She isn't your girlfriend. You both have different expectations of where this is going. Start over with someone new.
Posts by nugget
Why Would Someone Like me Leave the "Truth"? Part 3 Continued
by cantleave inmike and i decided that we would find out where he lived and visit him.
he had moved to completely different area but we were new elders and determined to get our man.
we confronted bro smith on his doorstep after establishing where his house was and waiting outside long enough to ensure that he was in.
Wow as an elders wife I knew nothing of most of this. You were a git sorry but you were. I would have told you so at the time if I knew. At least you saw the light as you were developing into a good little cult member and were not always a nice person to be around.
Now I know you were wracked with guilt and so you should. It is good to know that the good bits of your personality resisted the cancer and reasserted themselves. Thank goodness that sanity prevailed.
Love you lots.
local needs part on facebook
by isaacaustin inmy parents are having a local needs part on facebook.
anyone else know of this and what is being said on it?.
Facebook is dangerous to the WTS as it is not controlled by them. people can say pretty much say what they want. It has been used by youths to arrange romantic hook ups without parents knowledge. It is easier to condemn than legislate for.
Disfellowshipped and Armageddon
by IMHO inwill a disfellowshipped person survive armageddon?.
will a disassociated person......?.
will an inactive person.....?.
We only have the WTBTS word for it that any of these people are unacceptable to God. Nothing Jesus said would indicate that people who stood up against a lie were to be condemned.
The future will be what it will be.
My daughter has a JW friend at our home for a sleep-over tonight !! Help!
by moshe inman is this strange.
this is the family who told me to leave the two sisters alone who were doing our neighborhood a few months back..
the husband and wife always looked the other whenever they drive by my house.
Just behave as you would if any other child was coming over for a sleepover. We can all be a bit over sensitive as if we have apostate tattooed on our foreheads.
I hope they have a great time.
Not seen Avatar but know hubby wants to go.
2010 Calendar of JWs
by sd-7 inwife just asked me to put up 2010 jw calendar.
theme text for year is 'love endures all things.
love never fails,' i think.
I truly hate the calendars and haven't had one for years. The pictures all seem to fall within the same generic JW framework and have little to do with the theme.
I agree with Blondie that the old Bible story calendars were so much better.
How do you feel about street people asking you for money
by I quit! inabout half of the freeway exits i get off at have someone there begging.
in the past i felt they were only hitting me up for money to by drugs or booze so i rarely handed them any.
in this economy i'm wondering if some of them aren't really in need of something to eat.
I've been approached directly twice at railway stations. On the first occasion I'd just bought a pack of sandwiches and had no more money so offered him my sandwiches. He took them and picked out the cucumber because he said it made him burp.
The second time a young girl asked for money at a London station as she was painfully thin I offered to buy her something to eat but she told me she needed the money for something better and refused the offer of food. I told her I was sorry but I wasn't going to give her money for drugs but if she changed her mind about the food it was still on offer.
IT is hard if someone is selling big issue I try to buy it as I feel they are trying something to get out of the situation. If someone homeless talks to me I always talk back as they are so often considered invisible. I am a bit of a soft touch on occasion.
Not sure how to handle this one
by Heartbreaker inone of my children was a twin.
i'm hoping that by stating this, i'm not giving too much of my identity away, but here i go anyway.. one child a twin, only survivor.
it was always told to this kid that the twin would maybe be met in the "new system".
My daughter often asks about people who have died and whether we will see them again. It is hard. I still believe in a loving God but in this time of transition don't want to pass on a new set of doctination whilst my future path is unclear. I tell her we don't know everything so it is important to tell special people how much they mean to us now and let the future be what ever it is.
Was there one single thing that told you non-JWs were not that bad after all?
by dgp inwhen you people were witnesses, was there one thing (or many) that really told you non-jw's were not that bad people after all?
was there anything other people did to you that got you thinking or, better yet, feeling that you hadn't been told the truth about us?.
thank you for your answers..
I have been lucky in many of the people I have met and non JW relatives. My Gran was very special she never said anything horrid about anyone and had a young spirit. To my mind if God hadn't got the common sense to see her good qualitieshe was seriously lacking in judgement. I later discovered that he planned to let her die before the big A so she would be guaranteed a resurrection. However it did bother me.
New here-question about calls from the elders
by hoggieman ini have been looking around here for a while but this is my first post.
my wife and i have been fading not so smoothly.
i pretty much know this is not the truth but am still undecided how i feel on various issues and i am still sorting them out.
WAC gave good idea.
Couple of points. When lying focus on what you can say not on what you can't. Just repeat the same thing over again you'll be less likely to slip up.
Keep it short and call at a time when he will be distracted e.g. 5 minutes before he will be leaving for work or meeting so he can't let the call carry on too long. you can also bring the call to a close with I know you'll be anxious to get on so thank you for your concern I'm touched, bye.
Good luck