I understood the question just fine.
But I do not have a good answer.
what is the assembly hall of vídeo jehovahs witnesses organized to share the good news where a man is baptized?.
I understood the question just fine.
But I do not have a good answer.
indoctrinated into all things watchtower, i once believed the bible was true history, that evolution was false and evil, and that the bible could be trusted to be reliable when it touched on science issues.
then i got introduced to the official catholic bible translation of u.s. catholics, the new american bible revised edition (or nabre--not to be confused with the protestant nasv or new american standard version) and things changed.
i was shocked to learn that the nabre teaches.... the creation and flood stories of genesis are jewish adaptations of mesopotamian heathen creation-flood mythology, not history.
I'm sure Galileo, and more so the countless thousands who suffered at the hands of the Catholic Inquisition, would be pleased to know that after all this time the "Mother (F'ing) Church" is finally on the side of science and advancing knowledge. It's just too bad for all those broken on the wheel, garroted and burnt at the stake, stretched and sat on the cleaving horse, whose eyes, nails and tongues were gouged and cut out, who were stripped naked, humiliated and stuck with hot pokers.
It's just too bad and sad, isn't it, that it took five more centuries for the Pope to finally say Galileo was right?
E pur si muove.
so not having turned in a time-slip in a loooooooong time and making fewer and fewer meetings, and from time to time attending a local church service... the majority of local dubs are overtly shunning me.
there are those who i talk to and who visit our home from time to time, but this last meeting i went to hardly anyone made eye contact, when i greeted folks passing by me, they ignored me.
it actually felt good.. i was surprised at my reaction.
So not having turned in a time-slip in a loooooooong time and making fewer and fewer meetings, and from time to time attending a local church service... The majority of local dubs are overtly shunning me. There are those who I talk to and who visit our home from time to time, but this last meeting I went to hardly anyone made eye contact, when I greeted folks passing by me, they ignored me. It actually felt good.
I was surprised at my reaction. I must say that it's a welcome feeling to be ignored. No elders accosting me, asking me to the back room for "counseling" and hounding sessions. Those who've always been close, only a handful, still talked with me.
Who needs the kind of "friends" who depend on guidance from a Regional Convention to decide whether to even tell you a "good-morning" or a "hi"?
So the shunning has started and... so far, I like it!
if you were part of a judicial committee, and knowing what you know now, what was it like for you to sit on jc’s?
how did you feel if someone was reproved or df’d?
were you ever on a jc and you disagreed with someone being reproved or df’d and were overruled – how did you feel?
JC's and kowtowing aren't things I'm proud of. All I can say is that once I woke up all those things sickened me and I had to "step down."
I see the value of continuing on as a mole. But I just couldn't do it. My mouth has gotten me in trouble for "criticizing the Society," "not being loyal to the 0rganization," and being "unyielding" to the local BOE.
My only wish is that I may have been able to wake up sooner than middle age with decades of servitude to a high control religion that only seems to care about money and power over people's lives. By their love "of filthy-lucre" you will know them. I wish I hadn't known them and I regret having been their tool for supporting their control locally, of people that I was close to and spent the most productive years of my life wasting for the benefit of the WT.
i've been curious for a while ... what is it when people type "marked" in their posts?
what does it mean and how does it work?
I also thought that when someone says "marked" it was like saying "this thread interests me and I'll be going back to it to read more".
Also there'e the "bump" which basically just brings that post up on the list of latest topics.
The search on the forum is not something I use a lot, so to go back to a post I just click the favorites/bookmark icon on my browser and keep interesting threads on a bookmark folder of favorite links. And there are quite a lot of nifty, eye-opening, and helpful threads on this forum to keep track of, that's for sure.
the latest study watchtower december 2016 study article by undeserved kindness you were set free has a picture at paragraph 19 of some construction workers.
i always thought the foreman wore a white hard hat.
besides that i hate the term undeserved kindness.
The JW's use "undeserved kindness" because Freddie Franz was too anti-historical-Christianity to use the term "grace".
grace (in Christian belief) = "the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings."
Ask just about any Christian and they'll be able to explain what "grace" is then ask a JW what is "undeserved kindness" and you'll get anything but an official Watchtower definition because the WT has a habit of redefining words to suit the hierarchy of their sectarian/religious-cult organization.
here is what the present "faithful & discreet slave" spewed out just a few years ago:.
w06 3/15 p. 24 par.
12 “each one will carry his own load” - "the source of pay and the location of the employment also enter into the picture.
The filthy lucre loving hierarchy of the WTB&TS really know how to weigh people down with heavy burdens, but they themselves will not lift a finger to lighten their subjects' load.
( http://biblehub.com/luke/11-46.htm )
it's funny folks , it's x rated..
without going into details.
it appears that new light might be coming down the pipes that beards are acceptable.
Beards are everywhere at R&F level in the org. Go to any meeting or any assembly and you will see loads of them.
What??? Not on any assembly or convention, and definitely not in the congs I frequent, both English and Spanish. There may be some "worldly" who gets invited to a meeting and shows up with a beard. But if they make progress then sooner or later the beard comes off before they are an unbaptized publisher.
I'm In New England and there are lots of young men around town who are sporting a hipster beard, and older folk who have a beard also, (no women although I saw a heavy hint of a mustache and goatee on one female worker at a Dunkin Donuts, yeah I know, kinda creepy), but beards have always been regarded by witnesses as being a fashion of "the world" and counseled against.
Besides, a lot of these bearded hipsters like to wear tight pants, otherwise known as tightpants
--not to mention a man-bun.
sorry for this matter has been already discussed.. i got shocked after watching this video:.
kingdom hall disaster demonstration.
this is really insane !!!
Having survived several major earthquakes, in the 5 and 6, one in 7 and an 8 richter scale during my lifetime I can vouch for the necessity of knowing what to do and where to go, but this carrying of go-bags was never something our family did. the important thing was helping your neighbor and getting in touch with family.