If her visit is unwelcome then say "oh I am sorry I have some work to get on with I don't have time to stop right now."
Don't let her in the house and use you old witness training in reverse.
the situation: a neighbor's child and mine have played together for 8 years.
her mother is a single parent, and a probable narcissist.
loves designer clothes, bentleys, money, will not date a regular joe or even a rich man who doesn't drive the right car, wear the right clothes, etc.
If her visit is unwelcome then say "oh I am sorry I have some work to get on with I don't have time to stop right now."
Don't let her in the house and use you old witness training in reverse.
i have updated the article at memorial partakers with the figures released for 2014. no surprises here, it has risen yet again, this time by 6% over last year, and is now 14,121.. .
Wow the watchtower is going further into lala land. Explaining the crazy is now a full time job.
the situation: a neighbor's child and mine have played together for 8 years.
her mother is a single parent, and a probable narcissist.
loves designer clothes, bentleys, money, will not date a regular joe or even a rich man who doesn't drive the right car, wear the right clothes, etc.
You have already spoken to this woman and she has completely ignored you. I suspect that any further intervention will be treated with equal contempt.
Your daughter is unimpressed with this lifestyle and that is a good thing. Your daughter is actually more likely to have an influence on the daughter's behaviour than you can hope to. Peer pressure can be a positive thing in some circumstances. If she has made it clear that she doesn't think the high life is all that and that driving at speed with no seatbelt is stupid then she is already passing on your message for you.
Just make sure your child never accepts a lift from these people or attends the sort of parties this girl thinks are cool.
please share your experiences..
It was mixed. My mother needs me to care for her occasionally she didn't want to hear my point of view but still talks to me. She is housebound so doesn't attend meetings and no witnesses other than my sister, cleaner and hairdresser visit. This means that she doesn't get the contextural pressure that the meetings reinforce. She still lives in the past so hasn't kept pace with Jehovah's chariot so she still believes what she believed when she joined.
My older sister was a class A Bitch. Initially she told me that you couldn't be DF'd for denying that the GB were Gods representatives on Earth. I told her you could and I was. She then said I deserved to be Df'd. Her next move was to visit my mother and remind her of the need to treat me like a dead person. There have been only 2 occasions since when I have seen her and she has looked right through me and refused to acknowledge I was in the room.
My other sisters are free of the organisation and we get on fine and my Dad never was a JW so he is delighted.
We hope that our families will be different from the standard JWs but often the power of the group is too strong and they conform. The organisation trains people to think that blood counts for nothing and many are helpless. However non JW family are often more forgiving and accepting than we give them credit for.
it is xmas time and perfumes and colognes are on the list.
what do you really love for a scent if you were being given a gift?.
Magic by Celine makes you smell like turkish delight
so recently, several over-righteous ones in the cong were discussing "how amazing it felt when they got baptised".
statements like "how awesome did it feel as you got raised back out of the water?!".
or the classic "i felt so close to jehovah as i came out of the pool"!.
I was struck by the number of rules and procedures to the point that rather than it being a moment of spiritual beginnings it was all about how you stood, what you wore who you were assigned to go to for the baptism.
I got baptised because I couldn't put it off any longer simple as that. God didn't speak to me and certainly he wasn't present in the baptism pool.
i certainly wouldn't.
and if the elders wanted to have a meeting with me, i would respectfully decline.
if the elders wanted to deal with you, would you talk with them?.
No what is the point once you have left mentally there is no need to be present whilst others judge you by rules you do not believe in. All it does is massage the egos of the elders ratifying their right to stand in judgement over you.
Told them they could waste their time if they wished I certainly had better things to do.
the biggest sell off of kingdom halls in britain.
hi guys last night i posted this here but only a few notes as it was quite fresh and only announced lasdt night at the meeting.i have now updated article and included a couple of useful links about this matter .
This forces the hand of congregations that had held onto funds rather than pass them to the organisation earlier in the year. Some may have been close to purchase of land and building and had not handed their funds over. Dress it up how they like it is saying that congregations are no longer able to make these decisions or hold money for purchase and build. Congregations cannot hold funds to modify halls, build extensions or claim larger than average maintenance costs.
It is looking at selling off underutilised, hard to maintain older properties for which congregations may choose to hold larger maintenance budgets. The decision of what falls within this category will be determined at a higher level congregations have no control on how they are designated. More congregations will use halls but all will be expected to donate the same as they did previously and will be expected to send a large proportion of funds to the society. Maintenance costs per congregation will be reduced but since no congregation can hold a surplus the society benefits.
If they determine that 4 congregations using the hall works well it will become the norm. New halls will need to serve four congregations. Small congregations will need to travel further since 1 hall used by a small rural congregation will be deemed under utilised. It is also presenting the idea that if you are not sharing your hall then you are not using it appropriately. If you already share with 2 other congregations then there is no need for you to have a hall of your own.
The land halls are built on is designated for religious buildings but planning changes are possible otherwise there would be no converted churches as there are across the UK.
hello everyone just wanted to give a litte update on my leaving jws.
i was an active ms up till the beginning of this year and things were going pretty good up till now.
my wife is active and that has been tough but we were managing.. two months ago my older brother passed of a sudden heart attack.
When we wake up to the reality of life and death outside the organisation we can feel loss more profoundly. As witnesses we are distanced from grief because death is presented as temporary. Outside death can appear a greater loss than before and be more crushing at first because we have never learnt how to process this emotion. It is particularly hard when we loose someone close to us.
It may be that what you need regarding both your emotional loss and your divorce is some professional advice and support. If you seek legal advice for settling the divorce it means that a fair and amicable agreement can be worked out that is in the best interests of you both. They will be able to look at the bigger picture unobstructed by guilt and emotion.
You may also benefit from grief counselling since these emotions although not completely new are being approached differently and need to be processed differently. Having a supportive third party who can help you navigate these strong feelings may be helpful.
How long before some meetings are streamed via the channel? They can reduce the meetings when all the non audience participation items are streamed via TV. Remote congregations could have TV meetings rather than travelling once a week to halls. Those halls could be sold. OOvercomes the problem of declining elder numbers because the talks are prepared remotely and delivered via the channel.