And what is sooooo sad about these two GoBo ass-kissers is that they believe their own lies so readily and defend them with such a straight face, well, not so straight--in Spinks case a sweat pouring hot pink round face, and in O'Brien's a deathly pale sucked dry of life and emotion face.
JoinedPosts by oppostate
The reality of "shunning" and character assasination highlighted at the Australian Royal Commission
by stuckinarut2 inonce again, the arc has brilliantly highlighted the reality that any witness who either fades or disassociates is subjected to active official shunning by the organization.. the "brothers" tried to state that it was the choice of the indiviual who steps away from the organization to shun them!
they actually tried to make it out to be the fault of the one who leaves!
then they tried to say that those who fade are not shunned!.
ARC Live Streaming site ?
by Gayle inwhat is the exact live streaming site for the arc today in sydney?
i hope someone or more here will be watching and giving info/quips throughout the case.
also, will someone here or elsewhere be able to 'save' a video of this (all or part).
I'm watching the Uniting Church Case Study 55 session now which follows the JW's Case Study 54 and what a difference. These folks, two women and a man representing, are being asked by Angus and they've taken all the counsel from the ARC to revise their Organizational Framework.
Their interaction with Angus is quite conversational, and you don't see the tension there was with Spinks and O'Brien answering Angus' questions.
These folks sound quite educated and informed, they sound sincere. Wow! What a contrast with Spinks and O'Brien!
Looking back at how Angus questioned the two WT lackeys, you can see that Angus must have been very disgusted with their half-truths and obfuscations, very telling indeed!
The reality of "shunning" and character assasination highlighted at the Australian Royal Commission
by stuckinarut2 inonce again, the arc has brilliantly highlighted the reality that any witness who either fades or disassociates is subjected to active official shunning by the organization.. the "brothers" tried to state that it was the choice of the indiviual who steps away from the organization to shun them!
they actually tried to make it out to be the fault of the one who leaves!
then they tried to say that those who fade are not shunned!.
And what's worse, the two lying eunuchs of the GoBo said that when a person "disassociates" they've chosen to "shun" those remaining inside the 0rg. As if "disassociating" meant "wishing not to associate" with others.
What a face-palm moment!
Study Case 54 ARC YouTube Videos
by LevelThePlayingField inedit: first link the sound dropped off for no apparent reason.
this link works.
Yes, thanks, @LTPF, much appreciated.
Angus and McClellan our two Aussie heroes of justice!
Spinks and O'Brien, two lying eunuchs of the GoBo!
Lots Of Whining And Complaining About Us JW's
by Deaconblues1914 inin reading these posts, it sounds like a lot of you are very jealous of the wt.
society’s annual income and the money they/we have in the bank.
jehovah has indeed blessed us.
Nah. I have found truth, and it confirms the JW 0rganization is full of deceit. Maybe one day you will wake up to The Truth About The Truth.
New Watchtower - Can You Look Beyond Outward Appearances?
by ttdtt inhow ironic that they have asked jws to not look past - tight pants - so called "affectations" - beards - long hair - short hair - and like 1000 other meaningless and trivial things..
Some appearances, like the fact that the GoBo are just a bunch of filthy lucre loving hypocrites are too hard to "look beyond". The sight of these lying and self-serving cult leaders' smug faces makes me sick. They're ugly under the skin, they're ugly to the core of their lying core!
Didn't G. Jackson tell the ARC that JW's don't smack their kids?
by Splash inthe wt book "family life" (1978) had something to say on this topic:.
*** fl chap.
10 pp.
Taking out children to the back of the hall and "disciplining" physically is still going on and nobody at the hall will say a peep about the screams and cries coming from the back-room.
Geoff Jackson lied, and he knows he's perjured his sworn oath on top of "his" sad gray Bible translation. The man is a shameless liar on this and many other topics he was asked about at the ARC.
Heartbroken...advice please
by SPARKLEY ini am a non-jw and have been in an unhappy marriage for a few years now.
i met a nice man at work, we had a laugh together and got to know each other.
we were both really attracted to each other.
Guilt ways heavy on his mind!
Why take on that dead weight?
I need advise. I' exJW in Japan.
by yoko N ini need advisei need advise about lingo of jw community.a publisher is required to report time spent in preaching, and field japan.
we say something like“ put time in report card’how do you say in english language?.
"Put time in report card" is something I can understand perfectly but "report card" is used for public school grades.
I might say something like "We need to turn our time in" or "It's time to turn in our time slips".
Presentation by Paul Grundy (JW Facts)
by Listener ini came across this recent down to earth presentation given by paul grundy.
it's very long but provides a good overview of the jw religion and its dark side.
it was hosted by "sydney atheists" so may not be an ideal link to send to jws.
excellent presentation!