excellent presentation!
JoinedPosts by oppostate
Presentation by Paul Grundy (JW Facts)
by Listener ini came across this recent down to earth presentation given by paul grundy.
it's very long but provides a good overview of the jw religion and its dark side.
it was hosted by "sydney atheists" so may not be an ideal link to send to jws.
Do JWs Regard You As An APOSTATE?
by minimus ini doubt people consider me an apostate but you never know.đ€.
Yes, and funny thing too. I was born a Catholic and left it, but even today no priest would call me an apostate. A protestant would call me a nondem with some personal idiosyncratic beliefs. But given a conversation with any JW today within 5 minutes that is what they would judge me to be. A fullfledged apostate.
Hypocrisy Overload! "When Loved Ones Do Not Share Your Faith: Awake!â2003"
by pale.emperor incame across this article regarding non jw relatives.
the hypocrisy in this article is astounding.. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102003808#h=10.
my comments are in yellow.. .
Well said, pale emperor.
The WT is so disgusting and hypocritical!
They use two sets of scales without shame.
What a bunch of filthy lucre loving liars they are!
Nothing but shameless liars.
Pelados, mentirosos, llenos de mierda, hijos de la gran puta! Asquerosos puercos sin verguenza! Malditas culebras que son esas miserables ratas!
Me dan tanto asco estos hipocritas!
Just sharing-Ex JW's in Media
by Confusedandangry inhttps://youtu.be/qvm1prhnoci.
i'm not sure if anyone has already posted this link or info on deborah frances white.
i just wanted to share for anyone interested in hearing her experience.
She talks way too fast!
My apostate mind just can't keep up maybe its the accent???
When do other.panel members get to speak?
The goal in all this 1918/1919 change?
by careful inas some have recently posted here, there does seem to be a shift going on in their self-interpretation(s) of what happened in 1918 and 1919. if we can look past all the details that emphasize the poor thinking and poor wording (or contradictions/just plain craziness/insignificance) of their message, something bigger seems to be afoot.
they appear to be attempting to redefine the meanings for some "prophetic" scriptures in light of themselves.
1. they are trying to somehow fill the void they have themselves created from their rejecting freddie franz's (ff) typeâanti-type postulations.
I reposted JWLeaks' "Bread Loaf Splane-ation" on FB and it seems well received by the JW R&F facebook group with thousands of active ones with over 40+ likes overnight!
Your Success Is Shaped by Your Genes
by oppostate inwas calvin right about pre-destination?===========================================.
your success is shaped by your genes.
Was Calvin right about pre-destination?
Your Success Is Shaped by Your Genes
When Duke University School of Medicine professor Daniel Belsky and his colleagues cross-referenced data from a longitudinal study of 918 people from Dunedin, New Zealand, they discovered a connection between the presence of specific genes and the achievement of better socioeconomic outcomes. Their conclusion: Your success is shaped by your genes.Professor Belsky, defend your research.
Belsky: Though DNA isnât destiny, it does have something to say about the kind of people we become and what we achieve. When we studied this existing data set from a group of people who were all born in a single city and then surveyed at regular intervals throughout the first four decades of their lives, we found that those who carried certain genetic variantsâones that had already been linked to educational attainment in other studiesâhit developmental benchmarks earlier as children and held higher aspirations as teenagers. Then, as adults, they attained more education, held more prestigious jobs, earned higher incomes, partnered with better-off mates, were more socially and geographically mobile, managed their money more effectively, and accumulated more assets. All of that does suggest our genes can affect our future. But we also know that human development stems from a complex interaction of the genes we inherit and the environments we encounter. Nature and nurture combine to make us who we are. Weâre just beginning to understand how that interplay operates.
So youâre not suggesting we test people at birth or in utero to see who has the aptitude to, say, earn a PhD or become an effective executive?
No. Weâre still a long way from being able to accurately estimate human potential with a genetic testâand even if we could, there are lots of reasons that it wouldnât be a good idea. To develop our predictive model, we started with the results of large data-mining studies involving tens of thousands of human genomes, which identified gene variants linked with particular educational outcomes and the strength of those links. We used that information to create an algorithm that calculates something called a âpolygenic scoreâ for individuals, which indicates how many of the variants they have. When we looked at the Dunedin study data, we did find that participants with higher polygenic scores were slightly more successful than those with lower scores, but the effect was very smallâjust 1% to 4% of the variance.
Also, weâre talking about average outcomes. Some people with low polygenic scores went on to have very successful lives, and some with high scores did not. There are many other nongenetic tests you can administer to children and adults that will give you a much better read on their ability to achieve than we can get out of the genome.
Finding: People with certain genetic markers earned higher incomes.
If other, presumably cheaper, methods work better, why study genes in this context?
We want to understand how genetics shape our lives and what causes some people to be successful and others to flounder. The advantage of looking at DNA is that itâs defined at birth and fixed throughout life, so it gives us an anchor on which to build. Ultimately, we hope to yield actionable insights for policy makersâto help them devise interventions that will improve social mobility.
What kind of interventions?
For example, in our study we found that kids who had higher polygenic scores started to master language at a younger age; they talked earlier and read earlier and faster than their peers. Perhaps interventions that increase all childrenâs language skills at younger ages might help more people follow successful trajectories. Going forward, bigger data sets may help us understand why some kids with low polygenic scores nevertheless achieve successful outcomes or why some kids with higher scores still struggle. These âoutliersâ can provide clues to how we might change childrenâs environments to improve their outcomes.
Finding: Kids with the markers mastered language earlier.
Where would these bigger data sets come from?
The United Kingdom has developed a national biobank that now includes genetic data and a wealth of other information from half a million people. In the United States, President Obamaâs Precision Medicine Initiative aims to develop a similar resource. But these big data projects canât completely replace cohort studies like the one we focused our research on. For starters, they canât get the same level of detail, especially about early life. For another, participants self-select in, so they donât necessarily represent the full population. This issue of representativeness is important. For example, a big question about our findings is whether they will generalize beyond populations of European descent. They might not apply to people who have different ethnic backgrounds or live in other regions of the world.
It sounds as if weâre on the frontier of a whole new body of research into genes and socioeconomics. What else is being studied?
This new fieldâitâs called sociogenomicsâis advancing in several directions. Large-scale consortia like the Social Science Genetic Association Consortium, which is headed by Dan Benjamin at the University of Southern California and Philipp Koellinger at Vrije University of Amsterdam, and projects like Sociogenome, led by Melinda Mills at the University of Oxford, are investigating genetic influences on risk taking, entrepreneurship, reproductive behavior, and more. Another major area of inquiry is how genes shape our social relationships. My colleague Ben Domingue at Stanford, along with sociologists Dalton Conley and Jason Boardman and economist Jason Fletcher, has been working on the question of whether friends and spouses tend to be more similar genetically to one another, and why that might be the case. And there are more social scientists joining the field every day.
Finding: The markers predicted success no matter the environment.
You said that the genes you looked at had already been linked to educational attainment, which is, of course, linked to IQ and socioeconomic status. Do we really need scientific research to tell us that smart, wealthy people get more schooling and therefore achieve more as adults?
I think one important contribution of our work is to document that the genetics originally discovered in studies of educational attainment are not about education specifically. Instead, they relate to a range of personal characteristicsâincluding IQ but also noncognitive skills, like self-control and being able to get along well with others. These traits enabled kids with high polygenic scores to succeed not just in school but well beyond. In fact, differences in education explained only about half the effect on long-term life success we found. Also, even though kids born into better-off families did tend to have slightly higher polygenic scores, higher scores predicted success no matter what kind of conditions a child grew up in.
This is still giving me pause. Arenât you worried about a Gattaca-like future, where people with âgoodâ genes are favored over those with âbadâ ones?
As I said, given the weak power of our predictive models, Gattaca is not possible today. But I do think the time for conversation is now. I agree that the idea of using genetics as a sorting mechanism is scary. So itâs important to talk about what this kind of research should and shouldnât be used for. But letâs recognize that we already do a lot of sorting today. We rely on all kinds of rubrics to pick winners and losers before people have a chance to actually prove themselves. Schools use aptitude tests to sort kids into âgifted and talentedâ programs. Early problems with attention or behavioral control can track kids in the opposite direction. Maybe the genome can help us understand where these social rules go wrong, when weâre limiting human potential, and who weâve inappropriately left behind.
So how are your genes looking?
Follow-up is ongoing.
A version of this article appeared in the JanuaryâFebruary 2017 issue (pp.34â35) of Harvard Business Review. -
January 16, 2017 BOE US, PUERTO RICO, AND THE U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS Re: Real Property Tax Exemption Verification
by wifibandit injanuary 16, 2017 to all bodies of elders in the united states, puerto rico, and the u.s. virgin islands re: real property tax exemption verification.
annual real property tax exemption verification record and instructions.
Thanks wifibandit!
Momma WT always has to micromanage for heaven knows the appointed men aren't fit to take care of things by themselves and aren't allowed out from under Momma's skirt đ
Shunning and apostacy
by biblexaminer inhey folks.
i have been looking for the latest on shunning of those who have drifted.
i recall the 2016 convention had a part, and i believe there was a video.
Vincent the Tool said that about theocratic warfare not about shunning, I think.
by DATA-DOG infirst off, i am so happy that " tomo iii" is catching.
i dont know who said it first, but it's awesome.. i want to see him at a rc and say, " yo!!
I much prefer the term "Tony the Turd" because most of what comes out of his mouth is bullshÂĄt.
But TOMO the turd is equally apt.
The rich will not inherit the Kingdom of GodâDid Jesus really say this?
by anointed1 init is our experience that love of money brings action towards accumulating abundance of wealth which ultimately convinces the owner that âi was wasting my timeâ which in turn motivates him to turn into philanthropy (like bill gates and co did).
this is a perfect design (designed to work independently of god) like a journey of which the first half is wasteful and the second half is fruitful, and it is to be viewed as a whole.
hence it is unlikely that jesus would say: âit is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of god.â (mathew 19:24) verse is obviously attributed to jesus by later writers.. this means question of morality is not complicated if viewed as a whole process.
@ a-1:
You obviously haven't had enough real world experience. The WT will leave you morally and socially retarded!