time, with little money put forward, and the CRH would start seeing money come in as the digital sales start happening.
"Colonia Dignidad" An Uncanny Realization of the WT's New World 0rganization.
by oppostate in.
install an ad blocker then watch "colonia dignidad" an uncanny realization of the wt's new world 0rganization.. http://projectfreetv.so/movies/watch/?aff_id=383539.
Thanks Daniel. I'm not suggesting people skip the cinema and watch it online. I hope I didn't come across that way in my post.
But the movie isn't in wide circulation and the only place I've found it is online, albeit with pesky adds etc.
Watching it I could see a WT New World Society being like a Global Colonia Dignidad. Very troubling thought.
Where is the Rebel.
by The Rebel inwho cares?.
the first time i was in distress with the watchtower, i was fortunate to find this place.
my ego thought ,i was somehow special, that my posts were reaching a worldwide audience, and most of all i felt at ease, maybe home is a better word.
I'm sure some have moved on from this forum, gone on with their lives, passed away, gotten stumbled and left, found another forum more compatible with their views and feelings. But... You might be surprised, I think, how many old-timers have been resurrected (perhaps more like reincarnated) with new nicks and avatars, actively posting or at least following the news on the forum. -
"Colonia Dignidad" An Uncanny Realization of the WT's New World 0rganization.
by oppostate in.
install an ad blocker then watch "colonia dignidad" an uncanny realization of the wt's new world 0rganization.. http://projectfreetv.so/movies/watch/?aff_id=383539.
Install an ad blocker then watch "Colonia Dignidad" An Uncanny Realization of the WT's New World 0rganization.
Things I Never Knew When I Was A Witness!
by disillusioned 2 inthere are some things that as a witness i never knew.
maybe i was just going through the motions, attending meetings and not listening much.
never was very good at personal study or underlining answers in watchtower or book study (i never ever answered up) was too shy.. i never knew when i was a witness that they taught that jesus had looked down on the earth in 1919 to see who was serving god most accurately, and of course he chose a small group of bible students living in america!
I wasn't lazy in my studying WT litter-trash. And I agree with D2. There were/are a lot of things that the WT tries to keep from current members, re-writing the past like something out of 1984.
To me it was a shock to find out that they taught Jesus was only the mediator for the 144k and not all the JW's. It was and still is shocking that they insist the "great crowd of other sheep" can only become "friends of God" and not God's children through their belief in Jesus as the Christ. It's was shocking to find out about the UN-NGO membership and then their attempt to cover it over. It's still shocking to me how they add to the hurt of those sexually abused as children and would rather fight them in court than seek to reform their policies to aid them and support their healing.
But now the internet is making it easier to find out about the WT and its shenanigans. And that's a very good thing.
Im wondering...maybe the GB are truly mentally damaged, not just deceivers.
by sowhatnow inhas anyone by chance read the latest issue of pshychology today?
april issue, article title' moment of impact'.. i havent fiished reading it yet, but it got me thinking, how likely is it that many born in jws [ teens in particular since thats the age these issues start to appear] will end up with these problems mentioned in the article?
i know of a few adults that have this problem, schizophrenia, bi polar, ect.
Very thought provoking article.
The WT religion thrives on mental manipulation. There so much manipulating you can do before the damage starts to show. It's like bending a piece of wire back and forth, back and forth, it gets overheated and snaps.
There would be a lot more snapping JW minds if not for modern anti-depressants.
JWs and "Simple Truths"
by JW_Rogue inin public talks we would always hear about how we knew god's word was the truth because it was simple and clear.
how god revealed the real truth to uneducated and ordinary people.
the problem is that in reality something being simple or clear isn't an indicator of it's truthfulness at all.
I understand what you're saying, and yet...
Trying to explain how to get to 1914 through the times and half time, 607 and the books of Daniel and Revelation wasn't so simple.There are truths that may seem simple like E=mc2, but there's a lot of complexity in arriving at them. Unlike with the "Truth(R)" of the WT which is not complex but rather a chaotic mess.
In my opinion, the WT hierarchy wants simpletons for followers. Out of necessity they have a simple English issue because even the 3rd grade reading level of the regular WT is now too much.