Well, after reading the Greek Scriptures
without the WT veil, I decided to start
partaking of the emblems. The next CO
visit, he and the then PO now (COBOE),
came asking why I felt I was anointed
and it was a very freaky, and very dark
visit. It was in the afternoon and the
Sun went behind the clouds, the CO who
was sitting in front of the only window
was now only a shadow and the only light
coming from the window was now on me
it felt like one of those spy interrogation
scenes where they shine a lamp on the
guy getting interrogated. The CO's voice
got louder and louder with every question.
And since all I could see of him was his
silhouette it seemed like a demonic presence
was in front of me asking these questions
about why I thought I would be ssssooooo
ssspeciallllllyyy choooossssen (I'm trying
to show how he stretched those words)
just like what I think a televangelist pastor
sounds like.
It's hard to believe it's been now several
years since the demonic knuckle head of
a CO left and all other CO's have been
ignoring the fact I partake.
Maybe I'm counted as one of the mental
cases because I do put my faith in Christ
and I do believe those who put faith in
him are born from above, born again, in
the Spirit.