I can confirm that they lied. Slimeballs daughter was soon back on the school and doing demos. I would have asked if cantleave wasn't chosen because of perceived bias then why was brother lapdog involved as he was clearly biased the other way?
The trouble is once they start on a campaign against a person they constantly gripe and criticise until you are exhausted. This is a form of bullying that would be unacceptable in any other setting. Every time a CO visit came along we would be critcised as a family by specific members of the BOE. No encouragement no help just the constant drip drip drip. It was all because my husband spoke out at Elders meetings and wouldn't let the CBOE run the show as he wanted. He was also unfortunate that Bro Lapdog wanted his job and was in the forefront of the critcism.
These incidents were so similar to what I had experienced with bullying at work I couldn't believe a theocratic body would use these tactics. It was only after the storming out that I learnt anything about what was going on in the hall. I had been a dutiful elders wife. I didn't question or eaves drop so knew nothing about what my husband was involved in. I knew he was unhappy and after every elders meeting I would ask the question : "are you still an elder?" He usually said yes, this time he said "No I've resigned." By the time we got home he said, "I may have made a mistake."
When he told me what was going on I was floored. He asked me to witness the call to Slimeball and filled me in on some of the background so if slimeball says my husband lied he was wrong.
Following this incident my husband seemed to be coming to bed later and later and obviously had something on his mind. I know now he was hanging out with you guys at the time I thought I must be the most unholy, unattractive elders wife on the planet. It was kind of a relief when he told me he was having doubts. I was brought up with an unbelieving parent so this was territory I was comfortable with.
It took time but I'm right there with him. Paradise being shepherded by men like slimeball could never be God's plan. if it is then god is seriously lacking in judgement.