The bad news is that you may loose you current JW friends. IT is not because you are a bad person, it is because that is the way it works. You may even have done it to others yourself in the past. There is no malice it is just because it is the way it is done in this organisation.
The good news and believe me it is good news, is that you are only 14 you have an opportunity to live a full life without limits. In ordinary lives people make new friends as they move through different phases of their life, there are school friends, college friends, University friends, Work collegues, people you meet through clubs and sports. In the organisation we let many opportunities pass us by because we are told that these people can not be real friends but that is not true. You are soon about to embark on a new phase of your life new friendship opportunities will be there for you. Be aware of them and embrace them.
Regarding old relationships, who knows what will happen to these ones in the future. It is never pleasant to be shunned but if you stay approachable and friendly they may look for you in the future when and if they have doubts. If you are not baptised yet people may be wary of you but will also feel a bit sorry for you. Be prepared to be their friend always after all to shun or not is their choice. You can respect someones point of view you don't have to agree with it.
When I was your age my father moved for work many times and I had to make new friends every two years or so. It is possible. Set yourself goals, do things that allow you to meet new people and be friendly and approachable. You have made a start already. Use the board to vent that too is helpful. And talk to your family about how they can help you adjust.