Quite an interesting article.
I'd say though that the process of loosing one's JW shell is a painful and traumatic experience, at least it was for me. The sense of betrayal and the feeling of having been lied to and being taken advantage of was devastating.
But, the feeling of "having re-joined the rest of humanity" as Ray F. wrote was a welcomed feeling that made me better able to see the bigger picture and how small and insignificant the JW world really is.
When during one RBC remodeling a fellow elder was being a jerk know-it-all getting on everyone's case I had a row with him about this and an ex-elder good friend of mine took me aside and told me "just rise above it". I think there are a lot of these awake still-ins who just rise above it but are too aware of the pain separating from the cult will make them go through, with the loss of family members and the shunning from JW believers.
The pain of rising above it is real, it's mental, it's traumatic. And, it's different for everyone according to their circumstances and their connections to others in the cult.