So I was listening to this NPR piece entitled "From Medical Maggots To Stench Soup, 'Grunt' Explores The Science Of Warfare" (this title is a link that will take you to that article).
It is an interview on the "Fresh Air" NPR show (ironically for the content) featuring science writer and researcher Mary Roach about her latest book, Grunt, 'Roach learned all about the medicinal use of maggots in World War I. She also purposely sniffed a putrid scent known as "Who me?" that was developed as an experimental weapon during World War II.'
"Who me?" is a military grade stink bomb. I just had to wikipedia more info on it. The idea sounded quite interesting as my thoughts turned to warfare of another sort, "theocratic warfare".
Wikipedia offered this description: ""Who me?", is a mixture of five sulfur-containing chemicals and smells like rotting food and carcasses."
And so, the cog-wheels in my brain started turning, wondering about "rotten food"??? Carcasses??? Reminds me of my last pseudo-spiritual feast at the KH. And this led me to where I found some commercial and military-grade stink supplies.

Now there's a descriptive label, "military-grade putricant"!

What do you say about doing a trial run at your local provider of putricant religious instruction, i.e. the Kingdom Hall.
And... if pleased with the resulting olfactory attack, hit the Regional Convention hard this Summer with an apostate covert action!