Yup! That's the story! I think there was some allusions made about the pleasures of the flesh that drew the family dog away. A brother, an elder, gave a Sunday talk about this illustration as if it really happened to his parents' dog when he was a kid.
JoinedPosts by oppostate
We are like pet dogs that run off with wild dogs...
by dubstepped in...and need a bullet to the head.
my wife found a post on instagram where some jw nutter claims that either lett or morris said this in a talk.
any confirmation or video of such?
July 7, 2017 Re: Needs in the Field—Training Others
by wifibandit injuly 7, 2017 to all field missionaries, special pioneers, temporary special pioneers and regular pioneers re: needs in the field—training others.
The pioneer helping others program was a total failure. From what I witnessed the pioneers thought they'd been dumped on and it was the person who studied with them originally who should help them or even more so, the elders who should be helping those "weak" and "new ones"--unless, that is, if the new one or weak one was one of the pretty people who everyone wanted to hang out with and let in on the pioneer clique.
As an elder when this program was going on, our BOE discussions never really dealt with how to implement this in a sustainable way, our BOE just thought of who was a pain in the butt and who didn't respond to being coaxed into reporting more hours and who we'd rather not have to spend a weekend morning with in service, and then send the pioneers to help them get their act together.
Are Jehovah's Witnesses a cult just as evil and dangerous as Islam?
by cookiemaster ini know you might think i'm exaggerating but if you really think about it, maybe i'm not.
these two religions originate with the same ancient belief system.
islam is a dangerous middle eastern cult that seeks to control every aspect of its members' lives.
WT'ism has the potential to become more and more fanatical.
But it would take a while to reach the heights fanatical mahometans are attaining lately in the news.
The history of Mahomet's followers is filled with the ebb and flow of fanatics, just like the history of Christendom is also filled with maniacal fanatics who kill, persecute and maim. (e.g. Crusades, Dark Ages Europe, pogroms, ethnic cleansing by anti-hereticals, by the Catholic Inquisition, yes, and also fanatical Orthodox and Protestants alike burning people at the stake).
And of course, there's the WT's lamenting that today there's no stoning of apostates.
Are you a Christian Who Accepts Evolution?
by cofty inif you identify as a christian but you have accepted that the diversity of life - including humans - resulted from a process of biological evolution could you add your name please?.
just to be clear i am referring to the fact that our physical lineage could literally be traced back all the way to non-human species.. if you like maybe you could comment on why you see not conflict between evolution and your christian faith.. there is a tendency to conflate evolution with atheism.
it would be good to show that this is not the case..
I don't see a problem with a Divine Entity allowing life to evolve after creation. Why not?
Time for a new type/anti-type, G.B? 2033 is the new 1975!
by The Fall Guy ina well known scripture says, "however, do not let this escape your notice, beloved ones, that one day is with jehovah as a thousand years......." (2 peter 3:8) .
using this divine calculation of time, let's apply it to a prophetic type/anti-type scenario:.
matthew 16:21 says, ".....the christ would suffer and rise from among the dead on the third day...", while john 21:1 reveals that it was at the very beginning of that third day - "on the first day of the week, mary magdalene came to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and she saw that the stone had already been taken away from the tomb.
2034 has been hinted at with the WT about Noah and the 120 years by leaving the reader to conjecture on 1914+120=2034.
ISIS update
by The Fall Guy init's reported that isis terrorists in syria are putting small video cameras on all of the vehicles they use, in order to use the footage as propaganda.
they're calling them daesh-cams..
A person in their held territories can get beheaded for saying Daesh, no lie!
Im glad there were reports of their leader getting blown up. Betcha his Calphatness ain't goanna have the guts to show his mug in a propaganda video again!
Would You Outlaw Jehovah's Witnesses If You Had Your Way?
by minimus ini still believe in freedom of religion even if i disagree with the beliefsof the religion.
what about you?.
Would You Outlaw Jehovah's Witnesses If You Had Your Way?by minimusI new our veteran OUTLAW would come up with something witty for an answer to that question :- )))
serendipitous cheap fiction, messianic bibles, and dating Asians
by oppostate indo you like cheap fiction?
not necessarily cheap quality, but not your run of the mill big-buck item award winning oprah reading book club approved titles, i mean.. the titles of some of the offers i've been getting make me think someone is scanning my email for ad targeting.. titles like "the society" "the remnant", i mean what's up with that?.
then there's the offer i keep seeing everywhere online that i visit for a "free messianic bible"--i think someone on the forum already commented on that ad.. it's just funny, all these coincidences just strike me as quite entertaining.. at least they're not about dating asians--uh-oh--now i did it--you mention something once online and it'll hunt you!
Do you like cheap fiction? Not necessarily cheap quality, but not your run of the mill big-buck item award winning Oprah reading book club approved titles, I mean.
The titles of some of the offers I've been getting make me think someone is scanning my email for ad targeting.
Titles like "the society" "the remnant", I mean what's up with that?
Then there's the offer I keep seeing everywhere online that I visit for a "free messianic bible"--I think someone on the forum already commented on that ad.
It's just funny, all these coincidences just strike me as quite entertaining.
At least they're not about dating Asians--uh-oh--now I did it--you mention something once online and it'll hunt you!
What did NOT get you out?
by problemaddict 2 ini realize this is odd, but a "how you woke up" thread and the personal stories that are told which i know we all enjoy, made me think of this.
in helping my wife and a couple others get the ball rolling, i realized the thing that resonated with me, didn't even move the needle with them.
i wanted to rail on and on about blood, because that was my conduit to waking up, but for my wife it was about shunning.
One of the biggest triggers for me was the Mexico and Malawi GB hypocrisy.
For loyal Dubs aspiration literally sucks
by oppostate infree from the mind-f¥¢k of wt indoctrination it is ever so clear that any aspiration one may have entertained was always judged to be bad or selfish, worldly and only those goals in accord with wt teaching were approved and encouraged.. one example was having to look for a new job and being told by an elder that my change of employment was an opportunity to pioneer.
when i shared with him that my first priority was to find work that would afford me to keep food on the table and pay the mortgage, he went on about jesus not having a place to lay down his head and the hebrew patriarch abraham living in tents like a temporary resident in the promised land--this coming from a guy who lived in a $500,000 home and who thought himself as a contractor, subcontracting rather than hiring as employees, other brothers to work for him for very low pay, and enriching himself with the sweat of fellow dubs who had little education and who would often aux.
pioneer so they seemed very theocratic and held up as exemplary by appointed exploiters like him.. were you ever in a similar situation?.
I also have a theory that part of the reason the religion is against college/careers is because it wants desperate people to work for low wage jobs for brothers with businesses. The brothers probably give money to the religion, do favors for COs etc., get "praise" and then get poor chumps to work for them.
Wow, LHG, I hadn't considered that angle, the donations by the rich ones in the congregation, in this context. But you're most definitely right.
There always seemed to be someone in the congregation who was into the subcontracting instead of hiring employees situation in all the congregations I've ever been with.
By subcontracting they avoid paying workman's comp and all sort of other taxes, soc-sec etc.
One CO's wife who was very chummy with the well to do in the congregations, going out for coffee with her little wealthy cliques, and who was fond of telling everyone about her dinners and night outs with her hubby and trips abroad, vacations thanks to so-and-so, said "Well, the Bible says that you will always have the poor among you..." in reference to why she spent so much time with the well to do and why there were economic clique divisions in the congregation. What a snooty, mean-hearted, and uncaring person she turned out to be during those three years!