No privacy they are constantly in company of other mormons. The constant pressence of the elder listening in and his clinging missionary partner (friend) does not show the religion in a good light. You have seen a happy healthy young man deteriorate through this process. If I was his mum watching this programme I would have serious concerns.
Posts by nugget
Meet The Mormons - UK TV This Evening
by cofty ina new "fly-on-the-wall" documentary about the life of young mormon missionaries goes out this evening on channel 4.. .
Meet The Mormons - UK TV This Evening
by cofty ina new "fly-on-the-wall" documentary about the life of young mormon missionaries goes out this evening on channel 4.. .
Josh looks mentally distressed. Their living conditions are as basic as they come. I also was surprised to hear that the missionairies are unpaid but expected to contribute £600 to the mission.
I am sure the maths for the accommodation, starvatioin rations (£29 per person per week to include food and haircuts) means the church is making a profit.
So the church pays £3016 to feed the missionaries but receives £6000 from each missionary that equates to £2984 profit per person on a mission.
99.9% Of a People Who Believe In Evolution Don't Understand It.
by Space Madness ini never believed in evolution as i thought it didn't make sense and that what was proposed was simply impossible.
how could an environment alter an organism's dna?
as we can see however, bacteria cannot become resistance to antibiotics.
I always take issue when a non believer in something seeks to instruct believers in what they believe or how they understand something. If you are reading textbooks then you will be aware of the need to cite sources to back statements. Therefore where is the scientific research that demonstates how most believers in evolution inderstand the process.
Otherwise it is merely your opinion.
a sense of responsibility
by Ruby456 indo parents here feel a strong sense of responsiblity for raising their children as witnessess?
an xwitness friend was saying she and her husband feel very bad for having brought up their children as witnesses and they feel they want to make amends but are unable to do so.
what advice would you give them.
There was no reassurance that my son would not be judged adversely for not attending the meetings. Nor any idea that I could work for the salvation of my son. Other witnesses have suggested I attended a different hall or get someone to look after him whilst I went to meetings. This does not address the underlying issue. Why should this religion be exclusively for the fit and healthy? What is the problem with inclusion and tolerance? It is a selfish faith with everyone for themselves rather than a faith that cherishes everyone and seeks to make their faith accessible. It seems to me the message of damn the sick is at odds with the general view of the gospel message.
The bottom line is there is nothing wrong with my son, but plenty wrong with the religion. I thank my son for helping me to see the actual harm the doctrines cause to those who are most vulnerable. It helped me to take the decision to examine my faith more deeply and see that it not only harmed my children but offered nothing of spiritual value to anyone. My time is better spent with my son and daughter than being indoctrinated into publishing company.
Emotions not really sure what they are. I enjoy bringing the picture out of the paper and building the detail. I love that people enjoy my work and get pleasure from it. When you put artwork you have created out there you are being judged on your skill and ability and the competitive side of me likes it when other people admire the pictures. It makes me happy to be good at something and to be accomplished. This is what I do when I am not wife and mother and is for me.
As a witness you are taught that anything you do that brings attention to yourself is wrong and is boasting. At art college I was discouraged from illustration since it is highly competitive and few make it. It is my act of rebellion to do what I enjoy and see if I can make it as an artist to be appreciated for what I can do rather than overlooked. I appreciate that it is a little rambling but like many things it's complicated.
Takes about 1 month for the balck and whites as opposed to 4 hours for colour work
I have enough black and whites now so will be working on colour pieces now as I need to produce a range of greeting cards so the higher levels of detail are not needed.
now off to printers and framers ready for exhibition.
a sense of responsibility
by Ruby456 indo parents here feel a strong sense of responsiblity for raising their children as witnessess?
an xwitness friend was saying she and her husband feel very bad for having brought up their children as witnesses and they feel they want to make amends but are unable to do so.
what advice would you give them.
My son has aspergers and as h grew older found the meeting a source of distress. He could not sit still and quiet for 2 hours let alone a full assembly day and was constantly being taken out the back to be disciplined. He was profoundly affected by the illustrations in the literature since they fed his anxieties about unusual events. He was self harming in school and hid under the library table screaming about bad books and meteors falling from the sky.
The problem with autistic conditions is that elders and congregations generally have no training or understanding of it. Since autistic children find field service more difficult and cannot be persuaded to keep quuiet if they are hungry, hot, or cold then they are not contributers and therefore are not valued. I can recall only one article about aspergers in the awake magazine which was such a generalisation as to be worthless to mothers trying to cope. Certainly there were no articles about how to include them in meetings, understand their limitations or approach them in service. The society does not want people who will not work. The attitude of the other children who ignored him or bullied him showed an underlying contempt for those who do not fit the picture book witness image.
When I told elders that the meetings werre harmful to my son and if they could reassure me that there would be no talk of Gods judgement, armageddon, crime, violence, wars, earthquakes, murder, disease, pestilence, starvation angels slaying mankind, the devil or meteors falling from the sky we could attend they told me that they would be unable to guarantee that. I said "I can see no place for my son in this organisation" and they agreed. It was the cruelest thing an elder could say that their organisation which they considered to be the only hope for mankind was not open to a child with aspergers that put the final nail in the coffin for me.
What I will say is that leaving was the best thing we could have done for both our children but there is still a measure of guilt that it took us a while to see the issues and extract them.