Thanks wifibandit!
Momma WT always has to micromanage for heaven knows the appointed men aren't fit to take care of things by themselves and aren't allowed out from under Momma's skirt 😀
january 16, 2017 to all bodies of elders in the united states, puerto rico, and the u.s. virgin islands re: real property tax exemption verification.
annual real property tax exemption verification record and instructions.
Thanks wifibandit!
Momma WT always has to micromanage for heaven knows the appointed men aren't fit to take care of things by themselves and aren't allowed out from under Momma's skirt 😀
hey folks.
i have been looking for the latest on shunning of those who have drifted.
i recall the 2016 convention had a part, and i believe there was a video.
Vincent the Tool said that about theocratic warfare not about shunning, I think.
first off, i am so happy that " tomo iii" is catching.
i dont know who said it first, but it's awesome.. i want to see him at a rc and say, " yo!!
I much prefer the term "Tony the Turd" because most of what comes out of his mouth is bullsh¡t.
But TOMO the turd is equally apt.
it is our experience that love of money brings action towards accumulating abundance of wealth which ultimately convinces the owner that “i was wasting my time” which in turn motivates him to turn into philanthropy (like bill gates and co did).
this is a perfect design (designed to work independently of god) like a journey of which the first half is wasteful and the second half is fruitful, and it is to be viewed as a whole.
hence it is unlikely that jesus would say: “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of god.” (mathew 19:24) verse is obviously attributed to jesus by later writers.. this means question of morality is not complicated if viewed as a whole process.
@ a-1:
You obviously haven't had enough real world experience. The WT will leave you morally and socially retarded!
i've always wondered about this.
when a person believes they made a spiritual connection with god and proclaims themselves as anointed, how do they determine whether this person is anointed or not.
does a group of elders look at the person's spiritual resume and check off the person's pioneer stats, bible knowledge, attendance, work ethic, personality, etc and then believe in the person if they have a good track record?
Scotty, I dared answer back with the question "how do you know you are not anointed?"
I was reported, and questioned by the hounders.
i've always wondered about this.
when a person believes they made a spiritual connection with god and proclaims themselves as anointed, how do they determine whether this person is anointed or not.
does a group of elders look at the person's spiritual resume and check off the person's pioneer stats, bible knowledge, attendance, work ethic, personality, etc and then believe in the person if they have a good track record?
Not quite, Blondie.
that is the way it used to be.
now the GoBo says anointed do not have more Holy Spirit than the non-anointed.
so, i saw this ad and it felt so uncomfortably familiar.
and weird somehow.
There must be a Pixar animations seminar where they train young techy animators to design these idiotic marketing videos, good for commercial ads and good for cult indoctrination.
is it just me who doesnt see the point of this ?
from time to time we see some individual who takes up page after page arguing his or her point of view and it usually ends up with only 2 or 3 individuals who keep the talkfest going with a particular individual and nobodys getting anything out of it .. why bother ?
why get sucked in to such a pointless dialogue ?
and nobodys getting anything out of it .
Well, at least Simon is getting some google ad revenue out of it, and that helps the board stay afloat.
we all know just hoe dangerous emojis are right??
well, thankfully, "jehovah's organization" have lovingly provided a step by step worksheet to help!.
I award the JW.0rg the smelly fly circling turd emoji!
so was jesus a fool or a liar?
he said that his church would last all ages, didn't he?.
math 16:8and i say to thee: that thou art peter; and upon this rock i will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Man oh man! D-J dude!
Your etymologies are way off dude!
When you start off with such an obvious fallacy it becomes very difficult to take anything else you posted seriously.