I know Mrs J
This whole battleground has left me kind of exhausted...
hello everyone.... i would honestly like to share why i come to this site when i am able to.. i too, like many here spent my whole life inside the wt along with my husband who was born in.
(i was 6) we have raised three wonderful sons now 27, 23, 21 who the youngest was almost 7 when we left and we were disfellowshipped.
(for so-called apostacy of course)and since then all of us partake of the christ by eating and drinking the manna and his blood.
I know Mrs J
This whole battleground has left me kind of exhausted...
hello everyone.... i would honestly like to share why i come to this site when i am able to.. i too, like many here spent my whole life inside the wt along with my husband who was born in.
(i was 6) we have raised three wonderful sons now 27, 23, 21 who the youngest was almost 7 when we left and we were disfellowshipped.
(for so-called apostacy of course)and since then all of us partake of the christ by eating and drinking the manna and his blood.
So what happens when you have one person who believes in and talks to Christ who says something perceived as unkind or displays judgmental behavior and someone who doesn't believe in Christ who says something perceived as unkind or displays judgmental behavior? From what I've seen lately, the Christ believer gets a free pass from other Christ believers because oh well, they're only human while the one who doesn't believe in Christ gets called bitter, resentful, damaged and is obviously pursuing an agenda. Quite fascinating, really.
the greatest of love and peace to you all.
on another thread i posted what i stated was my last post.
that wasn't true; this is my last post on jwn.
Oh and I forgot to add that I'm truly sorry for any offence I may have caused, that was not my intent. Since you don't want me to express myself to you anymore Sab, I wish you a very happy life.
the greatest of love and peace to you all.
on another thread i posted what i stated was my last post.
that wasn't true; this is my last post on jwn.
Fair enough, Sab. Ciao!
this is a serious question.. i know people that hear/feel god (and see postings about people's experiences), but i have not experienced this.
i have never heard anything audibly (or otherwise) nor "felt" anything inwardly.. i've prayed, read, quieted my thoughts, etc...but still nothing..
EE darlin, the dog comment wasn't cool.
I hope Shelby's poochies make their way home. She must be frantic.
the greatest of love and peace to you all.
on another thread i posted what i stated was my last post.
that wasn't true; this is my last post on jwn.
I've always been on the side of reality, Sab and have never pretended otherwise so no, I'm not neutral. I choose not to express myself aggressively and I choose to try my best to look beyond the words to understand the person within. There are times though, that the words need to be challenged or I would feel irresponsible. If the fact that I like you is painful for you, you'll just have to put up with it so stop fighting it already.
I also choose to ignore the fact that you effectively called me willfully blind and manipulative and harboring a mob mentality. I know you're just frustrated.
the greatest of love and peace to you all.
on another thread i posted what i stated was my last post.
that wasn't true; this is my last post on jwn.
You don't get to define who should be pitied and who should not. I think you and the rationalists on this forum have acted in a deplorable manner towards Shelby.
You haven't been paying attention because I have never said anything to Shelby in the way you describe. And I'll pity whomever I damn well please. For example, I pity you right now. Why? Because you're not being reasonable in any way shape or form and I know that you can be. It's sad to me to see someone I like turn into someone so far off the rails like this. So yeah, not jealous at all. And I agree that it didn't have to be this way, Sab. You've strayed so far from reality that all anyone can do is try to reason with you, and when that fails miserably all we have left is pity.
my sister sent me this link this morning and listed on there are names of ''known'' apostates!
i made the list yey!
so did my nine year old daughter lol!
I feel all naughty right now.
the greatest of love and peace to you all.
on another thread i posted what i stated was my last post.
that wasn't true; this is my last post on jwn.
Oh Sab. Sab Sab Sab. What you see as jealousy is actually more along the lines of pity. Not condescending pity, just a sadness and frustration that otherwise very intelligent people still feel the need to cling to superstition and make believe spirits. Coming to the realization that those spirits actually don't exist after all is extremely freeing and makes a person realize that they don't need to cling to those beliefs in order to be loving, kind and generous to other fellow humans. Calling it jealousy is exactly what it's not. Nobody who challenged Shelby is in any way jealous of her and the discussions that started out (way way back) as reasonable and measured using logic and critical thinking were spurned and things got ugly. She's only human, you know and as such should have apologized and been accountable for some things she said instead of falling back on the voices in her head as justification. I actually like Shelby very much and I'm sorry to see her go, but it got to the point where she had backed herself into a serious corner and desperately needed a break. A break can be very healthy and I think we could all use one at times. Forest and trees and all of that...
to the household of god, israel, and those who go with... may you all have peace!
to try and perhaps help "calm" some of the rhetoric and propaganda on the board lately regarding what i've posted as to the apperance of spirit being, the following are links to threads/posts that contain some information regarding their appearance and nature.
for those who haven't read of such before, they are not "men", as in human... nor do they appear as human unless they put on the appearance of an "able-bodied" (vs. disabled) man.