How long before some meetings are streamed via the channel? They can reduce the meetings when all the non audience participation items are streamed via TV. Remote congregations could have TV meetings rather than travelling once a week to halls. Those halls could be sold. OOvercomes the problem of declining elder numbers because the talks are prepared remotely and delivered via the channel.
Posts by nugget
New songs coming
by kneehighmiah inheard from an inside source that there are 3 new songs coming to the songbook.
how will they know they all sound the same.
Come with me, back to the 1980s--you know want to.
by FlyingHighNow ini don't know about ya'll, but i did not appreciate the 1980s enough.
i was too busy lamenting how different they were from the 1960s and 1970s to bask in and appreciate how wonderful they were.. this is 80s music, especially new wave music, and 80s fashion and culture appreciation thread.
what did you love about the 80s?
I went to a Rock the 80s concert in the summer. A lot of the 80s UK bands were playing and people made an effort to dress up and dance along. It ended with Bananarama and Billy Ocean. Brought back loads of memories.
I am planning to go again next year. It was an awesome Saturday.
"Jehovah's Witnesses do better after surgery without transfusion" - Article (July 3, 2012)
by Da.Furious inthis article from 2012 published by the birmingham news showed up on my facebook page.. what i would have liked to see in the statistics is the inclusion of total jws refusing blood transfusion and their survival rate not only the ones taht surviced, taking about only survivors is not like for like comparison in my opinion with patients who take blood transfusion and then dont survive.. .
My mother had surgery without blood for a broken hip. She suffered from anaemia had a fall in hospital and broke her hip again. 2 years later she is housebound and practically immobile. Had she had normal surgery she would have had a much better recovery without the complications and we wouldn't have to cope with a woman who doesn't do anything to improve the situation because God will put it all right in paradise.
Honestly how many people die from complictions following surgery or are left long term disabled because of their insistance on non blood surgery? How many are discharged from hospital with long term issues?
stupid elder
by goingthruthemotions inas you all know i am just going thru the motions.
well today during the brain washing session.
one stupid elder made the comment i quote "the website is the most visited website in the world!
Checked on line they don't feature in the top 100 let alone the top 10.
Seriously more visited than facebook, Google, amazon, the BBC. Really the ignorance beggars belief.
Child with brain tumour taken from UK hospital by JW parents
by Fe2O3Girl in
a five-year-old boy with a brain tumour has been taken without consent from hospital by his parents, sparking a major police hunt for the family.. ashya king was taken from southampton general hospital and is now believed to be in france with his parents and six siblings.. police said he needs constant medical care and there are "serious concerns" for his life if he is not found today.. brett king, 51, and naghemeh king, 45 removed him from the ward on thursday.. ashya's father was pictured taking him from the hospital"everyone is sending their love now.
we love you so much and we want to see you very soon and i love you so much and can't wait to see you.".
Such a tragic story. hard for all concerned but it is good news the child has been found. This may provide some answers as to why the parents took the actions they did. It is a dreadful situation when a small child is facing such an awful illness.
Do you know your neighbors? Is it just me?
by neverendingjourney ini'm a single hispanic guy in my mid 30s living by myself in suburban america.
i own a home in the kind of neighborhood where you have to get hoa permission to do just about anything, including chopping down a tree.
i'm a white collar worker and lead a pretty boring life.
Didn't Jones the steam drive Ivor the engine?
Welcoming International Delegates for London 2014 IC
by Da.Furious ini had the pleasure of joining jw's on the weekend to greet the international delegates who are attending the london 2014 international convention at twickenham.. nothing interesting, just waiting for someone with a badge to come through the doors and all will cheer!
the interesting part is how they are behaving:.
1- the overseer: looked really bored, trying to impress surroundings by talking loud and how he can talk to immigration and check on passengers.
Love you more than tea. What were they thinking of course they don't.
Give me a reason not to go back
by chukky 594 inbeen out now for 10 yrs but life is a mess.
starting to think its because i have no spiritual compass.
why shouldn't i consider going back?.
In Proverbs 7 there is a list of things God hates and one of those things is liars. This orgainsation lies so often to it's members and the public that it is impossible to trust what they say.
If you are looking to them to fill the spiritual void remember they lied to you. How then are they equipped to be a spiritual compass in your life.
9yr old girl kills her gun instructor with an uzi
by EndofMysteries in
"a 9-year-old girl learning to fire a submachine gun accidentally killed her instructor at a shooting range when the weapon recoiled over her shoulder, according to arizona authorities.
another reason to go against those arguing that young children should be taught how to use guns.
A gun is a huge responsibility and meant to be a lethal weapon. It's main purpose is to kill. To give children the tools and training to kill something is a cause of concern. Is it their responsibility to shoot intruders? Accidents happen and it is irresponsible to put a child in the position where they have to deal with the consequences of a gun accident. Guns are not entertainment akin to a visit to a theme park. Firing an Uzi isn't some right of passage that proves they are a grown up or a cheap thrill. Shooting for sport, hunting or self defence wouldn't usually require the use of an automatic weapon as has been mentioned it is a miltary weapon. People should not be allowed to shoot these weapons without military training this would prevent children getting into situations where they try to handle guns they are not equipped to deal with and parents from putting pressure on instructors to go against their better judgement.
It is not the owning of guns that I object to but the trivialising them that is the issue. Naming a range "Bullets and Burgars" does not inspire me with confidence. It emphasises fun and entertainment rather than safety or anything else. People who want to support the right to own a gun cite many reasons for the right to bear arms but not that they are super, awesome fun.
If you feel there is a serious reason to own a gun then perhaps it is time to review the way guns are treated and certainly people should be encouraged to treat them seriously and take responsibility for how they own, maintain and shoot their weapons and not be able to casually walk into a range and fire weapons as a one off fun day out. They need to be able to realise that movie and TV shows do not reflect the reality of firing a gun.