Terry, you definitely have a way with words. Thanks for sharing this personal moment from your life. Oh, to be young again!
Your telling of the story is quite vivid and with just the right amount of humor. Kudos!
first girlfriend first kisswho was my 1st girlfriend?.
the first girl i took notice of in any real sense of "notice" was a brunette named robbie.. i was in first grade, so i must have been six-years-old.. i had no idea why this particular girl caught my neurons and trapped them.
adolescence was a thousand miles away so it couldn't have been a sex attraction.
Terry, you definitely have a way with words. Thanks for sharing this personal moment from your life. Oh, to be young again!
Your telling of the story is quite vivid and with just the right amount of humor. Kudos!
It's definitely gotten worse and worse and more extremist.
There was little shunning by family members that was observable back in the early 1980's when I started with the cult. Although, publishers wouldn't talk to DF'ed people, family members would, even if they didn't live in the same household.
But over the years, decades now, it's very obvious that the shunning has increased as the WT publishes more and more articles guilting families into shunning DF'ed members.
Will there be a breaking point? Or will this doctrine become even more extremist that it already is?
Saw this on Instagram tagged with #ttatt
i want something different on my next pizza!.
Anchovies! Yummmmmm!
With black olives!!! And fresh tomatoes!!!
i have seen a few comments about the nwt being an altered version of the bible and i must admit that when they released the new one it did not sit right with me.. i want to read the bible but not the nwt.
i also do not want to read one that has the thee and thou and ye etc because that will do my head in.. what translations do you recommend?.
I like the new Jerusalem bible, its very readable!
wcontinuity and admixture in the last five millennia of levantine history from ancient canaanite and present-day lebanese genome sequences.
the american journal of human genetics .
july 27, 2017. summary.
The Canaanites and the Phoenicians were the one and same people and Phoenicians lived in what is modern day Lebanon. Also the Carthaginians were Phoenicians that settled as a colony on the North of Africa.
The Canaanites were to be dispossessed from Canaan according to Moses but not from North Africa or Lebanon or anywhere else.
I don't see how it would be a shock to find Canaanite matching DNA in modern descendants from Phoenician communities of old.
There's already an earlier thread going on this topic:
magda kay is really easy on the eyes and i love listening to her accent, all her cuteness aside, she does give some excellent reasons for understanding how cognitive dissonance is used to control how people think and even change their beliefs.
can this be turned back on those who are mind controlled by the wt?
Magda Kay is really easy on the eyes and I love listening to her accent, all her cuteness aside, she does give some excellent reasons for understanding how cognitive dissonance is used to control how people think and even change their beliefs. Can this be turned back on those who are mind controlled by the WT?
Magda invites you to get her other videos dealing with the psychology of marketing--I haven't watched the others but she has quite a few up on YouTube--And I'm sure if they're just as eye-opening as this one then her videos explain a lot about how the WT Corporation uses marketing psychology to entrance folks to join their 0rganization.
humor plays a big part in a lot of humanity and we all like a good laugh but as far as i'm aware god's supposed word has no actual humor ,of course apart from being a joke itself ,why wasn't there a passage or something like "jesus farted and giggles broke out among them " or something, is anyone aware of any notations of humor ?
all to.serious really.
The Book of Judges is one you don't hear recited at weddings and baptisms a lot, mainly because the whole thing is a grisly, ugly mess, with some of the most twisted, violent murders and sex acts this side of HBO. And that's too bad, because dropped in toward the beginning is a story that seriously sounds like what would happen if the Farrelly brothers co-wrote a movie with Quentin Tarantino.
The story opens with Israel under the thumb of the Moabites, an ancient people who enjoyed conquering and enslaving other ancient peoples. God sends a hero named Ehud to save Israel, which he accomplishes by getting the king of Moab alone in a room and then stabbing the crap out of him:
"Ehud came to him while he was sitting alone in his cool roof chamber. And Ehud said, 'I have a message from God for you.' ... Ehud ... took the sword from his right thigh and thrust it into his belly ... and the refuse came out." (Judges 3:20-22, New American Standard Bible)
"Refuse," as in "poop." Yes, Ehud literally stabbed the crap out of him. OK, but how do you escape a palace full of guards after you've just killed their king? Easy -- lock the doors, go out the window, and convince them he's pooping:
"When he had gone out, his servants came and looked, and behold, the doors of the roof chamber were locked; and they said, 'He is only relieving himself in the cool room.' They waited until they became anxious; but behold, he did not open the doors of the roof chamber. Therefore they took the key and opened them, and behold, their master had fallen to the floor dead." (Judges 3:24-25, New American Standard Bible)
humor plays a big part in a lot of humanity and we all like a good laugh but as far as i'm aware god's supposed word has no actual humor ,of course apart from being a joke itself ,why wasn't there a passage or something like "jesus farted and giggles broke out among them " or something, is anyone aware of any notations of humor ?
all to.serious really.
"Let two bulls be given to us ... And you call upon the name of your god, and I will call upon the name of the Lord, and the God who answers by fire, he is God." (1 Kings 18:23-24, English Standard Version)
C.G. PfannschmidtSo, basically, both teams have to build an altar and offer a sacrifice, then wait for their respective deities to light 'em up -- fairly standard my-god-can-beat-up-your-god stuff. Naturally, Baal fails to show up to the party, and his prophets start getting exasperated, so they proceed to do whatever they can think of to elicit a response: they limp around, they cut themselves open with spears, but Baal does nothing.
And then Elijah gets bored and unleashes the sarcasm:
"And at noon Elijah mocked them, saying, 'Cry aloud, for he is a god. Either he is musing, or he is relieving himself, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he is asleep and must be awakened.'" (1 Kings 18:27, English Standard Version)
Some versions interpret the "relieving himself" part as simply "he's busy" -- but no, it's "I bet your god hasn't shown up because he's taking a dump." The original Hebrew word is sig, which can mean "expulsion," defecation," or "bowel movement." Yep, Elijah is being about 900 percent more offensive toward those dudes' deity than Monty Python was of Jesus in Life of Brian.
Oh, and in case you're wondering, Elijah then proceeds to build his own altar and drench it in 12 buckets of water, and then God lights it up in an instant.