I'm so dizzy my head is spinning. Like a whirlpool, it never ends
JoinedPosts by oppostate
There is a NEW Songbook?!
by My Name is of No Consequence ini am not talking about the one that the org came out with in 2010. i am talking about a new one that just came out.
it is completely different or is it just the 135 songs from the 2010 songbook plus the 16 that they have rolled out since then?
my head is spinning!.
December 28 2016 BOE Re One Study Edition of The Watchtower in Languages Other Than English
by wifibandit indecember 28, 2016 to all congregations re: one study edition of the watchtower in languages other than english.
dear brothers:.
for several years, the simplified edition of the watchtower has been produced in french,.
I think it is beyond hillarious that they finish the letter by saying that in the future these foreign language translations of the WT will be in even simpler language.
Good grief! 1984 and engsoc, dumbing down language to dumb down minds!
Irregular to meetings, can I partake in memorial?
by Squekylive inhi friends .
i don't believe in jw doctrines anymore but because of family i have to be a jw for now.. i am not regular to meetings, and don't answer in meeting, but i report some hours so i remain as active jw now.. .
congregation knows that i am not spiritual and i don't talk to people and i don't care what they think about me.. now, i believe it's important to observe lord's supper as a christian as per john 6:53, so in the coming memorial if i attend i want to partake in the communion,.. i believe it is a sin to pass the bread and wine inspite of knowing it's flesh and blood of jesus.. it's like rejecting jesus.. so i want to partake.. but i dont consider i am anointed etc.
Why make a scene by partaking?
Well, if you're a Christian believer you might decide to give a witness for what you believe is true.
And even more so if you are disfellowshipped.
Why so?
Because if you are DFed and partake you are fellowshipping or communing with all others who are likewise partaking. Btcha the GoBos would not like it, but the Biblical reason for observing the Memorial is for believers to commune, to be with others as one, united in Christ.
So if they do not want you partaking then they should not have it open to the public and invite people who are not expected to take part.
I'm partaking and if anyone at the KH does not like it, so what?
I'm not doing it for them, but for my belief in Christ and to show unity with all who also believe in following Jesus,'command to keep doing so.
Demonizes medical techniques and jws
by Crazyguy inso i remember in the 70s and 80s kenisalogy ( spelled wrong) was talked about as being demonized and wrong.
for those of you not familiar with the term it was used to describe alternative medical techniques used by some.
these could include massage techniques for healing, acupuncture, cranial sacral , aroma therapy, acupressure, etc etc... so my daughter has been dealing with a very painful condition and western medical has only one solution which is a bad one so we have been searching and using some of these other types of medical treatment along with a couple of others that are unique and would maybe fall under the umbrella of this term.
In the 80s and 90s there was a lot of JW Quacker's praising what they called kinesiology. It had nothing to do with the real science of physical movement.
One popular way of proving their "science" was to show you how bad common medicines were for you.
They would ask you to hold a bottle of Tylenol or Advil, aspirin or whatnot and extend your arm up parallel with your shoulder then they would put pressure on your arm to test for resistance. Then they would repeat the test without anything in your hand and more often than not you "experienced" a weakness of your strength in holding your arm out when you held the medicines in your hand.
They would share with you how in Brooklyn they practiced this kinesiology and that's why the GoBos were living into their 90s and blah blahblah.
It got pretty bad and there was a local talk about not giving medical advice if you were not a doctor. But it still went on, feeding on the distrust of modern medicine and encouraging folks to buy "holistic medicine" concoctions and "deep massage" treatments.
I asked my son to stop playing football.
by The Rebel ini asked my son to stop playing football.
it was a simple kick about he was playing with a friend using the garage door as the goal.
i then went to my home and thought no more about it.
Maybe that's the reason that kids go through the stage of asking why to everything, training parents? :-)))
Which bible translation do you think is best and most acurate?
by NikL infor those that still care to read the bible of course.
those that don't, please keep the snarky comments to yourselves :-).
i am assuming nwt is not very popular?.
I rather like the new Jerusalem bible.
The WEB world English bible is also quite nice readable, modern, and free.
by steve2 inhere we are on the cusp of the new year, and the 2017 yearbook of jws has still not been released.
jw.org continues to feature the 2016 yearbook in its list of main publications.
in previous years, the upcoming yearbook's annual report on jws was released in november for the january 1st then the feb 1st watchtower, then earlier in december when it was only featured in the yearbook, then more recently with a couple of days of december 25th.
And of course the number of memorial partakers keeps increasing while the claim something different.
2016-12-29 BOE Re: Donations in Support of Kingdom Interests Worldwide
by wifibandit indecember 29, 2016 to all congregations re: donations in support of kingdom interests worldwide.
we anticipate exciting things to come!
Yeah, right!
They "anticipate" the donations to keep on coming after this yet another letter asking for contributions. Can you see them greedily rubbing their hands expectation?
Bunch of filthy lucre loving hypocrites!
a theory- different scenario for future of JW
by closed inwhy does the org sell so many properties?
i just was wondering... may be they are thinking of ditching 1914 doctrine and other teachings.
it will be not a new light but completely different religion.
It's crossed my mind that they're building up an endowment of sorts that will support their <ehem> work </ehem> more sustainably than just depending on publishers' contributions.
Imagine if they have a goal figure in mind and that once they've acquired those "billions" they can just sit back and rest assured that whatever the contributions or lack of them might be they'll have plenty of money to continue living ever so merrily in their Warwick compound.
Then I think, NOT. It seems to me the GoBo asking for money is one of those things that never cry out and say "Enough!" Bunch of filthy lucre loving hypocrites, the whole nasty bunch of'em with their mahogany offices, rolex and iWatch's and pinky rings!
"New Light" and the Watchtower's quasi legal disclaimer
by jwleaks infound this interesting quasi legal religious statement at the bottom of this 》》》 jw.org page advertising "bible-based books and magazines":.
some updates made to digital publications may not yet appear in the printed edition.. glad to know that jehovah and the governing body have seen fit to inform the entire world that certain doctrinal teachings of "truth" may differ between digital and print edition of the watchtower magazine and bible-based books.
doesn't say much for the credibility of the guardians of doctrine.. confusingly, some of the doctrinal teachings, particularly in the online versions of bible-based books and magazines from the watchtower, have already undergone updates but these updates only appear in the new digital version of the new printed edition.. good thing we have a digital-only version of the "research guide for jehovah's witnesses" which is updated every year to contain all the references to the new teachings and interpretations of the bible.
Scratchme1010 you asked: What's the big deal.
Since the WT oligarchs claim they're God's only channel on earth to distribute "truth", they don't get to take their words back.
As Smiddy says, they're claiming to speak for God and making Him look bad, that's a Big Deal if you're a believer in God. But if you're not, I guess it wouldn't really matter what anyone at WT religious-propaganda and real-estate HQ decides to publish.