yeah some links to an old Google Drive are dead, not a good idea to link to a google drive if you want a permanent link but the site has a tonne of old WT publications let the reader use discernment
JoinedPosts by oppostate
Watchtower publications missing in PDF [1907 Zion’s Glad Songs No. 2 also missing (edit)]
by Pierre1974 ini am looking for old publications in pdf to complete my collection.
1900 watch tower index 1895-1899.
1976 watch tower publications index 1971-1975. frederick william franz (1977-1992).
Purple Triangle
by apostatethunder inhas anyone noticed that the colour purple comes from mixing red and blue, and that the red triangle meant political prisioner and the blue triangle meant foreigner?
purple also comes from mixing pink and blue, foreign homosexual or sexual offender.
that's how the nazis wieved the bible students.
aWhaaaaaasa! Bizarre is definitelly the word for this. But lookee here...
Purple was expensive to make, therefore it was associated with the rich and royalty, so to mock Jesus as King of the Jews, they put a purple mantle on him, this led to it being associated with the followers of Jesus, the Bibelforscher/JWs were put in camps because they saw Jesus as their only king not the Fuehrer Hitler not any man and preached the Kingdom so their distinctive patch in the concentrstion camps was purple, easy peasy, no need for what sound like multichromatic LSD inspired explanations.
Indonesian--2020 Elder Manual--Addendum--and August S-147-E!
by Atlantis in2020-04 indonesian--shepherd the flock of god elder manual, flock book addendum, and the 2020-august-s-147-e announcements and reminders.. .
reply below if you want me to send a link to your pm box.. .
Forward for me as well, thank you!!!
No more hour requirements for pioneers
by solomon init was announced at the meeting.
do what you are able to because of covid.. i think i should sign up as i’m able to meet the hour requirements.
I think Atlantis received a 2020 letter pertaining to regular pioneers, but it is in Portuguese, so I am not sure what it says. If someone who speaks Portuguese wants the letter, I'll send a link to them and maybe they could clue us in on what it says.
Hi Petra (& Atlantis), Eu falo português, I speak portuguese,
well Fall River Mass., Azorean variety that is, but it can't be
that different from Brazilian Portuguese. Send me the letter
and I'll translate it.
BOE Update! (as of 2020-07-31)
by Atlantis inbody of elder letters, announcements, and so forth will be next to "none" unless more elders decide to contact us and help out.. atlantis has lost three elders in the past two years.
two elders were disfellowshipped, and one disassociated and walk away a month ago.. when this happens receiving confidential documents is severed.
the last announcement we received was 2020-07-23. i was not about to send out a childish letter on "mold" in the kingdom halls.. there are people out there out of work and concerned about what they will eat tomorrow, and the watchtower is concerned with mold!.
Thanks Petra and Atlantis for all the work you have done! I was PIMO as an elder for a few years until I could no longer hold my tongue but that was way before all this electronic stuff. There will be others, the resistance will continue.
What's Wrong with the Watchtower?
by Vanderhoven7 innot sure who wrote this list a while back but i think it is worth a be added to or subtracted from or modified...whatever.. what's wrong with the watchtower.
"overlapping generations" - this teaching makes no sense.
the word used by jesus is in the singular, not plural form.. .
how about the no pants for women, or tailored too tight suits for men and no colorful socks!?
How the active psychology works on people who are practicing Jehovah's Witnesses
by Mr.Finkelstein ini dont hold any doctorate degree in human psychology but if you look at the jws from a layman's perspective of whats going on inside the head of your typical jws it isn't that are hard to understand.
if you haven't noticed the jws have the propensity to reiterate word for word what the wts teaches and fills the heads of people who are strongly attached to the jws religion.. in short the wts tells people what to think and what to say about various topics, theology based or otherwise.
how that comes about is the wholehearted acceptance that what comes to the readers off the pages of the wts's literature, has come from god's chosen earthly mediators the gb men.
as LV used to say,
Let's review, "It's a Cult!"
Sunday WT Study- King of North and South
by truthlover123 inparagraph 8 dealing with who is the anglo-american power -- they note different images- feet of clay, 7 headed beast which has a 8th head arise, and so on.
the last image is of the "false prophet- indicating this is another aspect of the anglo american image quoting revelation 19:20 and saying the wild beast and the false prophet are one in the same -(i see the as separate entities) -- a/a dual world power.
which will be destroyed... .
Babylon the Great was never the False Prophet,
BtG was the World of False Religion in WT speak
Quit Quietly now more than ever
by gone for good inthe amazing exoneration of info sekta in swiss court has finally reinforced the proper way to exit an abusive cult.. never write a letter of disassociation.
- no need to invoke shepherding or judicial action from elders.
make a written, dated statement of your free-will choice to have abandoned the jw religion - secure this document with a friend -a trusted friend (not the jw kind).
you will Sue the Elders for Defamation of Character, the threat, even if you are in fact in no position to Sue, may be enough to get them to back off.
the threat of suing usually just delays the inevitable since the elders will check with the Branch legal dept, but the end is usually the same, if the elders feel brave enough after legal says its up to the elders then the DF announcement is made
When did WT lose the spirit?
by Smiles inat what time would you say that the watch tower schema lost the spirit?.
like the ancient nation of israel which struggled maintaining divine blessing due to a long series of grave errors that eventually culminated in definitive loss... how and when did watch tower lose the spirit?.
can we pinpoint a time or event?.
well, OP your premise is wrong to start
Also I don't see where God's Spirit would be with any man made organization or corporation. Only people, actual individuals are said to be anointed by Holy Spirit.