The amazing exoneration of Info Sekta in Swiss Court has finally reinforced the proper way to exit an abusive cult.
NEVER write a letter of disassociation. - no need to invoke shepherding or judicial action from elders
Make a written, dated statement of your free-will choice to have abandoned the JW religion - secure this document with a friend -a trusted friend (not the JW kind). This document is your proof of having exercised your right to freedom of religion - a right guaranteed you by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Article 18.
As of the date on your document, you are free - it's that simple - all that baptism/ dedication/ service claptrap - gone!
You hold the winning card as the date on that document disqualifies you from judicial action since you are no longer a member and willing membership is a prerequisite to a life of JW abuse and manipulation.
Want to make a JW squirm? - ask them what they teach about freedom of religion. As the swiss Court judgment confirms JWs simply do not promote nor practice religious freedom.
I believe this will become the issue that undoes them - a modern legal/ethical concept that their primitive theocracy cannot accommodate