The creepiness is in the size differential and the killer clown smile.
And what about his mi der, the bodyguard, who is talking to the sister?
Have you read or watched "It?"
The creepiness is in the size differential and the killer clown smile.
And what about his mi der, the bodyguard, who is talking to the sister?
Have you read or watched "It?"
Creepy Sanderson
my dad's phone rings.
its a secretary from his dermatologists office.. her:.
"just calling for "mr. wasa sr." to remind him his appointment is next wednesday at 2pm.".
Oops! Awkward moment indeed.
Where are all the faithful dubs???
hello to all pomos, pimos and lurkers!
i would firstly like to introduce myself, as i should have done in my initial post.
i will remain anonymous for this website.
Oh the eager spirit of newbiness!
More power to you, and may you keep researching and learning and sharing for the good of the oppressed and of the hardened ones filled to the brim with sarcasm, such as I.
dear lurkers, you won't be disappointed by this topic.
when i was in the org, there was a strict dress code.
no woman was attractive, and when i was a young witness child i was conditioned to believe every woman in the world must be ugly.
Obviously you never went to a Spanish congregation!
i typed into google jehovahs-witness and the first four hits were borg sites.
this site was not even on the first page .
WTH are you taking about?
CARM is a 501(c)3, non-profit, Christian ministry dedicated to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ and the promotion and defense of the Christian Gospel, doctrine, and theology. To do this, CARM analyzes religious and non-religious movements and compares them to the Bible. We examine abortion, atheism, evolution, Islam, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, relativism, Roman Catholicism, Wicca, universalism, (and more), along with Christian preachers and teachers. In all our analyses we use the Bible as the final standard of truth in order to defend and promote Christianity. Please consider checking out our statement of faith -
nightmare on elm street.
mother to elder: tiffany, my daughter, shocked me last night.
she told me she was fondled by our hispanic neighbor after she babysat for their children.. elder: that is terrible to hear, sister.
Sounds like there are some anti Latino issues lurking in that post!
I thought you might suggest building a wall.
james askd to be dissociate , from all the ex -jws groups in the world.we know we cannot talk to him, or eat with him.
or have any spiritual connection with him.please report this to all ex jws, groups, congregations.. what is actually the difference of james choosing to dissociate or desfellowship.
?nothing he did cut his connection with ex jesus christ, so we cannot talk to him.. your brother -- edward.
Will the Real Edward Gentry please stand up?
the setting: i live in a big house as a renter of one bedroom.
there are four other bedrooms and of the more recent move-ins is robert.
robert drives a very large blue truck with a 50mm machine gun mount on the hood, stenciled lettering: zombie assault vehicle, and --well...i've come to think of him as robert the zombie killer.then, there's a young fellow with wild, long, bizarre hair, and another guy with dozens of tats... fun and roommate games___ i received the text about an hour after i arrived back at the house.
Is this the reason you like to hang out at Starbucks instead of at the house? Funny story though, had me laughing out loud!