Bunch of filthy-lucre loving hypocrites this GoBo!
Like all other hierarchical religious beasts, they never stop crying, "more, more"!
shame to see our multi bilion property and media corporation asks for the last coins of an indian child, the coconuts from a sri lanka man and the last olive oil of a greek poor.. message to the poor is: no money, then your other belongings are belonging to jehova (read:jw.org).. at the end of the article i can click on a donate button and get a visa / mastercard sign om my screen.. follow the money: were are the property bilions?.
Bunch of filthy-lucre loving hypocrites this GoBo!
Like all other hierarchical religious beasts, they never stop crying, "more, more"!
what is the watchtower going to do when the money runs out ??
First they would have to run out of loyal /contributing publishers and then run out of properties to sell, and that could take a while.
switzerland condemns racism, anti-semitism and discrimination in any form, a spokesman for the government said on tuesday, as a row with israel over a hotel sign telling jewish guests to shower before using the pool showed no sign of abating.the swiss statement came after the jewish state lodged official complaints about aparthaus paradies in the alpine resort village of arosa and signs it posted telling jewish guests to shower before using the swimming pool and restricted their access to a kitchen freezer.the hotel quickly apologized and removed the signage after a public backlash.the prominent jewish rights group, the simon wiesenthal centre, published a letter tuesday demanding that switzerland “close the hotel of hate and penalise its management.” it also called on booking.com to remove the hotel from its directory “and explain the anti-semitic cause of the removal on your website.”the centre’s head of international relations shimon samuels, pointed out that “the reference to ‘showers’ can be construed as a patently vicious reference to the fake shower hands in the gas chambers.”.
"to our jewish guests women, men and children please take a shower before you go swimming and although after swimming.
if you break the rules , i'm forced to cloes the swimming pool for you.
what if the Jews hit back by pulling their money out of Switzerland?
Just by boycotting the Aparthaus Paradeis Hotel immediately and making cancellations for any future stay would send a clear and loud statement that businesses which publicly display and practice insensitive, racist attitudes will see their customers go elsewhere.
They are their guests, tourists who come to spend their hard earned money there, WTF was she thinking, indeed !?!?
switzerland condemns racism, anti-semitism and discrimination in any form, a spokesman for the government said on tuesday, as a row with israel over a hotel sign telling jewish guests to shower before using the pool showed no sign of abating.the swiss statement came after the jewish state lodged official complaints about aparthaus paradies in the alpine resort village of arosa and signs it posted telling jewish guests to shower before using the swimming pool and restricted their access to a kitchen freezer.the hotel quickly apologized and removed the signage after a public backlash.the prominent jewish rights group, the simon wiesenthal centre, published a letter tuesday demanding that switzerland “close the hotel of hate and penalise its management.” it also called on booking.com to remove the hotel from its directory “and explain the anti-semitic cause of the removal on your website.”the centre’s head of international relations shimon samuels, pointed out that “the reference to ‘showers’ can be construed as a patently vicious reference to the fake shower hands in the gas chambers.”.
"to our jewish guests women, men and children please take a shower before you go swimming and although after swimming.
if you break the rules , i'm forced to cloes the swimming pool for you.
Switzerland condemns racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination in any form, a spokesman for the government said on Tuesday, as a row with Israel over a hotel sign telling Jewish guests to shower before using the pool showed no sign of abating.
The Swiss statement came after the Jewish state lodged official complaints about Aparthaus Paradies in the Alpine resort village of Arosa and signs it posted telling Jewish guests to shower before using the swimming pool and restricted their access to a kitchen freezer.
The hotel quickly apologized and removed the signage after a public backlash.
The prominent Jewish rights group, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, published a letter Tuesday demanding that Switzerland “close the hotel of hate and penalise its management.” It also called on Booking.com to remove the hotel from its directory “and explain the anti-Semitic cause of the removal on your website.”
The centre’s head of international relations Shimon Samuels, pointed out that “the reference to ‘showers’ can be construed as a patently vicious reference to the fake shower hands in the gas chambers.”
"To our Jewish Guests Women, Men and Children
Please take a shower before you go swimming
and although after swimming.
If you break the rules , I'm forced to cloes
the swimming pool for you.
Thank you for understanding
Ruth Thomann"
someone said on forum they knew someone df for not going to assigned meeting in old days .
For posting this on Facebook. LOL
so i made a youtube channel and im starting to post podcasts soon not yet but i will link it for now.
i would say sub and turn on the bell so you can know when i post i dont want to post all the time saying i made a video please and thank you.. one more thing read the description for the channel thanks.. akid48.
@ Ak**48
Ah, bandicam.com eh? Cool but only for games, right?
Without using a webcam, so as not to appear on video,
in person, you can still do some pretty neat vids by using
http://screencastify.com and http://goanimate.com
and also http://animoto.com which are all quite good.
so i made a youtube channel and im starting to post podcasts soon not yet but i will link it for now.
i would say sub and turn on the bell so you can know when i post i dont want to post all the time saying i made a video please and thank you.. one more thing read the description for the channel thanks.. akid48.
AKB48 Sugar Rush
fast forward to 2:04 to get to the key part - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjz_ilp9c5a.
Cool beans!
"I tell you," He answered, "if they remain silent, the very stones will cry out."
(Luke 19:40, Berean Study Bible)
everything really is up for grabs.. our sense of "absolutes" is always under fire.
we are taught to invest all of our belief in the very idea of something being true and absolute and constant.but--is that illusory?.
examine how this works: jesus was tortured and murdered by hanging him on a cross.
Whose ox was gored by whom?
Confederate Generals were surely not in the same category, were they?
Considering they were fighting to maintain the slavery status quo in the South... Yah! I'd say they're pretty guilty of supporting an institution that abused human rights and caused great suffering.
The South's Rebel or Battle flag is pretty much the same as the Nazi swastika flag, IMHO.
Such things belong in museums as reminders of what treating other peoples as subhuman leads to, bloodshed, suffering and war.
Maybe cavorting with clerics is the new in-thing at JW.0rg
And maybe the other GB members will start wearing clerical bonnets! Heh!
The hat Geoff is wearing belongs to the tall bro on the right I think, the photo was taken at the District Convention.
I think Geoff likes to dress up. There's a video of him giving a talk wearing a pacific islander male wrap skirt instead of pants!