I'm looking forward to Tuesday when Michelle Jenneke does her little warmup dance before running the 100m hurdles race!
Click to see Michelle Janneke's warmup dance Gif
or YouTube.
i haven`t seen much if anything on the rio olympic games on this forum , i can`t believe their is so little interest in such a sporting event that is televised world wide.. i don`t get to watch everything , but events i do like to see when i can are,track and field ,gymnastics ,swimming , diving ,and their are a few other sports i will watch when they are on , especially if an australian is involved.. how about you ?
whats your favourite sport to watch ?.
has the "drug" issue affected your view of the games ?
I'm looking forward to Tuesday when Michelle Jenneke does her little warmup dance before running the 100m hurdles race!
Click to see Michelle Janneke's warmup dance Gif
or YouTube.
can someone help dissecting this?
i stumbled upon this on another forum.
links to a site that claims to track non-profit tax forms.
Around here giving to the United Way or in any way supporting it was a no-no for JW's because they support gay and equal rights for LGBT groups, etc.
If they're getting money from the United Way then this could be another UN scandal in the making and there ain't no library cards this time.
Then again it's okay to take blood fractions from donated blood, but not to give blood at blood drives, so go figure.
Have I mentioned that this the WT hierarchy are a bunch of filthy-lucre loving, money-grubbing hypocrites?!
are jehovah's witnesses really the only religion that promotes and preaches the name of jehovah?.
jw's are always claiming that they are the only religion that preaches and uses the name jehovah, and that is why only they will be saved.
for example, look at this quote from the watchtower:.
JHVH with the vowels from Adonai, you get "Jahovah
No. You don't. jEhOvAh vs. AdOnAI. :-P
Josephus said that it is pronounced according to it's letters/vowels.
It has YHWH, and the word for Judah has YHWDH but pronounced
YEHOWDAH you take the D off and you're left with YEHOWAH
And that's where Martin the Catholic Monk gets the pronunciation in
Latin IEHOVAH, (YEHHOWAH), the Masoretes used the right vowels, an EH to start and an AH at the end.
From Yehowah you can derive Yah, Yahu and Yeho combined names of Biblical characters. Whenever a noun is in a construct state the first vowel gets shortened to a schewa.
The Adonay fallacy is something that gets repeated by folks who hear it and pass it on. The Yahweh pronunciation is a "scholarly" construct that is just not supported in the historical record.
We'll believe this when we see it. Oh...that's right..we don't go anymore! We are enjoying our lives!
Don't you know the only ones allowed to enjoy their lives are the current fitful and disgraceful slave Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses and some of their helpers?
Actually it's been well said that living well is the best revenge. Live long and prosper!
david splane video.
morning worship.
david splane attempts to explain why the "slave" is not 1900 years old.. warning...video may cause drowsiness!.
The video is gag worthy and very misguided. I could argue a few points of historical fact but then that would be an apostate correcting a GB member!
in the august broadcast bro splane explains this point deeper.. when the brothers are sitting together and joyfully speaking about clarification of jw belief, they often encounter and deal with that "domino-effect" when one scripture has effects on others.
so all changes are carefully considered before they come into print, one after the other but late.. lately he mentions the "godfathers" brother jaracz , barr as good examples of reading the bible progressivly, they were very progressive at there time.
what ever this could mean he did not explain it?.
sorry I'm losing my dominos pizza eeeeewwwwwww!
at the 2016 olympic games in rio de janeiro, brazil, there are reportedly 62 carts with over a thousand brothers/sisters taking shifts and <ehem>working</ehem> the proximity in rio de janeiro from 8 in the morning till 11 at night (8:00 to 23:00), august 5th-21st.. .
such an "olympic" effort!.
Somehow the perspective of this photo with the cables coming down make them look like puppets! :-)
at the 2016 olympic games in rio de janeiro, brazil, there are reportedly 62 carts with over a thousand brothers/sisters taking shifts and <ehem>working</ehem> the proximity in rio de janeiro from 8 in the morning till 11 at night (8:00 to 23:00), august 5th-21st.. .
such an "olympic" effort!.
At the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, there are reportedly 62 carts with over a thousand brothers/sisters taking shifts and <ehem>working</ehem> the proximity in Rio de Janeiro from 8 in the morning till 11 at night (8:00 to 23:00), August 5th-21st.
Such an "Olympic" effort!
i really fail to see how much actual "witnessing" is occurring with the trolley carts.publishers, usually pioneers, just stand or sit there not engaging anyone and count their time.. the only thing i notice that it's accomplishing is brand exposure for jw.0rg so the public is exposed to the logo and literature/poster card headlines.. take for example this "evening" witnessing by a pioneer elder while on summer holiday/vacation.. .
is this not a wth kinda moment when you consider the years of slaving, knocking on doors, business territory and bible studies we had to keep performing so we weren't branded a "weak" publisher?.
seriously, is this Photoshopped?
No, honest to goodness, he's a real congregation elder, and his wife took the picture--They pioneer and they're both, ehem, "self-employed," although it isn't clear in what sort of business. Oh, and they moved back into his mother's house to simplify. You can't make this stuff up!