If she has no friends in the organisation then who is she expecting to socialise with? Were her friendships historically your friends and she came along as your spouse or is she longing for an ideal you never had. JWs don't in general socialise extensively there are too many things to do. If you are not part of a clique then often social events are few and far between.
It seems to me that she raises hell about you not attending because this makes the meetings difficult. When you go she is angry because you don't play the happy spiritual man. She has a template in her head of what a JW family should be like and you are not playing ball.
Perhaps it may be time to set a baseline if you no longer wish to attend meetings then don't, tell your wife that you respect her and appreciate that she has the right to make her own choices regarding religion. If she wishes to attend meetings then she should go but for the moment you will not be accompanying her.
If she wishes to socialise then perhaps she should make the first move and hold a small gathering for sisters whilst you are at work. Coffee and cake is all that is required after a service arrangement especially if the territory being worked is close by. Or perhaps she should start with family and invite family round for a weekend meal or barbeque. Passively waiting for invites sucks and leads to disappointment.
If she continues to be unreasonable then it may be worth reassessing the situation but at least you will have tried a compromise.