Have you ever logged onto the http://mt2414.com/ web site?
Is it a mirror domain name or is it for some other purpose?
Do elders report to the service dept. some info through it?
have you ever logged onto the http://mt2414.com/ web site?
is it a mirror domain name or is it for some other purpose?.
do elders report to the service dept.
Have you ever logged onto the http://mt2414.com/ web site?
Is it a mirror domain name or is it for some other purpose?
Do elders report to the service dept. some info through it?
i always tended to avoid using the word 'cult' to describe jehovah's witnesses.
instead, i preferred referring to them as a 'high control group'.
however, having watched the shocking and bizarre behaviour by so called jehovah's witness elders toward eric wilson (borean pickets), this now confirms beyond any doubt in my mind that the watchtower organisation is nothing more than a cult.. i would seriously encourage everyone to watch the video in it's entirety and see how truly cultlike they are.. my jaw still hitting the floor 😮.
Eric is Epic!
Wow this video truly gives you proof that the J.W. Religion acts and looks like a cult.
i get infuriated when i see the god's (guardians of doctrine) sporting pinky rings or rings on there right hands.
like a club association.
when i try and take a look at the ring it resembles a masionic ring.
A fashion started in the Victorian era, where people of means and maybe looking to hook up, but not necessarily interested in marriage, would wear a ring on the little finger of their left hand.
In the centuries since then it was mostly a sign of wealth or membership in a group, especially if it had a signet (a design which in the olden days was used to put one's signature mark on things).
In the 20th century it became a look of the fashionably jet-set.
Today it may just mean you are wealthy or have wealthy friends who gave you a pinky ring as a gift.
Here's an interesting site about pinky rings:
Wearing a wedding band instead of a signet type ring on your pinky may mean you have a liking for this small sized ring which only fits on your smallest man sized finger and that's usually your left pinky finger. Why wear a small ring, well, because it was probably made for smaller hands, like dainty female hands or child fingers.
this assembly hall in denmark was designed and built by the watchtower bible and track society before drones and google earth were around.
the governing body did not count on this being exposed from the arial view.
according to the 1993 year book on denmark assembly hall.
The "Track" thing was done on purpose.
Stick to the issue will ya!?
Okay well it was part of the subject line.
But still.
ja2 replies4 retweets12 likes.
Well, Anointed JW's are no longer the FDS since the Super 8 Guardians of Doctrine have pushed these so called Spirit guided ones to the curb, then the JW Org is no longer Spirit guided. That makes sense, right? ... Right?
these images were posted on one of my fb news feeds.
they are legit.
looks like an upscale commercial bldg.
What a boxy coffin of a building.
Looks like a dentist's office or a methadone clinic maybe.
Even Google Images agrees it's a Commercial Building.
after reading a few comments here, i thought it was time for me to get a copy of "the silver sword" for my own occasional research and occult practices.
so i thought i would see if jw.org would offer a way that i could purchase a printed copy (not digital) of the new world translation.
as i browsed, it occurred to me that i might also like to have a copy of the... what was it?
Byington's Bible in Living English available at Amazon.com for $38
news report.
man found dead at jehovah's witness facility.
the daytona beach news-journal.
sorry if this has already been posted ,but didn`t they say a couple of years ago that they would be needing hundreds more kh`s in the very near future ?.
and what do we see today ?
a great sell off of kh`s all over the world ?.
And there's that scripture about the guy who couldn't finish building the tower cause he didn't plan appropriately. ;-)
i hope that the trump administration looks into obama , clinton and all the other players for trying to usurp the legitimacy of the trump presidency..
If there weren't any crimes his cronies wouldn't now be indicted, tried and sentenced to jail.
The courts have spoken.
Beyond that the Tumpolini administration should be held in contempt for the many falsehoods it has spewed in the last two years and change.