Is homosexuality ever justifiable? I say YES!!!

by TimothyT 117 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TimothyT

    In the January 2012 Awake, pages 28-29 there is another article about homosexuality.

    The writers argue that genetics, the environment, and sexual abuse do not justify homosexuality. The bible clearly states that homosexuality is wrong and is an abhorrent sin. Perhaps this is so. However, this is absolutely NO help to those who are homosexuals or who have homosexual feelings, whether they are JW’s or not.

    When I was a JW and I was struggling badly with my feelings versus my beliefs, I arrived at a point where I asked myself the following question: Shall I be gay, or shall I commit suicide? It was either or and that is NO exaggeration! I feel that THIS justifies homosexuality. When ones happiness and need to live happily is at stake, I believe that they really don’t care what the bible says on the matter, and there own needs take over.

    The article also says that the bible offers practical assistance and encouragement to help individuals to win the fight against homosexuality. I have to say, I didn’t find any! Although the article is written in a very neutral way and claims not to condemn homosexuals, the mere fact it was written suggests otherwise. Instead of reading upbuilding scriptures which talk about the grace, mercy, and love of our creator, it launches into the usuals of why homosexuality is an abhorrent sin. Blah blah blah...

    Perhaps the bible does condemn homosexuality, but the bottom line is that the creator understands what is in our hearts and he understands us when we have to do things for our own health (2 Samuel 16:7). Should we be condemned for that?

    Timmy xxx

  • PSacramento

    Aren't you a bit bias about all this?

    LOL !

  • james_woods

    TimothyT, I think practically everybody here sympathizes with you on how homophobic the WTBTS has been - and why that is wrong.

    But, at my estimated count, this is about the sixth (or more) thread you have started on the subject in two or three weeks.

    Maybe people are just getting a little worn out on the topic?



    Help this boy out..

    He`s obsessed with Gayvertising..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • tec

    Oh, I think Timothy is doing just fine. How many threads are started here on people's newfound freedom from the WT, or their freedom from the suppression of their faith?

    Timothy has just found freedom from the suppression and condemnation of his se Xuality. Same thing :)



  • maninthemiddle

    Timothy, You have my full support, although on a topic I can never fully understand.

    I am glad you are able to post here, and I say keep it up.

    Should we be condemned for that?

    Absolutly not, but I don't put faith in the christian bible.

    I am worried that you may still have some fear based on it. I hope that is not the case, and I wish you all the best.

  • TimothyT

    I suppose you all made/make threads on what you feel most strongly about or you want to rant about the reasons why you were disfellowshipped or faded. After all, isnt this the whole reason for the forum?

    This forum has done me the world of good but im getting quite sick of it now. Its almost like iv replaced the Jehovahs Witnesses with JW Net, the difference being that im accepted here.

    I have vented on here many times and iv been helped but im going to leave now and focus on living my life. I have nothing more to discuss with anyone here then.

    Thanks to all of you for you help too! I really appreciate it! :)

    Timmy :) xxx

  • james_woods

    Well, good grief Timothy.

    What I wrote was just some honest friendly advice - probably inspired by the earlier response from Shamus.

  • TimothyT

    Thanks James! Im not being rude or ignorant. I think everyone has made a fair point. :)

    I have nothing left to do here but continue to raise awareness for gay stuff. I can see that it is wearing thin so ill leave it for now.

    Apart from bible study I dont use the forum for anything other than helping and supporting others who have gay feelings.

    When i come to study the bible again, i may pop back to ask some questions i may have.

    See ya.

    Tim :)

  • Bella15

    Hi Timothy!

    You need us :) ... some of us need you ...:) ... others (lurkers) whose life may be saved by your experience need you ... :) PLEASE DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO NEGATIVE COMMENTS ...

    When you know better you do better and that's what you are doing ... you have heard me talking about my niece that was sexually abused by 3 different JWs for a period of 7 +/- years. Well, she almost committed suicide many times (even when she was in the psychiatric hospital)... but by the Grace and Mercy of God she is still alive, one of the things she struggles with is that since everything started when she was 5 years old, and the perpetrator then was a woman, she thought that sexual relations were between people of the same sex and thus she can be with women, she is bisexual now and struggles to break free from same sex relationships ... unfortunately my niece cannot tell every single human being, specially JWs, her story and why she has done the things she did, or why she is like she is ... even the doctors told me how the brain makes connection, gets wired certain way and how hard it is to break free when it is SO ingrained in her being ... my niece has suffered ENOUGH in this life - the woman JW pioneer that sexually abused her even used animals, ice picks to do things to her to instill fear and perverse stuff on her ... I am very protective of her ... so f*&CK every one else that dares to judge her ... and if I have to die with her at the hands of a supposed "god" that HATES and plans to DESTROY people like her, like my other friend says, WE WILL GLADLY DIE. The Heavenly Father knows the heart and minds of people ...HE is the final judge so until WE AS INDIVIDUALS ARE IN FRONT OF HIS THRONE FOR JUDGMENT everybody should shut the fuck up ... and I get very mad and passionate about his subject ...

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